Please, He is Really Super Strong!

Chapter 218 Isn't This Your Fault! What does it have to do with monsters?

"There are no good or bad monsters." You Mingzhe looked at the cat-eared girl and said.

A small beam of light slowly condensed from the fingers, aiming at the cat demon who was still blushing and shy.

With his informational eyes, it is not difficult to see that all the reactions of this cat-eared girl are just deliberate camouflage.

"What do you want!" The man immediately stood sideways in front of the cat-eared girl and blocked her behind. "You just killed Miss Yi'er, do you still want to kill my girlfriend now?"

The cat-eared girl timidly hid behind him, making a cute and pitiful look.

This time, it aroused public anger even more! The people below immediately criticized You Mingzhe on the podium! I can't wait to rush forward and tear You Mingzhe, who doesn't understand interracial love, to pieces.

Shi Yongyuan stepped forward and pressed You Mingzhe's hand, shook his head gently, signaling him not to be impulsive.

"Hmph!" You Mingzhe let out a cold snort, which was not aimed at Shi Yongyuan, but at the people below.

But he still withdrew his fingers, with a displeased look on his face, and with his temperament, whenever he saw a monster appearing in front of him, he wanted to kill it.

This has become instinctive during the time of fighting monsters, but now seeing these monsters appearing swaggeringly in the city, he can't do anything about it.


After seeing You Mingzhe stop, the people below shouted excitedly again, as if they had won another victory.

"I advise you to calm down, you can't trust monsters, and it's too late to regret if something happens later." You Mingzhe glanced at the boy who stopped in front of Mao Erniang and said.

"You're talking nonsense! You're prejudiced against monsters. Yue'er is such a good person, yet you always speak ill of her."

You Mingzhe originally planned to ignore him, but he couldn't help shouting when he heard this sentence.

"Where did I go wrong! Did you go to the battlefield? Do you know how many people we sacrificed to defend the wormhole five years ago? Do you know the names of those who died?"

Speaking of these words, You Mingzhe's eyes turned red.

"You don't know anything, you don't even know how ferocious those monsters are! You also don't know how heroic the sacrificed people are. They also have wives and children. They are willing to sacrifice to protect people like you."

"It seems to me now that their sacrifice was completely in vain! Saving some ungrateful scum!"

You Mingzhe took a step forward, pointed at the cat-eared girl and said, "Do you know how many humans have been killed by monsters like it on the battlefield?"

Then he turned and pointed at Chen Shuyun and said, "She! Your current deputy squad leader was almost killed by a monster like it in the battle five years ago!"

You Mingzhe turned his head and glared at the other party: "Now you know why I have a prejudice against these monsters! Do you think they are good things? Bah!"

You Mingzhe's merciless words quieted down the people below angrily.

But the silence didn't last more than five seconds, and the boy said again: "That was before, and they did that just for survival, I don't think they did anything wrong."

As soon as these words came out, You Mingzhe was completely dumbfounded.

The people below also began to chatter, "Yes, I think if we hadn't been sticking to the wormhole, the other party might not necessarily start a war with us."

"People just want a place to live. Now that the earth has become so much bigger, we just need to give them some space."

"I think it makes sense. Didn't you find that those monsters stopped fighting us humans after they broke through the wormhole. We ordinary people don't seem to have suffered any damage."

"I found it! We retreated from the previous city to the sixteenth district and didn't encounter any monsters attacking us all the way."

"So you said that if it wasn't because they have been guarding the wormhole, it would cause humans to go to war with the wormhole?"


You Mingzhe couldn't help but staggered back a few steps when he heard these words, these people... how could they say such words.

Chen Shuyun quickly went up to support his back, and softly comforted him: "Are you all right?"

You Mingzhe shook his head, feeling a little dazed.


He didn't expect that he didn't take half a step back when facing thousands of monsters and S-level monsters alone, but now he was shocked by the words of these people below.

"How could they do this?" You Mingzhe asked in disbelief.

Chen Shuyun shook her head lightly, she didn't know, it wasn't just her. Most of the city leaders are now caught in this confusion, as if they have become the opposite of the people.

Seeing You Mingzhe was shocked by their words, the crowd below thought they had defeated You Mingzhe, and couldn't help cheering again.

"Let those high and mighty men feel the power of our unity!"

You Mingzhe settled down, walked back to the podium, supported the edge of the podium with both hands, and went down to the cheering crowd below, and continued: "Why do you think the monsters will live in peace with us? It is because of the sacrifices of those seniors, Even if they want to defeat us, they will pay a very high price."

"Have you forgotten the incident of destroying the city before? Have you forgotten the incident of monsters invading the city five years ago?" You Mingzhe questioned the crowd below, and he wanted to wake them up.

One of the crowd curled his lips, "That city was slaughtered because of the monsters in the city. In the final analysis, it was the fault of the city owner. If it wasn't for his own selfish desire, how could the whole city be destroyed? The monster was slaughtered."

"You fucking!"

When You Mingzhe heard this, he couldn't help cursing, almost couldn't hold back his heart, and rushed forward to beat that man up.

Is this something that a person can say? Tens of millions of people in a city were slaughtered by monsters. Not only are you not sad when you mention it, but you also made excuses for the monsters.

After hearing You Mingzhe's scolding, the man shrank his neck and hid in the crowd again.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses stood up and poked the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his finger. He looked like an intellectual. He was the one who had received the core of the fox girl monster before Lu Ping.

"What the person said just now is not unreasonable. If the city lord hadn't slaughtered all the monsters in the city, the following things would not have happened."

"Talking about the attack on the city before, these monsters are just looking for a place to live. After being stopped by you in the wormhole, they will naturally be very irritable."

"And according to the information I know, when the monster gets angry, it will lose its mind, so it is normal for the incident to attack the city."

Hearing his words, the crowd below nodded and thought that what he said was right and very reasonable.

You Mingzhe frowned and looked at Lu Ping who stood up, smiled angrily, pointed at himself and said: "Then according to what you said, all this is our fault?"

"My lord said it himself, but it has nothing to do with me." Lu Ping took a step back with a smile.

"Have you ever thought that what you said is worthy of those seniors who are buried deep in the ground? They haven't even been able to erect a tombstone, and it's fine if they don't even have the honor they deserve, and they still have to be slandered by you here .”

Without even thinking about it, Lu Ping said, "Of course I have respect for those who sacrificed, but if what you did was right...

Then why the wormhole is still lost, monsters still invaded the earth in a large scale, so you are still negligent, you did not guard the wormhole, and you did not protect us!

But now, they still use these things to suppress us. You say they are heroes? Then why didn't you guard the wormhole? Why did monsters invade the earth, why did we move here?

But now we have managed to live in peace with the monsters, but you still use your prejudices to influence us, do you think you did it right? "

Hearing these words, You Mingzhe bit his lip, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The loss of the wormhole is the pain in the heart of all the ability users guarding the wormhole, and it is also the most untouchable pain.

But now, it was torn apart at will by the people below, constantly sprinkled with salt and ravaged.

You Mingzhe feels very guilty. He failed to maintain the honor of those sacrificed heroes in this debate. As a living person, he failed to give some justice to those who died and were treated unfairly.

As if all the strength in his body had been drained, You Mingzhe didn't know how to leave the scene, only felt that the cheers from the crowd below were harsh and noisy.

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