Roderick’s rented house was a three-story detached house with no garage, and the entrance area could barely be used as a small parking lot, and a four-wheeled car of average size could be crammed in. The house made

of red bricks looks very new, probably a new house that has not been built for a long time.

The only disadvantage that can be said here is that it is too close to the neighbors, and the distance between the houses is only an arm’s length wide, and the slightest louder in the home will be heard by neighbors on the left and right.

“Are you bleeding? Is there an injury on the leg?

Shortly after Roderick led Annan into the house, he was keenly aware that Annan’s leg was bleeding and injured.

He walked quickly to the living room, took down the medical kit hanging on the wall, and shoved the whole box to Annan.

“You go to the bathroom and deal with the wound.”

Annan nodded and went into the bathroom to treat his wounds.

The injury to his thigh was not serious, it was originally only a bullet scratch, and now the wound is open due to excessive exercise, but it is only to the extent that it needs to be re-medicated, and there is no need to go to the doctor.

A few minutes later, Annan, who had changed his bandages and washed his face by the way, walked out with the medical kit and sat down in the living room.

“Are you all right?”

Roderick had prepared some tea and refreshments in the living room for guests to enjoy.

His original face was pale, but his face had returned to blood at this time.

“It’s okay, it’s just a small thing.”

Annan unceremoniously picked up a biscuit, and then took a sip of warm black tea.

He doesn’t like tea very much, but unfortunately there seems to be no such thing as happy water in this world, which really makes him feel very regretful.

In the future, if he has the opportunity, he wants to find out if there is an alternative carbonated drink.

“Aren’t you afraid of me poisoning?”

Roderick admired the boy in front of him a little, obviously he had experienced so many thrilling things before, and now the other party can still eat and drink calmly.

“You won’t, or do you want to suck my blood?” Mr. Vampire?

When Roderick heard this, he froze unnaturally.

“Are you really a vampire?”

Annan kept blinking and looked at Roderick, whose face continued to change.

“I’m just talking casually, but your reaction is too big, right? If someone has a bad heart for you in the future, you will show your stuffing all of a sudden, remember to hone your mentality and acting skills in the future.

“I really want to thank you for your advice…”

Roderick took a deep breath and told himself to calm down.

“How did you figure it out?”

“Let’s just say I guessed, guessed, but seriously, do you really plan to hide your identity?”

Annan, who finished eating one biscuit, picked up another.

He was a little hungry.

“You drank a small vial of blood in front of me, and then when you fought that ghost nun before, your appearance, and the method of using blood, and the wound that completely recovered your palm, isn’t the answer very obvious?”

“That’s right…”

Roderick sighed and shook his head.

He knew that he could not hide it, and his previous actions were always quite suspicious.

But at that time, he had no choice at all, hiding his identity and not exerting his strength against the tentacle nun, he would probably have died in that church long ago.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that the teenager in front of him would be so direct, and he didn’t even pretend.

“So, what’s going on with you?”

“Me? A magician, a black magician.


Roderick was completely speechless.

This teenager is no longer so simple directly, he has no intention of hiding it at all, this is already actively revealing his identity.

He just wanted to imitate the other party, and did not think that the other party would come for real.

“Seriously, I had doubts that you might be using dark magic, but I couldn’t see it at all, and I had no proof…”

“Wouldn’t that be better? Everyone is open and honest, no need to beat around the bush, I hate troublesome things, it’s easier and happier for everyone to talk straight, right?

Annan gave a big smile.

“So, get to know each other again, I’m Annan. Gülen, a black magician who only knows a few black magic. ”

“…… Roderick. Nares, an unlucky guy who turned into a vampire without knowing how.

Roderick smiled bitterly, he originally wanted to take the initiative, who knew that he would not be led by the nose all of a sudden.

However, this is indeed more comfortable to speak, and there is no need to go to great lengths to cover up.

“Huh? You don’t know how you became a vampire?

Annan recalled the vampire gentleman’s reaction, and had a guess in his mind.

“Roderick, have you gone to the Inner World by moving forward? That’s where you can see the huge red moon.

“No,” Roderick shook his head, “I went to that strange place for the first time today, and the environment was so weird there, how could I forget…”

“It’s like this…”

Annan touched his chin thoughtfully.

He didn’t know much about the world and dark creatures, and having only read a few primers on magic, he didn’t know exactly what was going on with the vampire in front of him.

After that, let’s ask Duran, a magic expert.

“Annan, do you know what happened to that nun?” Roderick asked.

“I don’t know, I went to that church for the first time today, and although I knew there might be a problem before I went, I didn’t expect it to be so big.” Annan didn’t

hide it, he really didn’t know it would be so dangerous.

If he had known that the church in the slum would be so dangerous, he would probably have thought twice and at least prepared to deal with the ghost nun’s stuff.

“What about you? Why did you go to the slums?

“I’m quietly tracking those three medicine heads, I want to find out the source of their goods… Then, no one was found, I thought they must have gone to the hospital, and when I was about to leave, I saw their translucent figures appear on the edge of the slum…”

Roderick recalled the situation of the three people and couldn’t help but sigh again.

No need to think about it, those three hooligans must be dead.

They were always members of the same family, and no matter how much Roderick hated them, he would not want them to die so badly.

But the matter has come to this, and it is too late to say anything.

“Like me, you don’t know anything… So, do you know what the Abyss Order is? By the way, I don’t know.

Annan had already seen that he and Mr. Vampire had been unlucky enough to run into all this today, and neither of them knew anything about the more detailed situation.

This is probably the so-called flying disaster.

Sure enough, Roderick shook his head again with a sad face.

“The Abyss Order… It sounds like a cult, since that child told us to be careful with them, it is estimated that the nun and the weirdness of that church are all good things made by the Abyss Sect…”

Roderick planned to quietly inquire about the Abyss Sect later, if this inexplicable organization was in this city, no matter how well hidden, there should be some clues.

“I have a professional on my side who is very familiar with black magic, I’ll ask him when I go back, I should be able to hear some news.”

Annan kind of wants to take this Mr. Vampire to see Duran now. Márquez, the professor of magic, but considering that Duran should go to the underground doctor to heal his injuries at this time, he may not be able to find it for a while, or it is better to disturb the other party tomorrow, and it will not be in vain.

“By the way, Roderick, you said that we who rushed out of the church will not be found by the police? Shall we do something to cover it up? ”

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