Pokemon Elf Master

Chapter 789 Anxious Waiting

In Pingcheng, three hours have passed since the time limit, the result should have come out, nearly 300 Tianjiao trainers, none of them left, and they all waited anxiously.

Most people have a look of despair in their hearts. Even if they are optimistic, they don't think that their elf thesis is so good, and the chance of passing the test of that mysterious teacher is probably very small.

Even Xuandu and the others are feeling up and down, very worried, wondering if they have passed Chen Chen's test.

Only Bai Yuling remained calm. Of course, there were so many accidents in the world, he couldn't guarantee that he would pass Chen Chen's test, but even if he failed, it would only delay him for a while, and he would look for opportunities later.

Quietly listening to his own heartbeat, let the mood become more peaceful, a strange feeling gradually spread, Bai Yuling suddenly sensed the thoughts of his partners.

But it is fleeting and cannot be accurately captured, making people feel a little irritated, but Bai Yuling is very calm. This is not the first time this has happened. This is a good thing, and it indicates that Bai Yuling and his partners are going On the road to spiritual unity, when they can establish a spiritual channel with each other at any time, they may reach the legend.

This is a very, very long journey, and Bai Yuling himself is not sure if he can reach it in his lifetime.

In the fantasy world, Blood Wing Tianlong and the others seemed to feel the throbbing of that moment, and silently focused on their master, feeling very happy in their hearts. The connection at that moment made them feel Bai Yuling's love for them again, It's like bathing in hot springs, full of warmth.

Their eyes turned, while discussing and speeding up the absorption of experience in real dreams, while analyzing and simulating in their minds, two-pronged approach, they made obvious progress almost every day, and they felt that they could roughly achieve the expected goal in a month at most, and exert the ultimate combat power of the current quality .

At that time, they will be able to quickly break through themselves, become stronger, and defeat more powerful opponents together with their masters!

Thank you, my friends.

Bai Yuling froze, feeling the strong intentions of his partners, he smiled slightly, and thanked them sincerely in his heart.

The Blood Winged Flying Dragon broke through the Heavenly King a few days ago, becoming Bai Yuling's third partner to break through the Heavenly King, and his strength soared tenfold.

Today's Blood Wing Wyvern and Chenglong are super-evolved, and their strength is comparable to that of a real champion. Even if they lose, they are enough to compete against one or two. If they join forces, they can definitely win against ordinary champions.

Now that the Blood Winged Heavenly Dragon and Qianlong are fighting against the Primordial Blue Dragon, they are already able to compete against it. When they reach the limit of their combat power, their combat awareness and other aspects will be close to those of the Primordial Canglong.

Then you can really compete with it.

Even just one of them is enough. After all, the ancient dragon itself has not yet broken through to the king of heaven. Even with the body of an ancient dragon, its quality is even half as high as that of the blood-winged dragon, but its self-confidence is enough to fill these gaps.

"Ding... Two days later, at three o'clock in the afternoon, arrive at Lanyu City." ——Mysterious teacher

There is only one notification, which is notified by the alliance official.

At the same time, Meng Ningyue, Xuandu, Sirona, and Jia Xueqin's illustrations beside them also rang out at the same time.

Above is exactly the same message.

"We are, have we passed the test?"

Xuandu said uncertainly.

"I don't know, but even if not, there should be a chance, otherwise we would not be notified to go to Lanyu City, if not everyone has been notified."

Sirona shook her head and returned.

If there is any news, you will know in a moment. Soon, the intelligence personnel replied to the news.


Several people breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts were finally not so uneasy.

"It's the first time I'm so uneasy..."

Sirona murmured softly.

She really didn't know what to do, although she came up with a paper with her own feelings in the last time, but whether it was true or not, she was very vague in her mind.

Xuandu and Jia Xueqin felt the same way.

"Let's go, to Lanyu City."

Then they set off for Lanyu City together.

There are smart geniuses, such as Huang Kun, Yun Qingfeng and others, who seem to pay special attention to them all the time. To be precise, Xuandu and Sirona, as soon as they find out their movements, they immediately follow them.

Yun Qingfeng's face was gloomy, but there was hope in his eyes. The appearance of Chen Chen, a mysterious teacher, gave him the hope of defeating Bai Yuling. If he could become the other party's student, defeating Bai Yuling would definitely not be a problem!

But can they keep up if they want to?

Sirona and Xuandu had already expected that Sirona specially transferred the family's rocket airship, which was invisible, and far surpassed ordinary airships in terms of speed and stealth.


Except for Meng Ningyue and Jia Xueqin, the illustrated books on Bai Yuling and the others all rang.

You don't need to look to know who sent it, it's nothing more than hoping to get information from them.

Everyone glanced at it casually, and sure enough, they all ignored it.

Under the high speed of the Zhulan family's rocket airship, they arrived in Lanyu City in a few hours.

"What should we do next, just wait for the news?"

Xuandu felt a little anxious, and felt that time passed too slowly for the first time.

"Otherwise? Maybe Chen Chen is at my house now, should I go directly to him? Be patient, I believe there will be news in a few days at the latest."

Sirona said, in fact, she was a little impatient.

"Training together to pass the time?"

Xuandu suggested.

It's a good idea, Sirona and the others are about to nod.

"It's best not to. I suggest that everyone act casually. Everything is mainly for entertainment. Try to relax your mind and keep excited. It's not good for absorbing knowledge."

Bai Yuling shook his head and said.

"Yes, there may still be tests, and you must maintain your best condition."

Sirona woke up startled, nodded in agreement.

Others have no objections either, training, there is no shortage of these few days, just keep the basic consolidation training.

Two days passed, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little anxious, why there is no news, this time is enough to go back and forth several times even by airship.

"Don't worry, it may be a test of our patience."

Jia Xueqin comforted her.

"No way, I can't control myself."

Xuandu smiled bitterly, mocking himself helplessly in his heart, when did he become so impatient.

Another two days, everyone is helpless, how long will we have to wait?

"I can't help it, let's resume the special training until the day that teacher remembers us."

Xuandu was surprisingly patient at this time, he had already controlled himself, it was useless to be anxious anyway.

Well, everyone nodded, and after chatting for a while, they dispersed and left.

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