Li Mu lost his memory, his memory began more than a month ago, one afternoon, he was woken up by the heavy rain, before he could react, he became a drowned chicken, and could only curl up in a corner trembling.

He has no memory, he doesn't know where he came from, and he doesn't know where he should go. The only memory in his memory is his own name, Li Mu.

He is unfortunate, but also lucky.

Although he doesn't remember anything and has been wandering in the city for a long time, everyone he met was very friendly to him. Some grandma brought him some food, and some kind-hearted people wanted to send him to the police station to help him. He found the original home, but he refused, because he felt that he didn't seem to want to find the original home very much, maybe he escaped just to run away from home.

After rejecting those people's kindness, You Mingzhe continued to wander. Because of his handsome appearance, he also received special kindness from many sisters, but he didn't dare to accept it.

After wandering for nearly a week, he discovered that everyone here except him has superpowers. Although some of them are not very strong, they are enough to make him envious. Especially those powerhouses who are called A-level and S-level ability users are the characters he wants to become, but it is a pity that he has not been able to find out what his ability is after studying for a long time.

Finally, a light came into his life!

One night, Li Mu, who was originally sleepy, was suddenly woken up by someone. Before he knew what happened, he was taken to a remote place by several people.

The people there are very mysterious, wearing a cloak that can cover the whole body, speaking some incomprehensible words, and even raising their hands when they are excited, praising the so-called Lord.

At first Li Mu was a little scared and wanted to leave here, but he was soon attracted by what the other party said.

They said that the "Lord" could bestow them with brand new abilities. It is no longer a dream to become those high and powerful people. The abilities of many of them are useless, and Li Mu even has the superpowers that others have. None of the abilities can be possessed.

I don't know why Li Mu stayed. During this period, their church was constantly suppressed by the government, and the venue was changed several times. However, Li Mu also really saw that some people have received the blessings bestowed by the "lord". Ability, from an F-level ability user to a D-level ability user in an instant. He was shocked, and couldn't help but asked the priest, can a person like himself who has no ability be rewarded by the "lord"?

After receiving an affirmative answer, Li Mu developed great trust in the church that he didn't believe in at first, coupled with being in such an environment for a long time, he became a fanatic of the church in a few weeks.

One day, it is said that a person came from the headquarters of the church. He was one of the cardinals of the church. He was just an ordinary person, but after receiving the reward from the Lord, he became an A-level powerhouse.

Li Mu knelt down on the ground with many believers, looking eagerly at the cardinal on the podium, hoping to become someone like him.

It may be that his sincere eyes were noticed by the other party. The cardinal caught him with a glance, and kept nodding in satisfaction after asking the priest about his background and investigating his qualifications.

So...he switched from being under the priest to being under the cardinal and began to study, starting to learn brand new scriptures, which were scriptures that could communicate with the Lord and allow him to grant him miraculous power.

After a long period of hard work and study, he finally got the approval of the cardinal. Tonight, he will take himself to face the Lord and obtain the Lord's gift!

On the way there, Li Mu was still very excited, he clenched his little hands tightly, looking at the night scene, this was his first time flying into the sky.

"My lord bishop, can I really be rewarded by the Lord like you and become a strong man?"

"How many times have you asked this? It's true. I also became a bishop after being called by the Lord just like you. As long as your faith is firm enough, you will definitely be rewarded by the Lord."

"Yeah." Li Mu nodded, his eyes filled with longing for the future.

"But why do those government departments want to suppress us?" Li Mu asked puzzled.

A stern look flashed in the eyes of the cardinal, "They are all fools without faith, and they will be punished after the Lord comes!"

Although he didn't quite understand, Li Mu still nodded his head half-understood.


After being carried in the air for several hours, the cardinal finally slowed down, and there was a towering mountain in front of him.

And Li Mu also saw the lights below, his eyes widened and he asked curiously: "Is this the headquarters of our church?"

"Yes, although it's a bit dilapidated now, it will become even more brilliant in our hands!" The cardinal raised his hands and shouted loudly, looking a little crazy.

When they approached the church headquarters, they were stopped by another A-rank strongman who was in charge of guarding. If You Mingzhe was present, they would have recognized that this was the guy with the long gun who had escaped from him earlier.

"Yan Hongguang, have you brought back new believers? Have you checked out the details? Don't reveal the location of our headquarters."

Yan Hongguang rolled his eyes at the other party, "Zhuang Lin, you don't need to talk nonsense here, the person I brought must have been investigated."

"Why are you so angry? Today is a day given by God? Be careful."

"If it weren't for God's gift, I wouldn't bring people to the headquarters. Did you find anything wrong while standing guard here?"

Zhuang Lin shook his head, put his eyes on Li Mu, stepped forward and pinched Li Mu's fair and tender face, and said with a smile: "Can the person you brought back bear the gift of God? Don't be halfway there. It exploded immediately, and the rest of the red-robed bishops brought back several explosions."

"This kid's aptitude is very good. I think he can directly advance to the B rank after accepting a god's bestowal."

Zhuang Lin was a little surprised, "No, I was promoted to B-level after receiving three god-given gifts, and now I have received more than ten god-given gifts at A-level."

"The qualifications of people cannot be generalized. You just need to stand up for your position well."

"Okay, okay, go in, remember to watch him and don't let him run around."

"You don't need to tell me, I know more than you."

After entering, Li Mu dared to ask, "Master Bishop, what happened to the explosion you just mentioned?"

Yan Hongguang said disapprovingly: "That's after not accepting the Lord's reward, the energy in the body becomes disordered and expands and then explodes in the body."

Li Mu was startled, it was different from what he had imagined.

However, Yan Hongguang also noticed the change in his expression, reached out and touched his head to comfort him: "It's okay, your aptitude must be able to pass, and as long as you accept the reward once, there will be no such risk in the future. We all came here like this. And with your aptitude, if you accept a few more godsends, you will soon catch up with me."

After Li Mu heard the comforting words, the worry in his heart eased a lot.

"Okay, I'll take you back to your room first, and I'll call you out after the ceremony begins."

Li Mu nodded, and followed Yan Hongguang with his head shrunk, using his small eyes to look at the church headquarters that did not match his impression.

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