Plug-in Player

Chapter 322: impregnable soup

"Plug-level player(

"Too bad. Our strategic weapons were not transported to the designated area. There was a problem with the transportation of our strategic weapons. Now the other party has launched a general attack. I originally thought of taking it slow, but I didn't expect the situation to become so fast."

Xiao Wen said seriously.

"Don't blame yourself, who would have expected that."

Chen Shan comforted Xiao Wen.

"No, we can't just watch, we have to do something anyway."

Xiao Wen took a deep breath. He also regretted it very much. If he knew this, he would just stick to the Wushi Fortress and buy as much time as possible for the army.

"You order Xiaowen Legion, but we will follow you in whatever you do."

Qianchengxue said seriously.

Xiao Wen's expression changed for a while, and finally he clenched his hand into a fist and slammed it on the table and said, "If that's the case, then don't be a coward. Let's attack the high mountain fortress city."

Under normal circumstances, when Su Mo and the others heard Xiao Wen's words, they would definitely be a little bit whimsical.

But there is nothing to hesitate now.

"Then do it!"

"Let's gather our troops, Su Mo, drive the third-generation mecha to investigate."

Xiao Wen is a straightforward person. Since he has made a decision, he has nothing to hesitate.

"no problem."

Su Mo nodded.

In the middle of the night, Su Mo drove the III-generation Mecha Killing Blade out of the woods and disappeared into the night.

He flew in the approximate direction given by Xiao Wen, and just in case, he adjusted the performance of the radar system to the maximum.

In just over 40 minutes, Su Mo came to the vicinity of the high mountain fortress city.

However, Su Mo didn't dare to approach. The entire radar scanning area was full of red dots, both inside and outside the city. If it weren't for the better anti-radar device of the III-generation mecha, it is estimated that the other party would have sounded the alarm long ago.

Su Mo quickly entered the command and jumped to the remote optical night vision mode.

Soon he captured the image of the red dot on the periphery, a huge steel fortress with standard artillery, short-range machine guns, and anti-air missile launchers.

There are also many weapons outside the city, and Iron Dome can be seen everywhere to intercept missiles.

In addition, when Su Mo was moving the optical night vision lens, he was keenly aware of hundreds of dark whistles.

It can be said that the security level of the high mountain fortress city is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Su Mo is a little confused. Is the city's security originally so strict, or because the other party strengthened the security after they crossed the river.

If it's the latter, it's too much to look up to them.

Su Mo resisted the confusion in his heart and controlled the mecha carefully to scout around the fortress city.

The snow was getting heavier and more windy.

After a long time, Su Mo drove the mecha back to the forest, and Xiao Wen and Qian Chengxue surrounded him.

Su Mo opened the cockpit and quickly jumped out of it.

Xiao Wen asked the situation straight to the point: "How is the defense of Alpine Fortress City?"

"There are hundreds of dark sentries and peripheral defensive fortresses. It's not an exaggeration to say that they are heavily guarded. If it sounds bad, let's beat him. Either we're crazy or our brains are kicked by a donkey."

Su Mo replied with a bit of self-deprecation, although the third-generation mecha is extremely powerful, a person's power is still limited after all, just like a flock of sheep in front of you for you to kill, your hands will be tiring, not to mention that they are not obedient. chopped sheep.

"Here, why don't we fight in another city?"

Chen Shan looked at Xiao Wen hesitantly.

Xiao Wen naturally wouldn't doubt Su Mo's investigation, but he still made an irrational decision: "If it's too late, just hit the high mountain fortress city, no matter the outcome!"


Chen Shan was silent for a few seconds, he was not trying to persuade Xiao Wen, since he said so, it means that he is ready to hit the stone with the egg.

"Thirty minutes to go."

Xiao Wen glanced at his bracelet and settled the matter.


The people obeyed unconditionally. .

Not long after, the remaining 60,000 troops walked out of the forest and headed for the mountain fortress city.

Compared to the previous full load of armament, their lineup now looks very shabby. Except for the mecha formation, they only kept a small number of air defense weapons, and all the others were individual weapons.

However, just as they walked through a field of snow, a camouflaged detection eye buried in the side of the rock flashed a red dot.


In the high mountain fortress city, a middle-aged man with a fat body and his eyes narrowing was wearing pajamas and was leisurely drinking strong wine and eating delicious food.

At this time, a rush of footsteps came from outside the door, and soon there was a knock on the door.

"General Fizart!"

"Come in."

Lieutenant General Fizart ate slowly and replied calmly.

Immediately after the door was pushed open, a subordinate walked in, saluted him and replied, "The warning information came from the latest monitoring point, and the remnants of the Tianlong Guild that have flowed to our side gathered and marched towards us. attacked us."

"I Fizart stretched his waist and said with a breath.

"General, should we immediately send out mobile troops to destroy them?"

"Have you forgotten the mistakes that Camris made, underestimated the other party, and been taken by others? I was notified as soon as they crossed the river. The reason why I didn't send troops to encircle and suppress them is that I didn't want to be taken advantage of by the other party. Take advantage of it, we have been operating in the Alpine Fortress City for so long, and it's solid here. Who can help us? Why do we risk fighting with them? As long as we defend our area well, even if they have a nuclear bomb, they won't come in. Then they will be too long. If they can't attack, naturally they can only retreat. At that time, we can kill them without our hands. This bad weather can kill them. From another point of view, as long as we survive for a while and win the frontal battle, we will win, why should I make extra efforts. "

Fizart is not generally cautious. Of course, his prudence is not cowardly, but because of the failure of Kanris, which shocked him too much.


The subordinate responded respectfully, and then stepped back.

Fizart walked to the window alone, he opened the window, and the cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew in.

He didn't care about the cold at all, looking out at the dark night in the wind and snow.

After a long time, in the dark night sky in the distance, a bright warning signal bomb lifted into the sky, bursting the city with gorgeous fireworks, which was extremely dazzling.

Then there was a roaring explosion in the distance, and the battle began!

The corners of Fizart's mouth rose slightly, how could his hard-working base camp be so easily breached.

In the wilderness, the steel bunkers launched the most violent fire attacks against Su Mo and the others. At the same time, the patrolling and alert troops quickly gathered. They used the fortress as a shield and continued to attack.

One after another green shield mecha rushed forward heroically, but they were all mercilessly blown up.

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