“The official crusade against the two drug lords has been on the news.”

Today, in order to discuss important matters, Roderick called over allies who can be said to be living and dying in the same boat.

Discussing this somewhat sensitive matter in a company or nightclub, considering that there may be ears in the wall, it is better to always come to this luxury residential building with considerable defense and security.

The few people here can be regarded as both lost and prosperous – or, except for Annan, who is drinking homemade milk tea.

In this luxurious new home, the atmosphere is unusually low.

The reason is also simple, Roderick does not want to see but knows that what must happen, has completely unfolded and ended in places beyond his control.

“The official dispatched the army, it must have bulldozed the bases of the two drug lords, but I don’t think the matter will end so simply, the official will definitely conduct a lot of follow-up investigations, maybe, in case, our side will also be implicated.”

“Regarding the smuggling of arms, we have tried to deal with the tail and tail, and we can say that we have done everything we can.”

Veronica. Buck sighed.

“That amount of money is very large, we have also spent it as much as possible, and if we want to investigate the source of this money, it will not be so simple in theory, in theory.”

“If there is still some evidence left on the Southern drug lords… We’re probably all going to suffer, even if we didn’t do it at all. ”

Rodrik is actually well aware that today’s meeting does not have much substantive effect, and if the officials find some clues in the actions in the south, they will not be able to escape.

Even if the Narez family maintained their original strength, it would be impossible to face the official violent device.

“If you really want to escape, maybe you can only flee abroad now…”

“Why are you so pessimistic? Or nothing will happen. ”

Annan’s too relaxed tone was incompatible with the atmosphere of the scene.

Several people present turned their heads to look at him in unison.

Roderick looked sad, Veronica and her daughter frowned, Caleb. Ruth was expressionless.

“If something really happened, the White Knight had an accident at that time, at that time, it can be said that the entire Nares family colluded with the big drug lords in the south, and also had a lot of relationship with the Abyss Sect, the black magic secret sect, of course, it cannot be denied that everyone was dead at that time, so no one went to pursue it.”

Roderick felt that his adviser had said nothing, but at this time he was not in the mood to criticize the teenager.

He decided to continue the original discussion as if he had not heard what had just been said.

“We can’t wait any longer, but I really can’t think of anything to prepare…”

“The most to do is to prepare the escape route, and don’t forget that the smuggling channels and smuggling channels that we used to control are now controlled by others, unless we take it back now.”

Veronica had been preparing for a long time, and if she wanted to run away or barely could, no one knew if they would be quickly found by the authorities.

“The smuggling of arms is a mess left by the dead people, or the authorities will let us go, or they may secretly contact us and ask us to make some compensation… If only that were the case. ”

Veronica shook her head, still a little too naïve to think.

“We may not be held accountable, but at the end of the day it is only possible, always be prepared… Preparation for the worst. ”

In fact, the few people present are not afraid of the so-called trial or punishment at all, but just accompany some money, or go to jail for a while, these are acceptable.

The problem is that if they are caught, they will have to undergo some brief physical examination.

If something is wrong, the identity of their dark creatures will be discovered immediately.

At that time, it will not be as simple as going to jail.

“Annan, do you have a way to temporarily conceal our true identities?”

Roderick was knowingly asking.

He will invite Annan to this meeting today, and this is actually the purpose of this.

“Yes, yes, but whether I can conceal the simple physical examination when I was officially imprisoned, I don’t know.”

Annan’s so-called method of concealing the bloodline of dark creatures is actually from some methods of magic professor Duran.

Roderick is still a secret from all the gang members of the Magic Professor’s existence.

Even if he could fully trust Veronica and them in the future, he probably wouldn’t reveal anything about the magic professor.

On the one hand, it is to protect Duran from too many people knowing, on the other hand, it is also a kind of backhand.

Now that there is a bridge of Annan, there is no need to worry about not getting the support of the magic professor, and you can justifiably show some special means.

“It’s better to have it than no way…”

Roderick’s preparations now are all for the worst that may happen.

It was precisely because he did not know the official idea and did not know the details of the situation in the south, so he had to make some preparations anyway.

Or in the end, nothing will happen, or they may have to face official forces, which is not certain.

This meeting, which had a certain heavy atmosphere, ended after an hour.

But while this meeting ended with pessimism, there were other things to discuss.

“Next, this is it…”

Roderick looked bitterly at a letter on the table.

“The content inside, I believe everyone has already seen it, then I will ask directly… Ruth, what do you think? ”

“This letter of challenge from the Kullier Gang, I intend to accept.”

The tall and strong man had an idea early on.

“They suddenly invited me to an underground boxing match, saying that they were going to fight a match that represented friendship, which everyone knows is nonsense, but our side is really too busy, we don’t have so much strength and mind to guard against these guys, it’s better to promise them and see what they want to do.”

“Even if it’s a trap?”

If Rodrik were asked for advice, he would have rejected this silly challenge.

It is very unusual for one of the largest factions of the Kuril Gang, which is still fighting among them, to suddenly issue them an invitation to this kind of underground boxing match at such a point in time, and to name names.

This must be a trap, no doubt about it.

“Because it is a trap, it is necessary to dismantle it as soon as possible.”

Caleb. Ruth’s idea is simple and simple.

They already have enough troubles, and in order not to encounter more problems, they need to face the opposite way head-on.

“Roderick, Veronica, I want to accept it, just let me go and fight, you guys, what is your opinion?”

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