Pokemon Elf Master

Chapter 303 The blood boils and the collective erupts!

Meng Ningyue stared at them, what were they talking about?

As soon as doubts arose, he was stunned by what he saw.

The blood-winged dragon stepped aside, and Xuandu rushed out by himself!


After a few horrified roars, Xuandu's elf companions became anxious when they saw this scene, it was dangerous!

They only cared about Xuandu's safety. As for why Xuandu came out, they didn't bother to guess at all, but they noticed the formation problem, but after a moment of hesitation, they decided to go out to protect their master!

"Steady the formation!"

At this moment Xuandu roared loudly, stopping the movements of his companions.

More than a dozen range tricks bombarded Xuandu's body, causing the energy of his elf belt to drop rapidly.

It was predictable that at this rate of consumption, Xuandu would definitely not be able to last for a few seconds! If they all attack him, the energy of his elf belt will be exhausted in an instant!


Long Chiyue, Long Shang and others yelled in unison, their hearts were full of bewilderment, why did the young master go out?

"Go and save the young master."

Long Shang roared angrily, it's still the same sentence, they can do whatever they want, but the young master must have nothing to do!

"Don't move, stay in formation!"

Xuandu roared again, his tone full of sternness.

This stern tone calmed Long Shang and the others. They had followed Xuandu for a while, but it was the first time they heard such a stern tone from Xuandu.

But in the next second, as Xuandu was once again swallowed by a wave of range-of-sight moves, they couldn't care less.

But all of a sudden, the attacks of the special moves in the area stopped, and Xuandu was not affected by any special moves except for a small impact.

what's the situation?

Including Bai Yuling, everyone was stunned, completely unable to understand what happened.

These elves just stopped attacking Xuandu,

However, the attack did not stop, and the attack on other elves continued to be high-intensity.

A few seconds later, Xuandu was the first to wake up. Meng Ningyue and Bai Yuling looked at each other and guessed the reason.

It's very simple, because of the existence of Tatsuno, with the wisdom of the fierce demon spirit, although he doesn't know why Tatsuno didn't take action, but if something happens to Xuandu, he can't guarantee whether Tatsuno will do it, so it's best to keep the status quo, anyway Xuandu was alone, and there was no threat.

I have to say that Tatsuno's deterrent power is too strong. The gap between high-ranking kings and elites and even low-ranking kings is too great. No matter how large the number is, it is difficult to defeat high-ranking kings, even self-defense. Can't do it.

It's really wrong, the fierce demon spirit has superhuman wisdom, but it let Xuandu escape.

Xuandu's eyes flickered, and he quickly took advantage of this. After looking at the situation, he predicted that there was a protection point that was about to fail, so he immediately rushed there.

His speed is definitely very fast for human beings, exceeding fifty meters per second, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a man like the wind. But among these at least elite-level elves, they are as slow as a snail, not worth mentioning.

They either shifted their targets, or avoided Xuandu directly, anyway, none of them hit Xuandu.

But Xuandu's goal has been achieved, and the change of direction saves a protection, allowing the defensive formation to have a fault tolerance rate again and be able to sustain it.

"Master, this is it?"

Everyone could see Xuandu's actions very clearly, and a guess immediately appeared in his nimble mind, and he turned his head to look at the filling elf in the center!

All the members of Long Chiyue's first team and Long Shang's second team are men like iron, even if they live or die, they can't let them bow their heads, let alone make them cry, but at this time, tears filled their eyes, and their voices choked up.

"Young master! Young master...that we are all useless, what a disgrace, what a disgrace!"

It is their greatest luck to be able to follow such people. They have never had such a strong sense of honor, but at the same time, the feeling of shame, shame, and self-blame is also unprecedented, making their chests feel like a knife is burning. subject to the pole.

"Xuandu may become a great king in the future."

Meng Ningyue stared at Xuandu, eyes full of admiration, and sighed in a low voice. Chapter 5 of ancient legends, human beings are weak, and trainers are very rare, but peerless arrogance, unrivaled kings are born to protect the people, drive away the elves, subdue the elves, take the lead, and use their own blood to forge the barriers.

On Xuandu's body, she seemed to see the back of the king in ancient legends. Although it was very vague and small, it might grow into a towering tree in the future!

"Well, he will!"

Bai Yuling nodded in approval, and felt very emotional in his heart. This experience may make Xuandu have the appearance of a king. This is a huge change enough to change Xuandu's original trajectory. The future Dragon King will become even stronger ! Perhaps in the future catastrophe, there can be one more powerful comrade in arms!

So Bai Yuling was very looking forward to and happy.

"The young master has done this, so how can we watch? We all stand in the weak position. We are the last line of defense. No matter what, we are not allowed to take a step back."

Long Shang and Long Chiyue shook hands tightly and said.


Everyone responded in unison, and there was no trace of despair in their eyes. Now even if the champion is standing opposite them, and the mountain of hundreds of millions of tons is pressing down, they will never let them take half a step back!

Bai Yuling unfolded the waveguide and sensed that their life waveguide was extremely vigorous at this time, not even weaker than the elite level elves, and the elf partners were equally passionate, and the fire of life soared!

To put it simply, the elves' combat strength reached 120% at this time, performing supernormally, and it can also be said that the fetters broke out without side effects!

Inspired by this, they cooperated more and more tacitly, they were able to calculate more situations, and the utilization efficiency of protection increased. As a result, at the end of this round, there were still five protection times left!

According to this situation, it is easy to persist for another minute!

However, the enemy's support continued to come, and two batches of elite elves with a total of more than 100 arrived, and the situation was turned back again!

The defensive formation has become shaky and dangerous again!

Bai Yuling and Meng Ningyue were also in charge of a weak point, blocking several dangers with themselves.

Twenty seconds left! Bai Yuling glanced at Dr. Xue Feng who had completely forgotten himself, and began to count down in his heart.

Another group of elves arrived, and the defensive formation had been collapsing all the time, all relying on the trainers themselves to resist, many tricks blasted in through the gaps, smashed into the open space inside, or hit the protection on the opposite side!

There are still ten seconds, the last time! Two players' belt energy fell into a trough and temporarily withdrew.

Nine seconds later, another team member temporarily withdrew from the resisting ranks.

Eight seconds, two!

Seven seconds, three! At this time, including Bai Yuling and Meng Ningyue, only seven people can continue to resist.

I can't stand it anymore! Bai Yuling sighed inwardly.

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