Plug-in Players In Marvel

EP 1875. Unprepared

Chapter 1874 EP1875. Unprepared

The job of a spy has never been easy.

Especially when performing tasks and needing to deliver messages somewhere, it is even easier to be exposed.

No, because they received a contact from Ronan and needed to send him a message, the group of spies who had been lurking in the airport finally showed their flaws. Not long after, a heavily armed encirclement and suppression team, under the guidance of technicians, followed the source of the signal to find where they were hiding and launched a surprise attack on them.

Being caught off guard, coupled with being at a numerical disadvantage, and the equipment was not strong enough... Well, it was mainly because Carol Danvers had not left the airport to do the next thing, so we took advantage of the fact that she still had some free time. Joined this siege. In short, the battle only lasted for a short while, and all the spies under Ronan's command fell into the net and became prisoners in the hands of the resisters.

What follows is a series of interrogations.

Or the home planet was invaded by the Kree, and then became a homeless interstellar wanderer. Or relatives and friends were killed by the Kree, and the hatred has penetrated deep into the bones. Because of the irresolvable hatred between them and the Kree, those in charge of the interrogation simply used the harshest methods and sentenced the spies to death in one step.

Not every spy can withstand such harsh interrogation methods.

About half an hour later, a secret agent who chose to join Ronan's staff because he was greedy for money couldn't bear the punishment at first and relented to reveal some information.

And as the man let go, a small breakthrough was finally opened in the originally airtight screen. There was finally a new breakthrough in the interrogation of several other secret agents.

To put it briefly, after prying open the mouths of these spies, the resisters stationed in the airport not only figured out that these people were Ronan's subordinates, but also what information they sent to Ronan. Including Ronan's current location, they were also asked from the mouths of these spies.


If Carol Danvers is not here, with the few troops in the airport, it is best to be honest and not play Ronan's ideas.

Fortunately, Carol Danvers happens to be staying in this airport, and she has not yet had time to set off to deal with the next task in her scheduled plan.

In this way, following the directions obtained from the spies, Carol Danvers left the airport and killed Ronan who was docked in a certain star field.

From Ronan's perspective, all he could think about was 'after the investigation team is exposed, Carol Danvers may be attracted'. He never expected that Carol Danvers would be looking for him at this time. Come to your door.

In addition, after Carol Danvers received the information from the interrogation from the spy, she was mentally prepared early, without any carelessness, and showed her true skills as soon as she came up...

Ronan, who was beaten coldly, fell into passivity from the beginning.

His ship, the Dark Star, was rammed and pierced by Carol Danvers as soon as the battle began.

If several other battleships had not launched a timely attack, distracting Carol Danvers and buying some time for Ronan, there might have been a question mark as to whether he could escape from the Black Star that was about to explode.

"Damn it, why did she appear here..." In the escape airship, Ronan stared at Carol Danvers in the distance.

A long golden trail stretched out behind him, like a shooting star, shuttling back and forth in the fleet. Neither the energy beams fired from the giant ship's main guns nor the raindrop-like energy bombs fired from the automatic defense turrets were able to stop Carol Danvers' progress, or even slow down her speed in the slightest.

Either raise your hand and throw out powerful balls of light, or directly hit them with your body. Under Carol Danvers' attack, one battleship after another was ignited and exploded, turning into garbage floating in the universe.

Because of the scene in front of him, Ronan, who was escaping from the core of the battlefield, felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"Your Majesty the Accuser~." Fearing that Ronan would not be able to suppress the anger in his heart, he would rush to find Carol Danvers for a fight to the death... Well, mainly because he was worried that he would be implicated, the adjutant hurriedly took two steps forward and stretched out his hand. Hugging Ronan, she persuaded him: "Calm down, Your Excellency, accuser, don't be impulsive, please stay calm~!"

"Let me go~! Damn it, I'm going to kill her~!"

"Now is not the right time, Your Excellency Accuser, you need to calm down~"

As if in response to the adjutant's persuasion, the few remaining battleships had already started their jump engines and evacuated from the battlefield before the flames of war reached them.

Seeing this scene, the adjutant spoke faster and his tone became more nervous: "Your Excellency, accuser, we must leave immediately. If we don't leave, she will probably notice us."

"Go away, I won't leave~! Who do you think I am?!"

That's what he said, but the strength of Ronan's struggle unknowingly decreased a bit.

The adjutant, who hugged Ronan with both hands, immediately noticed this change.

"Quick, why are you standing still? Start the jump engine and get out of here~!" Deciding to take a gamble, the adjutant bypassed Ronan and gave an order directly to the soldier driving the airship.

According to common sense, soldiers should wait for Ronan's personal confirmation or silent acquiescence before taking action.

But at this moment, he did not hesitate at all. After hearing the adjutant's order, he responded immediately.

Well, you can't blame him for not having good eyesight. After all, a soldier is also a human being and he also has his own judgment.

At this moment when he knew he was outmatched, he also had some thoughts of evacuating to save his life, so he immediately responded to the adjutant's order instead of waiting for Ronan's confirmation before taking action.

Under the control of the soldiers, the boat began to speed up and escape.

After flying a certain distance, the power of the engine was increased to the point where it could make a jump. Immediately afterwards, the soldier pressed a button, and the airship instantly shrank and disappeared. Following the tracks left by the evacuated warships, it arrived at another starry sky far away from the battlefield.

The voice of Carol Danvers was lost in the field of vision, and the fire caused by the explosion of the spaceship also disappeared.

At this time, Ronan finally stopped roaring, resting his panting hands on the cold bulkhead, and gradually regained his senses.

The atmosphere was very solemn. Both the adjutant and several others shut their mouths with great discernment and did not dare to disturb Ronan immediately.

It wasn't until two or three minutes later, when Ronan retracted his arm and stood upright again, that the adjutant took a step forward and tried to break the silence: "Your Excellency, accuser, what should we do next?"

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