"Speaking of which, Salina, what do you think of Ash?" Xiao Yao lay on the table, looking bored.

"Huh, Ash... I...... I think he... I won't give up until the last moment!" Sarina was shy at first, but after imagining Ash's back, her eyes gradually became firm, and her tone was the same.

"Alas, Ash still hasn't changed. Xiao Yao turned his head to the other side.

At this moment, the bad frog came over, and when Xiao Yao saw the bad frog, he also came a little more energetic: "Bad frog..."

The bad frog seems to be dragging something, or rather someone.

"It's numb... The numb is gone..."Xiao Gang fell to the ground, his face purple.

The bad frog dragged Xiao Gang's trouser leg, and it could be seen that Xiao Gang's flirting girl could not escape the sanction of the bad frog.

"Hee-hee-hee. Bad Frog let out a weird grin.

"Eh, Xiao Gang?" Xiao Yao stood up directly the moment he saw Xiao Gang.

Xiao Gang looked at Xiao Yao with a purple face, and reluctantly replied with a smile: "What, it's Xiao Yao... Long time no see.

After a moment of relief, Xiao Gang gobbled up the snacks, and tears flowed out of his eyes, and his mouth kept muttering: "Xiao Sheng obviously worked so hard, but why!"

"Thank you. He snorted and tossed the crumpled tissue into the trash.

"What's going on?"

"No... It's okay...... This is all something that a man will experience, and the next time Xiaosheng will be stronger!" Xiao Gang wiped his tears after speaking.

Xiao Yao just held his head on this, with a transparent expression: "Xiao Gang still hasn't changed anything." "

After we had dinner, I went back to my room and brought some snacks to feed my Pokémon.

Watching them eat, I felt the need to take them around the outside a little longer, not just keep them in Poké Balls.

So I took them to the deck, where there were all kinds of Pokémon interacting with their trainers.

There are also some children among them.

"It's amazing! What kind of Pokémon is this! I've never seen it before!" a young boy said enviously as he walked up to the hammer dragon.

His eyes could be seen glowing.

"Come and see! there's a Pokémon you've never seen before!" he

beckoned the other children over.

After a while, many children came one after another to join in the fun.

"It's amazing!I've never seen it before

!"I don't even think it's on the illustrated book

!" "It's so handsome

!" "There's a hammer on this tail!

" "It's so domineering!"

"Big brother, is this your Pokémon?"

In the face of their question, I also scratched my head and smiled and nodded embarrassedly: "Yes."

"That's amazing!Where did you catch it?

"I want one too!I feel like it's very powerful in terms of defense and attack!" "

Yes, if you go down with a hammer, you'll be gone!" Many

of the children couldn't help but touch the body of the hammer dragon with curiosity, and when they saw that the hammer dragon did not react, they also showed a bright smile.

One by one, they rode on the back of the hammer dragon and had a lot of fun.

The Hammer Dragon seems to be very cooperative, and its personality is very suitable for children, but after a while, it is better to let them come down, and it is not necessary to exhaust the Hammer Dragon.

Looking at the fire dinosaur again, several children noticed that the color on the tail of the fire dinosaur was blue, and they all wanted to see it up close.

"Blue flames!so handsome!"

"Alien fire dinosaurs?"

I was worried that when I evolved into a fire dinosaur, the Pokémon's personality would change with it, but looking at the harmonious appearance of the fire dinosaur, I was somewhat relieved.

Whether it is a fire dinosaur or a small fire dragon, even if the personality has changed, they are still the same, and there is no change.

It's just that fire dinosaurs are more likely to be inspired by belligerent passions.

The long-winged gull, as the most common Pokémon on board, is probably not so popular, I think.

But in fact....

My long-winged gulls and a flock of long-winged gulls stayed on the deck railing, looking a little sleepy, because the size is the largest, so passers-by can't help but take a few more looks, the biggest reaction is the staff in charge of the post on the ship, they probably rarely see such a big long-winged gull, their eyes reveal the emotion of love.

Then again, I remember another guy coming...


looked around for the shadow of the beamwood.

At this moment, the electric beam wood, standing straight next to the tree potted plant, wants to blend in and completely turn into a tree, the scenery in front of the crowd It has never been encountered, and I am a little scared, and I subconsciously want to stay away.

The only thing it could rely on at this time was the tree friend next to it, and it felt a sense of intimacy from the tree friend.

As soon as I turn into a tree, passers-by will not be able to see me!

It is with this thought that it will stand still and let the crowd pass by it.

But at this time, a little boy sensed that something was wrong with the "tree".

He stopped and stared blankly at the "tree".

The beam remained motionless, and the little boy looked at it in a daze.

The electric beam wood still chose to remain motionless, and the little boy only snorted in a daze.

Denki was in a good state of mind and remained still, and the little boy just watched him snort back and forth intermittently.

The little boy's actions also attracted many children of the same age, who also came here, noticed the "tree", and stopped to look at it.

All they were interested in was the head of the tree, which was ugly and the decorations were boring.

They were just curious about what the hell this white star was made of, it felt very special, like a crystal ball or something.

As everyone knows, the electric beam wood has long been stared at numbly, and the group of children have been in a cold sweat behind the back, flowing down the back of the electric beam wood.

Eventually, Denki couldn't help it, and his head glowed yellow.

The children were visibly frightened, and one by one they began to cry.

"Woo woo

woo!" "Woo woo wow wow wow!"

Denki knew that his exposure had scared the children, and his nervous hands danced, his body was uncontrollable, and the circuit decoration on his body also started to light at this time.

The beam wood arm swayed back and forth, his body undulating, and the light on his body also changed.

Seeing this, the children stopped crying one by one, and when they saw the appearance of the denkiki performance, they immediately turned into smiling faces, and they all jumped up and applauded, and they were very happy.

Seeing this, Denshuki saw that these children suddenly laughed again, looking confused, and then stopped his hand and moved up, and regained his composure.

Unbeknownst to him, the children were not happy to see that the electric beam wood did not want to move, and cried again.

This electric beam wood can't be straightened out, and I'm so nervous that I dance with my hands.


"Hey, hey, hey!"

the children laughed as they moved on the hand of the electric beam.

Denshuki also seemed to understand that the children said that they liked their current nervous movements, and they also cooperated with them, shaking their bodies to make them happy.

The effect is obvious.

Although the electric beam wood was a little confused, in order not to make things worse, it could only accompany these children like this.

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