Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 86: shadow in the dark

Received a call from 2B for help, so it came so quickly.

In fact, it was Coulson who suddenly joined the battle with a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. that made the battle end so quickly.

"No wonder they retreated so swiftly..." I didn't think so before, but when I think about it carefully now, Coulson suddenly found a few doubts that he didn't notice in the process.

I can't watch the fun anymore, and my thoughts are spinning, Coulson has already given up the plan of 'wait for the police chief to torture him a few more times, until Shi Xiaolei can't bear the pressure, then stand up to solve the problem for him and earn more favor'. .

Taking a step forward and looking at George Stacy, Coulson took on the momentum of being an elite agent, from a harmless old man to a dignified 'big man': "Sorry, Director Stacey , the situation has changed. From now on, we S.H.I.E.L.D. have taken over this matter."

"Huh?" After being stunned, George Stacy protested: "I object, there has been such a serious shooting accident in the jurisdiction, as the police chief, I must investigate the matter and give an explanation to the people living here. ."

"I can understand your thoughts, but I'm sorry, the inside story of this matter may be much deeper than you think, so, in order to make sure there are no accidents, we can only take over." Coulson smiled apologetically , raised his finger and pointed to the landline on the desk: "If there is no accident, you should be able to receive instructions from your superiors right away."

As soon as the voice fell, the bell of the landline rang.

He picked up the receiver with a stinky face, listened to his superior's instructions reluctantly, and hung up the phone angrily. Raising his head, George Stacy first stared at Coulson for a while, and suddenly became discouraged: "You take it away, but I have a request."

"Please speak."

"Let me know when the results come out." After a pause, George Stacy added firmly: "As the chief of police, I must be responsible for the guys below... If you don't know the inside story, you won't be able to deal with the next time. I don't want the guys to go to die and then go to their house and face their wives and kids and deliver that **** death notice."


"Listen, I'm not discussing with you. If you want me to make concessions, this is a necessary condition."

Seeing that Stacey was so determined, Coulson could only nodded with a wry smile: "Okay, I promise you. But there is something to say ahead... You know the confidentiality code, I can't promise to tell all the inside information. you."

"As much as you can say." Staring at Coulson's eyes, Stacey stretched out his right hand: "Deal?"

"make a deal."

The dialogue between the two agencies is not suitable for jumping out and mixing. After Coulson and George Stacy reached an agreement, the group left the director's office and came to the roof of the building to board the Quin-style fighter, and Stark asked. After thinking about the question that he had been holding back for a while: "Colson, what's going on with Agent 47?"

As soon as these words were said, Shi Xiaolei, Coulson and Mei immediately watched.

First, he gave Shi Xiaolei a 'don't worry' look, then raised his hand and tapped his helmet: "It's normal for high-tech products worth billions to have their own monitoring function, isn't it?"

Only then did I realize that the information I had just received had already been intercepted by Stark. The agent who has been working for so many years, actually fell down on such an occasion, Mei was a little annoyed in her heart, and couldn't help but give Stark an indignant dart.

"Sorry, this is our internal secret." Coulson shook his head, not intending to answer.

"Oh, are you sure?" Stark raised his eyebrows, found a chair for himself, sat down and raised his legs.

Because he was still wearing armor, there was a crisp metal crash when his legs crossed.

Not only is the posture very arrogant, but the words that Stark said are also very arrogant: "Don't mention the word 'confidential' in front of me, OK? You know, with my ability, I can invade your server in minutes. SO , If you don't want me to know more secrets, it's best to answer my questions directly. I'll save you some trouble, you can rest assured, everyone is well, what do you think?"

I haven't experienced the "beating" yet, and I don't think Stark can break through the firewall of S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, as a veteran agent, Coulson has already carved caution into his bones.

Not afraid of 10,000, but just in case, after hesitating for a moment, Coulson made a decision: "Okay, about Agent 47, let's start with an operation three years ago..."

Silently listened to Coulson's story, and after a few minutes passed, he finished listening to the information about Agent 47.

"Let me take a swipe~." He subconsciously wanted to hold the cup, and reached out his hand to remember that it was not on his private jet. In order to hide his embarrassment, Stark immediately changed his movements, putting his hand on his chin and dragging: "Because of the medicine Locke took out, the military people moved their thoughts, and they were arresting Locke. At that time, another group of people suddenly jumped out, wanting to eat the black halfway and steal Locke, who was under the control of the military. Combined with what you just said, that is to say... In this group, not only from the Aegis Traitors who escaped from the bureau with suspended animation, and traitors hidden in the military. Hiss~~~!"

If it only infiltrated the military, or just installed an Aiko within S.H.I.E.L.D., it can be speculated that this organization hidden in the shadows is a hostile force that only targets the military or S.H.I.E.L.D.

But spies were arranged in both forces, and the seriousness of the matter was completely different.

This means that the organization hidden in the dark must be very large, and its tentacles have definitely penetrated into various fields. Its size, at least started at the national level, and may even be a world-class organization.

What kind of can possess such great energy and hide it so deeply?

Coulson, who worked for S.H.I.E.L.D., never imagined that with Jarvis, Stark, who could be comparable to Bai Xiaosheng as long as he had the heart, could not imagine.

On the contrary, Shi Xiaolei, who has not spoken much, is like a mirror in his heart.

'Who else could it be, Hydra. ’ Shi Xiaolei involuntarily showed a depressed expression while pouting in his heart.

Hiding and hiding, I didn't expect that the Hydra would still be staring at him. Moreover, together with the military who are also difficult to deal with, they are eyeing this sweet pastry.

what can we do about it?

'Why don't you simply leave the United States and go back to your hometown. ’ The more he thought about it, the more headaches, Shi Xiaolei even subconsciously had such thoughts in his heart.

Well, just think about it.

After a while, Shi Xiaolei gave up the idea of ​​leaving the United States with his family and returning to China.

First of all, it is because the identity certificate that is paid for by the US side may not be effective in the country where the household registration system is more strict.

Second, as you open the box again and again, more and more companions will gather around you.

2B and Kang Na, who are honest and obedient, don't need to worry. Sister Bei is also okay, although she is a little maverick, she is still within the acceptable range of ordinary people.

But no one can guarantee that the next time the companions summoned will be similar to them.

What if he came to be a weirdo who couldn't be accepted by ordinary people, or was born out of his mind and liked to pick things up?

Just in case, don't go back and cause trouble for the hard-working police uncles, just stay here and bring trouble to the old beauty. Anyway, they already have the habit of dying, and even if there are more messy situations in their lives, the difference will not be that big.

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