Pokemon Elf Master

Chapter 718: The Invincible Flame Ryoma

Faced with so many tricks, something strange finally appeared in the flame sky, shrinking rapidly, and finally dissipated completely. The remaining water dragon cannons and other tricks accurately bombarded the flame dragon horse inside.

They are all senior champions who have been in the championship for at least a hundred years, and their mastery of the ultimate moves is superb. Even if the tacit understanding is not high, they can make all the unique moves without conflict through micro-manipulation, and 100% avoid any unnecessary consumption!

Lieyan Longma let out a low growl, the sound was like a dragon's chant, extremely majestic.

Explosive charge charged, the body of Lieyan Ryoma burned with crimson flames, and his body turned into a flame and disappeared instantly, leaving only a flame rainbow.

Ryoma Ryoma resisted and broke through the range trick, and Ryoma Ryoma avoided the single move with unimaginable speed. The combined attack of the sixteen middle-level champions failed to hurt Ryoma Ryoma at all!

"Bang bang bang..."

Lieyan Changhong rushed to the side of several champion elves, and it seemed that the moment they passed by, the figures of those champion elves were blown away far away.

And this is just a prelude. Lie Yanlongma's explosive charge is second to none in terms of power and horror. The key is that it is very flexible. Except that it cannot be reversed back and forth, there is no sense of stagnation in the up, down, left, and right sides, and it is very smooth.

In just two or three seconds, all the champion elves suffered a little and were knocked away by the flame dragon horse several times.

With just one explosive charge, Ryoma Ryoma defeated the team of sixteen middle-level champions. His terrifying strength was beyond words, at least surpassing the comprehension of Fan Tao by most of the people present.

A sound of inhalation sounded in Lanyu City, and many people's originally relaxed expressions became tense. Living in Lanyu City, they have seen even champion-level battles several times, and they still have eyesight, let alone even if they haven't seen it. However, they knew that the opponent's strength was terrifying from the very mysterious guardian elders.

Even the core disciples of the Zhulan family don't know the identities of these elders.

But they know that these clan elders existed three hundred years ago, and among them are some of the world's most famous sons of heaven. Such a strong man can never train elves with low combat power. Who is this person, and why is he so terrifying?

Of course, it is impossible for these clan elders to become champions before they are a hundred years old. Since there is an elf longevity potion, there is naturally a human life span potion, but human beings have far less physical potential than elves, and are even more fragile. The extended lifespan is not high. extended for about two hundred years.

It is as difficult to become a champion, but for those talents with sufficient potential, the chance of breaking through to the championship is much higher with two hundred years of life span.

It's just that the longevity potion is rare, especially the human life span potion, which is strictly limited, unless it is due to the people, such as Ms. An Han, who protects one party's heavenly king, can get the longevity potion reward after retirement.

Many heavenly kings have broken through to the championship because of this, and returned to the peak of their prime.

Bai Yuling's eyes shrank, the strength of this Raging Flame Ryoma may already be comparable to his partner in the peak of his previous life, this move of Explosive Charge has reached the ultimate perfection of five-star perfection!

The ultimate trick of five-star perfection is even more difficult than the advanced trick of five-star perfection. It is extremely difficult to break through. Even the peak champions can't break through for thousands of years.

That's why there are so few secrets of the ultimate ultimate move, and the number of hands in District 87 has not exceeded the number of hands in ten thousand years.

With this five-star perfect explosive charge, this flaming dragon horse can already ignore the siege of the sixteen middle-level champions and remain invincible.

The four elders of the Zhulan family would not have the slightest chance of victory unless they took the option of killing both sides and ignoring the friendly forces and attacking directly with a range of unique moves.

After a minute of fierce fighting, Lie Yanlongma suffered very little damage, while the sixteen champion mid-level elves all suffered injuries of varying severity.

Of course, the vitality of the champion level is extremely strong, even if it is the peak champion, it is impossible to kill the first level champion in seconds, and their physical strength is the most serious, and the damage is only 10%.

But this is enough for them to see the situation clearly,

Even if he is not reconciled, he has to admit that with his current strength, there is nothing he can do about this Raging Ryoma. Of course, if he goes all out and releases all his partners, he can definitely win by quantity, but will the opponent only have one Raging Ryoma?

Lie Yanlong Ma stood majestically in the center, surrounded by the sixteen champion mid-level elves, but they all looked heavy, as if they were not surrounded by each other, but the other party surrounded them.

It's really too strong. They need at least three ultimate tricks to break the opponent's explosive charge. However, even if they are lucky to break it in the first time, the opponent can use it again in an instant. With their abilities, they can't really hurt to each other.

In a sense, as long as the energy of Raging Flame Ryoma is sufficient, Raging Flame Ryoma is invincible to them!

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?"

An elder from the Zhulan tribe couldn't help but asked loudly, he felt that the other party was here to show off his prestige, otherwise with the strength of Lieyanlongma, at least one or two elves could be incapacitated in just this minute.

"The Zhulan family, don't they only have this level of strength? You are not my opponents, let the blood-winged dragon come!"

The other party finally spoke, it was a very magnetic male voice, and it didn't look old.


Anger flashed across the eyes of the four old clansmen. How had the Zhulan clan been ridiculed in such a way that the peak champions were so strong? They are in a hurry, and they will lose a few elves to let him know the price of angering the Zhulan family!


A dragon chant resounded across the sky, and a long rainbow pierced the sky and came to this sky in an instant.

Master Tianlong looked at Lieyan Ryoma with a cold gaze, and roared in a low voice: "(Your trainer speaks loudly, if you want to know the true strength of the Zhulan family, defeat me first!)"

Lie Yanlongma's expression suddenly became dignified, and his coercion was suppressed by the opponent at once. For a peak existence like them, this could already prove that the strength of the opponent was above him, at least by a notch.

And I don't know if it was an illusion, but he actually felt a higher level of power in the other party. Could it be that the other party has touched a trace of world-class power?

But even so, he is not afraid, because he feels that the opponent has entered an old age, and his strength is not at its peak.

The four clan elders had taken back three of their companions, leaving only one to ride, retreating hundreds of miles, silently waiting for the battle between Lord Tianlong and Lieyanlongma.


Sirona's expression was full of worry. Who was the other party? It was so terrifying that a flaming dragon horse forced Master Tianlong to take action himself.

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