"Let's have a Pokémon battle when I have time!, when I get my third Pokémon!"

"Then I'm not going to show mercy. I replied earnestly.

I didn't expect to be able to make friends with such a beautiful girl in this world. Although we don't have much time together, we will definitely meet often in the future, after all, we have just agreed to have Pokémon battle training.

Looking back on my life in the original world, I can't say that I don't have a fate with girls, I can only say that the reasons are very complicated, so until now I am still single.

Xiao Yan is very beautiful, and I fantasize in my heart that it would be nice for such a girl to be my girlfriend. But I have self-knowledge, how can people take a fancy to me, and it is too cheap for me.

I don't know how the rest of the class is doing now.............

The figure of a girl came to mind, and I thought of the scene when another boy laughed with her, and my heart was more or less blocked...

Alas, what do you want to do with this, it should have nothing to do with me, out of sight and out of mind.

After seeing Xiao Bo leave, I asked the Guardian on the side, "Aren't you going back to protect your master?"

The Guardian just shook his head, not knowing if it was because he didn't have the strength to go, or if he didn't want to go, or if it was some other reason.

I didn't have enough energy to think about it, so I planned to go back to the Pokémon Center to wash my clothes and go to bed.

After retrieving the dragon into the Poké Ball, I quickly washed, washed, and dried it, and then returned to the room that Miss Joy had arranged for me, and walked to the bed with sleepy eyes, lay down on it, and slowly fell asleep.

I always feel homesick...

As I thought back to everything that had happened here, tears began to flow from the side of my face.

"Don't, don't... I'm

a little...""What are you shy!come, I'll help you

!"Zheng Yang!show some manhood!"

I seemed to hear a familiar voice, and when I reacted and looked around, my classmates were coaxing, they looked at me excitedly, I was suddenly a little blindsided, but looking into my arms, a woman was being held in my arms, her body felt so soft, and there was a strange fragrance.

By the way, this girl is the person I like, some time ago I wrote her a love letter, plucked up the courage to transfer it to the girl in the class, to my surprise, she also likes me, when I heard the news, my heart has a feeling that I have never felt before, like being pricked by a needle, but it doesn't hurt so much, it's warm. If I had to describe it, it would be...

The feeling of bliss.

Because I belong to the same type of person as her, I don't like to talk, I am introverted, and I am not good at taking the initiative, and my classmates came to help me match me and her after they found out, and in the small park near the school, my friend grabbed my hand and forcibly let me hold her.

It was this moment, although this moment was only less than five seconds in my memory, but I felt that time seemed to be stretched, and everything around me slowed down a lot in this moment.

If only time could stand still in this moment forever...

There are some things that are not expressed at the beginning, and it becomes more and more difficult to express them later...

Just as I drew my attention back, I found that she was gone, I looked around, I was sitting on a chair in front of the house, in front of my parents were my parents, suddenly I felt like crying, but I couldn't say why...

"You're really like your uncle, picking and choosing what you eat, and eating what you get. "Mother started nagging again.

My father remained silent.

I looked at the scene in front of me and rubbed my eyes, always feeling that my vision was a little blurry.

"What's wrong?" I don't know if my mom or dad asked me.

"It's nothing, I just think... That's pretty good," I smirked.

"Then you can't stay at home all the time, when you grow up in the future, you can't stay at home every day, you have to go far away to make money to support your wife, it's up to you alone." "

That kind of thing, let's talk about it later..."

I felt that my consciousness had become blurred again, and it seemed that after eating with my parents, I had now gone back to my room to sleep...

I opened my eyes in a daze, looking at the ceiling that was both vague and familiar, and I rolled over, intending to go back to sleep.

I guess I'm at home right now...

I thought so, then opened my eyes and slowly lay up, looking at everything around me.

My room isn't that small, and it's safe to assume that I'm not in my original home, but in the Pokémon Center.

There was a feeling of emptiness in my heart.

I got up, put on my shoes, and opened the outside door, and was greeted by a dimly lit hallway with a light at the end.

It seems that he was dreaming, and he fell asleep the moment he lay in bed.

I closed the door and lay back on my bed, at this time I was not motivated to travel again, the enthusiasm at the beginning was indeed there, but after a long time, I was not so excited, after all, it was indeed a little tired.

Think about it, too, how can you not be tired of becoming a Pokémon master.

If you can't endure the hardships of studying, you can only endure the hardships of society. That's it.

You have to find a way to make money, the adventure along the way is also more dangerous, it is also tiring to walk all the time, and it is very expensive to buy a bicycle.

I really don't know what is going on with Ash's money on weekdays, can't I spend it

? Indeed, I don't see them on weekdays to show their banknotes to buy things, maybe they use electronic money? Does this world also support online payment in addition to cash?

I have more or less such doubts.

I can't stay in this Pokémon Center for long, or Miss Joy will have to talk about me, and I don't want to trouble her, and the lava team (the woman who worships the "Fire Centipede") may also get me in trouble, so it's best to leave tomorrow morning.

When you arrive in Orange City, you can stay for a while, and it is not very far from Orange City, which is about half a day, which means that you don't need to camp at night.

That's the good news.

And there is an Orange Hua Gym in Orange Hua City, according to the setting in the plot, the owner of the Orange Hua Gym is Xiao Yao's father Qianli.

It's definitely not easy to deal with.

I remember that this phenomenon was not expressed on TV, and I immediately asked Miss Joy, but Miss Joy said that the little fire dragon was in good health and had no other problems.

Is it because I told the little fire dragon about the MEGA Charizard X before?

It's hard to say, maybe the characteristics on the tail of the little fire dragon are similar to the situation of the Ash croaking bubble frog, and you don't need evolution stones to evolve to MEGA, although this is just my guess.

After all, the Evolution Stone was found from a place like Carlos, and there may not be such a thing in the Fangyuan area, even if it is auctioned or airlifted to a large supermarket, I can't afford it.

Let's go back to sleep...

After thinking about it for a while, I lay quietly on the bed, trying to fall asleep again, but it seemed that I was not very sleepy at the moment.

Looks like I've slept enough.

The fire-breathing camel of the lava team really scared me at the beginning, to be honest, I was thinking about whether I really wanted to defeat that guy, who knew that there was a hidden plot, and directly avoided the head-to-head battle, so I said, why maybe let me fight that level of enemy in the first place, it's still too early for me.

This kind of enemy is generally better given to the protagonist who opens the hanging, because I'm not the protagonist, and I don't open the hanging.

Otherwise, I went to see if the clothes were dry? Anyway, I had nothing to do, so I went to collect my clothes in advance.

With this in mind, I got up and went outside to put away my clothes, only to find a figure next to me.

"Miss Joey?" I recognized her, "Haven't you slept so late?" "

It's Zheng Yang, I thought it was... I slept in the hall for a while, the door had just closed, and now I was going to put away the quilt and go back to rest. Joey replied.

"Is Miss Joy usually closing so late?" I feel like you're working so hard...," I felt a little sympathetic to Miss Joy.

I think back to when I came to the Pokémon Center last night, the Pokémon Center was not closed, and I didn't think too much about it because I was anxious, but I just thought it was great that the Pokémon Center was not closed, and now I think about it, I feel that Miss Joy is very tired.

"No, no... I'm just closing late for the past two days, and the time you came, I was really sleepy and almost asleep, and I forgot to close the door, and today is because I haven't seen a female rookie trainer come back, so I want to wait for her more. Normally, it closes at 10 o'clock. "

Female novice trainer?" I was drawn to the topic.

"Yes, her name is Xiao Yan, during the day, she informed me in advance that she was going to 103 Road to capture Zoroa, saying that she would come back if she went, but now it is midnight, and I am also very worried about her when I see that she has not returned. Miss Joy clutched her heart and worried.

"It's really worrying... It's so late, and I don't know if I've found a place to stay the night around there

...""I remember that she didn't seem to have any luggage..."

I didn't bring any luggage, I haven't come back so late, I guess something really happened, Xiao Yan was also with me and never set off from White Town, but I'm also my friend, and I also made an appointment to have a Pokémon battle in the future, what should I do if something happens now!"

"She only brought Poké Balls and her own Poké Frog Seeds, thinking that you were very tired and still resting, she didn't bother you, and I was currently guarding the Pokémon Center alone, and I didn't dare to go out without permission..."

I asked.

"He hasn't come back yet..."

I was speechless, I guessed that I would stay for a while, but I didn't expect that I hadn't come back until now, I was really obsessed with it, fortunately I came back early, if I continued to wait for him, the long-winged gull would have burped early...

"How's the Guardian?"

"I'm back to health. "

Then I'll go find Xiao Wei and bring her back!" I began.

Miss Joy was a little uneasy and said, "But you..." "

Professor Metz is willing to cooperate with them, I can't pull them away, and now it is estimated that the reinforcements have already arrived there, and I can't help it if he doesn't come back." But Xiao Yan is my friend, and I have never come to White Town with her, so I feel it is my duty to go to her, make sure she is safe, and bring her back. I explained.

"Whew! I thought you didn't want to go in your heart, but I was relieved to hear you say that, and I'll leave the little annoyance to you. Miss Joy looked relieved.

Once I got dressed, I brought my backpack and the Guardian Dragon, which had recovered its health, and of course, the Little Fire Dragon.

Miss Joy handed me the little annoyance's backpack by the way: "A girl's backpack can't be just looked at. "

I don't have the guts to look at it," I was a little speechless.

"I know, I just want to tease you, you've teased me before!" Miss Joy said.

Belch...... You have a point.

"Okay, stay safe, Zheng Yang!" Miss Joy waved goodbye to me after her joke.

"Then I'm leaving, Miss Joey!" I replied with a wave of my hand.

In this way, I took advantage of the moonlight and walked to Road 103.

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