The Burning Void was one step ahead of the others, and unleashed the Destruction Death Light on Deochis.

Deocisis maintained his current posture and dodged the attack of the destroying deathlight.

Seeing this, the Burning Sky Seat pulled the light that destroyed the dead light and moved in the direction of Diochis.

The surrounding buildings were pierced by the light of the Blazing Sky Seat, and the rifts shimmered with a scorching light.

The building then cracked open and a violent explosion ensued.

Seeing that the opponent's attack was gone, Deochisis turned his head in the air, and the crystal ball on his chest gathered a ball of energy, and launched a counterattack towards the Blazing Sky Seat.

With a nimble dodge, the Flame Sky dodged and unleashed a super punch at Deochis.

Seeing this, Deocisis used his supernatural power to gather all the surrounding buildings in front of him, and used it to block the attack of the Blazing Sky Seat.

The Blazing Void Seat broke through one after another, and when it was about to break through the last obstacle, Deochisis had already taken advantage of the blind spot of the Blazing Void Seat to come directly below the Blazing Void Seat.

After a ball of energy went up, it hit the Burning Sky Seat, and the Burning Sky Seat was knocked out.

It was at this time that the crystal on Euchisis' chest shimmered, indicating that the energy of Diocisis was about to bottom out.

Deochisis took advantage of this moment to disappear and disappeared in place.

The Blazing Sky Seat, which had been hit on the side of the building, came to its senses and roared, and the figure of Odhisis in front of him had disappeared.

The angry Blazing Sky Seat roared impotently at the sky!

Oh my god, this scene really exploded, but there were too few.

Although this neighborhood is more or less dangerous...

I stayed where I was and watched it all, and I couldn't help but be startled when a light blue translucent crystal prism appeared in front of my eyes.

(I don't have the strength anymore, I'm going to rest.)

It said that to me and went into the backpack I was carrying.

That's when the

Pokémon Navigator in my pocket rang, and I suspect that Diochisis possessed my Pokémon Navigator so that he can contact me.

I opened the Pokémon Navigator in a bit of a panic, and my heart trembled when I looked at the name of the contact I called.

That's right, the contact person of the call is Xiling Weary, that is, the call of Little Weary.

I suspect that Deochisis used data to contact me in the name of a random person.

I slowly answered the call.

The other party asked in the call:

"Can you hear me?"

The voice is indeed the voice of Xiao Yan, and it seems that it is indeed Xiao Yan who took the initiative to contact me.

I asked, "What's wrong?" all of a sudden call to me.

Xiao Yan said on the phone: "I watched a TV report that there was a liekong seat in Orange Hua City, where are you now?"


Ah, really, fake, are you hurt, don't lie to me!"

"To say that you are not injured is fake, and you were almost buried alive." "

Why is there so much that happened

to you?" "I want to ask too!" "

How is it now, since you can still talk to me, it means that the injury is not very serious, right?"

"The arm is bruised, I feel a little respiratory infection, and..."

I couldn't help but cover my mouth and couldn't help but spit it out.

"And what?"

"Hmm... "

My tone at this time was easy to guess that I was going to throw up.

"You... How close is the closest to the Blazing Sky Seat?

" "The closest one is probably less than ten meters..."

Bar... "

Not too far in front of me, the other party can fly to my side in twenty seconds.

"Then why don't you hurry up and run, what are you doing there

?" "I think it's going to be over..."

"What's the end, don't give up! It's better to live than anything!

"Hold on?" "Uh, you misunderstood, it seems that the other party should

go?" "It's time for the Liekong Seat to go?"

"Yes. "


"The purpose for which it came here is gone, and it's useless to just look around like this. "

Anyway, why did he have a vague sense of where Deochisis was, and now it looks like he can't find it?

, I watched as Blazing Sky Seat was constantly looking around at the top of the building, thinking about it.

(Before, you fell from a high altitude, and I saved you with the remnants of my strength, and I was detected by the Flame Sky Seat.) And now that the strength is exhausted, the energy fluctuations are very weak, and it can't detect me from ten meters away.

It seems that you didn't just affect me three times, did you?

) (The fall from the building and the support collapse are counted once, and they are busy together, and the interval is too short, and the energy cannot be hidden in time, so it is counted once.)

I didn't understand it, but I thanked you.


"Hey, why don't you keep quiet?"

I thought back, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I was just observing the behavior of the Liekong Seat.

"So hurry up and run far, run as far as you can, make sure you're safe first

!" "Okay!"

I listened to what I was tired of, and gradually moved away from the Liekong Seat, and directly in front of me I spotted Salina and Xiao Gang, as well as the fire dinosaur lying on the side struggling to get up.

Xiao Gang was very anxious to let the fire dinosaur lie down, and said from time to time: "You need to rest, someone will save you, and you can only die if you go."

"Salina had been looking anxiously in my direction, and there were two or three other Miss Junsha around controlling the scene.

After seeing me, Shalina hurriedly shouted: "Come out!"

Xiao Gang hurriedly turned his head to look at me after hearing this, the expression on his face relaxed, and it seemed that he was sweating a lot for me.

When the fire dinosaur saw me, he lay down and looked like he had fallen asleep.

When Miss Junsha saw me coming, she made a gesture to walk forward and said, "It's safe here, it's hard work, Miss Joy will be there soon, please wait a while."

I nodded to Miss Junsha and came to Sarina and Xiaogang.

Sarina asked me, "Did Deochis, just now?"

and I nodded, "Yes."

Xiao Gang saw the injuries on my body, beckoned me over and said, "Come back quickly, your injuries are not light, I'll bandage them briefly."

"Okay, thank you. "

I sat down honestly, and in that moment, I had a sense of security, a sense of relaxation.

I let out a deep breath, and this scene was seen by Xiao Gang, who was bandaging me, and asked, "Is it dangerous?" "

I almost kissed the Liekong Seat, what do you say

?" "Ah, so serious?"

I didn't speak, just nodded.

Xiao Gang was shocked: "Your life is so hard. "

I don't think if I hadn't appeared in front of you at this time, you wouldn't have said that my life was hard, it could only be said to be luck.

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