Please Smile at Me

Chapter 18: gossip

Zhao Qingying was so excited that she didn't know what to do, so she put her hips on her hips and laughed three times: "Hahaha!"

"You're sick!" Chen Xiaohuan cursed, quickly closed the door, and glared at her, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Qingying asked happily: "Look at this cake, does it look good?"


"I'll ask you again." Zhao Qingying's face suddenly collapsed, her voice was cold, "Is this cake good-looking?"

"It's so beautiful, can you give me a bite?" Chen Xiaohuan immediately looked up at her.

"It's a good idea." Zhao Qingying triumphantly opened the cake, took a few mouthfuls, and continued to shoot.

This afternoon, she spent the happy time of shooting and eating desserts.

It was early in the morning when we got home, and Su Qibai just arrived home, the two met in the courtyard, glanced at each other, and both sensed something was wrong from the other's expression.

The two asked in unison: "Are you in love?"

"No." They denied it with one voice.

Su Qibai narrowed his eyes, and looked her up and down: "How can you have a rosy complexion and such delicate makeup if you're not in love?"

"This is a work requirement, open the door quickly."

After entering the room, Su Qibai saw her carrying a cake box and asked, "Whose birthday is it?"

"Mine." Zhao Qingying took off her high heels and happily sat on the sofa.

"Why is today your birthday?"

"I'm happy, it's my birthday any day I'm happy." Zhao Qingying smiled, "And you, you look so good, can't you pick up some girl again?"

"Forget it, I'm not in the mood recently. But there is good news, my mother has finally left, and I can go back to live tomorrow." Su Qibai said sitting next to her.

Zhao Qingying said "Oh" and said, "Then let me ask you a question."


"Do you know who Yu Shu sent cakes to?" Zhao Qingying asked solemnly.

"How do I know that!" Su Qibai looked at her speechlessly, seeing her blinking crazily, with the words "it's me" written all over her face, she raised her eyebrows slightly, "Is this cake a gift from her?"

"Smart!" Zhao Qingying snapped her fingers, opened the empty box, and sighed, "It's just too little."

Su Qibai looked at her hesitantly, and after a while, asked, "Why do you pay so much attention to her?"

"Have it?"

"do not have it?"

"It's okay, after all, there are quite a few people who pay attention to me every day." Zhao Qingying thought about it seriously, "Probably because of the sense of distance. I used to think that this person was unattainable and difficult to get in touch with. It was like two parallel lines. I didn't expect parallel lines. There is also a day when we meet. Now that we know each other, I can't help but want to know more about what kind of person she is, and then..."

"Then what?" Su Qibai asked.

"Then I found out that she is so nice! She is kind-hearted and cute! It's just that, how could there be such a nice person, and she even gave me a cake hehehe..."

Zhao Qingying is like a **** at this time, her eyes are full of little stars: "And you don't know, she smiles very beautifully, I really want to see her smile all the time, it would be even better if she smiles at me."

"I'm afraid you are not a fool."


Su Qibai: "..." It's really naive, the appraisal is complete.

"She also thinks I'm stupid! No, why am I so proud?"

Su Qibai rolled his eyes silently: "Sleep!"

Early in the morning, Su Qibai packed his things and prepared to go back to his residence, Zhao Qingying yawned and sent him to the car, suddenly thought of something, ordered a takeaway, and went back contentedly to catch up on sleep.

Little did they know that half an hour later, the Internet exploded.

In the imprinting company, Yu Shu's face was cold, which frightened all the employees not to get close. Holding the coffee, Secretary Jiang cautiously opened the door: "Mr. Li has finished the meeting, and I'll come to see you right away."


After a while, there were hurried footsteps outside.

Li Cen walked in hastily, and asked, "What happened? I was in a meeting just now, and as soon as I came out, I heard something happened to Zhao Qingying?"

"Look for yourself." She handed over her mobile phone, which still displayed today's top searches.

——Zhao Qingying's suspected love affair was exposed. Recently, she went to the hotel with a mysterious man, went back to the love nest together last night, and personally sent him away in the morning.

Li Cen turned around for a long time, and sighed: "As expected of a frequent searcher."

"What now? The endorsement advertisement will be released soon." She asked.

Li Cen said without hesitation: "Contact her first and ask about the situation. It's best for her to clarify, and then publicize after other hot searches come up to attract the attention of netizens."


"However, I want to confirm with you first. If Zhao Qingying is really in a relationship and intends to take this opportunity to admit it, the impact is bound to be great. If the situation is good, she will receive all blessings, then our publicity will If it is covered up, it may not be guaranteed to be effective. If the situation is not good, we will also be implicated." Li Cen analyzed logically, and finally looked at her seriously, "Therefore, we need to consider the situation with the lowest loss. Substitution?"

Yu Shu lowered her head and lowered her eyes, thought for a moment, and said loudly, "No more."

"you sure?"

"It's already a grasshopper on a rope. Changing people at this time will damage the reputation of the company no matter how it develops. Besides, she's just in a relationship, and she hasn't done anything criminal. Why bother to cross the river and tear down the bridge. Moreover, it is my principle of doing things without doubting people," Yu Shu said.

"Good job, then I don't worry, I'll contact her manager first." Li Cen took the phone and went out.

Yu Shu took a deep breath, stared at the phone for a long while, opened Zhao Qingying's WeChat, and found that she had changed the original selfie profile picture, clicked on it, and it was a cute profile picture of Shui Bingyue.

When I saw it, I knew it was on the cake.

"Give me back the cake." She muttered softly, "I'm so annoying, so annoying."

At this time, Yu Zhao suddenly sent her a message: [Sister! I'm so sad, I'm broken in love, and I have no money. 】

deserve it!

Yu Zhao hadn't asked her for money since the last time the living expenses were deducted, so she directly transferred 888 yuan to the other party, but Yu Zhao didn't think it was enough, so she asked her for more.

She quickly replied: [No, I'm going bankrupt, save some money. 】

Yu Zhao: [What's the situation? why! 】

Yu Shu: [Because you are chasing stars, I can't afford you. 】

Yu Zhao: [...I almost believed it. 】

Yu Shu put down her phone and began to think about the family property. If she really went bankrupt, it would still be enough for her and Yu Zhao to live for a lifetime. Moreover, she is not afraid of bankruptcy, at worst, start from scratch again.

But in that case, she will not let Zhao Qingying go! !

She continued to process the documents, and after a long time, Li Cen opened the door and walked in.

"A good news, a bad news, listen to that first."


"The good news is that I'm sure there is no relationship, it's just a scandal." Li Cen said.

She raised her head: "What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that Zhao Qingying is still sleeping, her manager can't contact her, and she is on her way to her house."

Yu Shu: "..." As expected of Zhao Qingying.

She asked, "How does their company plan to deal with it?"

"I exerted a little pressure, and the agent also agreed with me. They will clarify this matter and press it down."

She nodded: "It's okay, anyway, she has not been rumored once or twice, and everyone is probably used to it."

"That's the reason." Li Cen smiled, "However, do you really believe that they are not lovers? Looking at the photos, that man is very handsome, and his wealth doesn't look bad. He is quite a good match for her."

"I don't know, I'm not interested." She said lightly.

"Tch, are you really not interested?" Li Cen put his hands on her desk and looked at her meaningfully, "Why do I think you are curious?"

"That's impossible, she's so annoying, who has time to take care of her business!" Yu Shu waved her hand, "Go, go back to work."

"Tsk tsk, this tone sounds like he is very angry." Li Cen walked towards the door while talking.

She replied loudly from behind: "Of course I'm angry, she almost made me go bankrupt!"

"That's what you were willing to break." Li Cen closed the door with a smirk on his face.

She opened her mouth and had nowhere to refute, so she could only say to the air: "That's because I have principles! Huh!"

She was so angry that she drank half a cup of coffee in one gulp, and suddenly wrinkled her face, why does Secretary Jiang not put sugar in it! Deduction of wages!

Someone knocked on the door, she opened her mouth to disperse the bitterness, and said, "Come in."

The person who came was Secretary Jiang, who was supposed to deduct her wages. She was about to ask about coffee when she saw a black plastic bag in his hand.

"what is this?"

Secretary Jiang was also very puzzled, and stepped forward and said: "It's a takeaway, and I asked you to sign for it after the roll call. Didn't you order it?"

Yu Shu: "Of course not." She was about to go bankrupt and ordered takeaway.

"Then what is this weird thing?" Secretary Jiang looked at her nervously.

"Take it over and have a look."

After Secretary Jiang put the bag on the table, she slowly opened the bag. When she saw the contents clearly, her eyes flashed, and she said seriously, "It's okay, you can go back to work first."


After Secretary Jiang left, she glanced outside, then calmly closed the blinds, and then took out the contents of the bag. To the weird request on the takeaway list.

—Brother, please put the cake in a bag, don’t let others see what’s inside, be careful! Don't spoil the cake, it's for someone very important! Be sure to deliver it to the person who signs for it, brother, pay attention to safety on the road!

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