Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 154 Arrival, Tower of Phantom!

The night will eventually pass away and the sun will rise.

The rogue crocodile and the desert dragonfly, who had been miserable all night, left their nests and came out to look for food as usual.

The two big guys were hiding motionless in the sky-filled sandstorm raised by the wings of the desert dragonfly.

Occasionally there were other Pokémon passing by, and Rogue Crocodile saw with sharp eyes that they all held an energy cube in their hands.

Thinking of the wonderful taste, the mouths of the rogue crocodile and the desert dragonfly secreted a large amount of fluid.

The desert dragonfly looked at them with envy in his heart.

The rogue crocodile swallowed, jumped out of the sand, grabbed a small black-eyed crocodile, and asked fiercely:

"Oh?" (Hey! Where did you get this thing?!)

The poor black-eyed crocodile trembled and replied: "Woo-hoo." (This is a gift given to us by the human when we helped him do something.)

"I know, get out!" The rogue crocodile let go of it. Although it was a bad guy, it was not ready to snatch the food of these weak guys.

The black-eyed crocodile ran away in fear.

The rogue crocodile returned to the sandstorm, and before it could say anything, the desert dragonfly looked in that direction and said, "Huh?" (How about we go over and have a look too?)

The rogue crocodile has this intention. If you help, you can get that kind of food...

They are much stronger than those little things, and they must be able to do more than them.

Thinking of this, Rogue Crocodile and Desert Dragonfly ran in that direction excitedly.

Two hours flew by.

After the battle, the wild Pokémon who came to work happily left here with their wages.

At this time, a sandstorm blew up in this area again.

Hu Yang frowned, first put the fire dinosaurs into the elf ball, and then put on the sand mask.

Braving the sandstorm, he took down all the camping tools and tents and put them into Gengar's fourth-dimensional space.

After doing all this, the surrounding environment began to become worse and worse.

The sky-wide sandstorm was like an avalanche, sweeping over from the horizon.

Even the Pokémon that live in the desert don't like this extreme environment.

As if they were frightened, they raised their heads and looked around, then immediately used burrowing to enter the ground.

In the blink of an eye, there was nothing in the vast desert, leaving only a piece of dead yellow sand.

Suicune stood there, looking solemnly at the suffocating scene in the distance.

Populus euphratica packed up the campsite and came to Suicune. When he saw his expression, his heart moved and he asked, "Do you know Regirock?"

Suicune looked away, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Okay." Hu Yang nodded.

According to their settings, Regirock was born in ancient times. It, Regice and Regischiru were natural products created by the Pillar King Regichkas.

As for Suicune Entei and Raikou, they were born in the Johto area hundreds of years ago, so it's normal for them not to know about the Three Divine Pillars.

Populus euphratica sat on Suicune and looked with him at the power of nature revealed around him.

The Pokémon fled in all directions, and the desert that stretched to the end of the world seemed to be swallowing up all the creatures on this land.

Sure enough, it still confirms that sentence: in the face of threats from nature, humans and Pokémon are the same.

This is also the main reason for the failure of Shui Wutong and Red Flame Pine.

They underestimated the power of Groudon and Kyogre. That kind of power was simply beyond the control of humans.

After standing there silently watching the scene in the distance for a while, Populus euphratica gently touched Suicune's neck and said, "Let's go."

He found no trace of the Phantom Tower near this area, which meant that they had to continue moving forward.

Suicune responded and continued running towards the sun.

So when Rogue Crocodile and Desert Dragonfly arrived here again, they only saw a piece of sand scorched by flames.

Rogue Crocodile stood in the sandstorm, straightened up and looked around blankly, but found nothing.

His full expectations were in vain. Standing on the empty sand, Rogue Crocodile's shoulders slumped, and he said with great disappointment: "Oh..." (They left...)

A gurgling sound came from the desert dragonfly's belly. It sighed and said: "Ugh." (Let's go back to find some food.)

That's all it can do now.

The two big guys turned around and left here silently, preparing to find some food and return to the nest.

But in this extreme weather, there were very few prey activities outside. They only found a few small scorpions living in the sand.

The sun set again, and on the second day after entering the desert, Populus euphratica still had not found the location of the Phantom Tower.

At night, they camped and rested behind a sand dune.

Hu Yang sat by the campfire and looked through the slate he got from the little girl in Zijin City.

[Those who are lost can pray when encountering evil spirits, keep moving in the direction of the sun, and pass through the sandstorm to reach the Tower of Sand. Those who successfully climb to the top will obtain the ancient treasures we left behind. ]

Suicune runs very fast.

Although there was no specific map, Populus euphratica could still feel that they had penetrated deep into the hinterland of the desert.

According to the footsteps of an old man, it would be impossible to reach this depth even if he walked for half a month.

Which link did the problem occur?

The time of encountering the devil refers to the dusk period, and there should be nothing wrong with this.

The direction of the sun is not wrong either.

Through the sandstorm, they kept wearing it.

Could it be that he didn't pray?

Hu Yang looked at the content on the slate in silence.

Are you kidding me?

There is no magic like speaking spirits in the Pokémon world, so how could it be possible for a tower to appear immediately after just praying.

Populus euphratica put down the slate with a big head, and simply didn't think about anything. He just laid down in the desert and watched the stars with the Pokémon.

The sandstorm that blew up during the day has stopped, and the weather is very good at this time.

The night sky is clean and clear, and the stars dotted in it are like a Milky Way, hanging in the night.

"So beautiful." Gengar said.


"Fire ha!"

The night is quiet and beautiful.

Hu Yang originally wanted to take his time and look for the Phantom Tower slowly.

But when he followed the direction of the sun for three days without seeing the shadow of the tower, no matter how anxious he was, he would inevitably feel a little depressed at this moment.

If we go further west, I'm afraid we'll have to go directly to Fuyan Town...

Hu Yang looked at the time and saw that it was already three forty in the morning. He went to bed very early yesterday, so he woke up early now.

Sitting next to the campfire, looking at the large map of the Fengyuan area in his hand, Populus euphratica estimated his current location.

He had passed through the hinterland of the desert and reached the west side of the desert.

It is impossible for an old man who set out from Zijin City to come here.

So, what went wrong?

At this time, Suicune beside him woke up at some point. He looked at the distant east and said gently: "It's about to dawn."

"I know." Hu Yang sighed, and as soon as he raised his head, he suddenly thought of something.

Its daybreak……

The so-called time of encountering demons refers to the time when the two realms of yin and yang alternate, which is what people usually call dusk.

However, there is more than one time during the day when the worlds of yin and yang alternate.

And Dawn!

Could it be that the time of encountering the devil indicated on that stone tablet was not dusk but dawn? !

Realizing this possibility, Hu Yang became excited instantly.

"What's wrong?" Suijun next to him asked puzzledly when he saw his expression.

Hu Yang took out the Lightning Bird's elf ball and said, "I think I may know where the problem is. Let's leave it to us!"

Compared to Suicune, Lightning Bird is faster. If you want to reach the Sand Tower through the sandstorm at dawn, then it is obviously more suitable to choose Lightning Bird.

Suicune nodded. It was originally here to help, so everything was based on Populus euphratica's words.

It entered the elf ball on its own initiative. After putting it away, Hu Yang pressed the button of the Lightning Bird elf ball.

With a flash of white light, a lightning bird with beautiful feathers appeared on the sand.

Hu Yang took out the sandproof mask that had been prepared in advance for bird Pokémon from his backpack, put it on Zapdos, then turned over and said: "Please, Zapdos!"


The lightning bird made a sharp cry, and after Populus euphratica sat firmly, it flapped its wings and soared into the sky.

"The height should not be too high. Try to allow me to see the environment on the ground clearly." Hu Yang said.

The Lightning Bird didn't respond, but it slightly lowered its flight altitude.

Time passed slowly, and the sudden sandstorm ahead confirmed Populus euphratica's thoughts.

The lightning bird went as fast as it could, its body like a loose arrow, piercing the sky and shuttling through the raging sandstorm.

A flash of fish belly white appeared in the far east.

The golden sun rises slowly from the end of the world.

Dawn has arrived.

Populus euphratica raised his head from the lightning bird, and his short black hair was blown in all directions by the whistling wind.

The sand grains in the air kept hitting the sand mask he was wearing, making a clear crashing sound.

I don’t know how much time passed, but with a proud cry from the mouth of the Lightning Bird, all the sounds around me suddenly stopped.

Even the wind stopped flowing.

The Lightning Bird soars in the sky, its proud posture seems to be announcing to the world that it has conquered nature.

Populus euphratica looked down, and suddenly found a huge tower standing here in the silent desert.

At the same time, the sun finally rose fully.

Under the golden sunlight, the tall tower revealed an ancient and majestic atmosphere to the outside world.

Populus euphratica and Lightning Bird landed from the sky and stood outside looking up at the legendary phantom tower.

The height of the entire tower is about twenty meters. The tower body is blue-grey. Perhaps because of the age of the building, many black cracks have appeared on it.

"Thank you this time." Hu Yang touched the Lightning Bird's head.

Lightning Bird was still a little unaccustomed to being touched, so he cried out awkwardly: "Chirp!"

"You were so handsome just now!" Hu Yang praised with a smile.

He was not lying, but he felt from the bottom of his heart that Lightning Bird was very handsome.

Zapdos is a Pokémon that controls thunder and lightning and soars in thunder clouds.

Although it does not have the priesthood of the God of Thunder in the Lugia movie version, it still has the courage to challenge nature.

Being praised like this for the first time, Lightning Bird felt a little embarrassed, so awkward that he didn't even know where to put his feet.

Seeing the Lightning Bird like this, Hu Yang felt that its character was actually quite good.

He took out an energy cube from the energy cube box he carried and fed it to the lightning bird. After it finished eating, Populus euphratica took it back into the elf ball.

Well, next...

Hu Yang thought for a moment, then carefully took out Gengar's elf ball and let it protect him.

The rogue crocodile and the desert dragonfly who were looking for food outside smelled the good smell again.

They looked at each other uncertainly and communicated with their eyes: Is that human back again?

The place where the smell came from was a long way from where they were now. Perhaps it was due to the favorable wind that caused the smell to drift over.

The two big guys judged the location based on experience, hesitated for a while, and finally decided to go over and take a look.

At the same time, Hu Yang and Gengar officially entered the Phantom Tower.

The interior space of this phantom tower is large, with stone staircases spiraling around the entire interior wall of the tower.

The hall on the first floor is very empty. Apart from the murals of ancient human life engraved on the walls, nothing else can be found.

The content on the mural probably records the story of the humans who used to live in this desert forming tribes and building homes.

Up there, Hu Yang saw them building ancient buildings with sand.

In addition to the residences, there is also something similar to a temple. Many people in white robes kneel in front of the temple to worship something.

These are precious ancient mythological materials, and maybe someone will be interested in them in the future.

Hu Yang thought for a while, took out his camera and took six consecutive shots.

However, when the last picture was taken, a big fat purple man suddenly jumped out of the wall with a grimace.

Hu Yang, who was concentrating on taking pictures, was startled this time. Fortunately, he did not have a heart disease, otherwise he might have been frightened to death here.

Hu Yang said to Gengar silently: "...If you scare me to death, you will have no trainer."

After saying that, he concentrated on taking photos again.

Gengar choked for a moment, stood there and imagined the scene, and immediately stopped daring to scare anyone.

It floated over and said worriedly: "I'm sorry."

Populus euphratica looked at it, sighed helplessly, touched its head and said:

"I'm not blaming you."

Gengar looked at him.

Hu Yang thought for a while and continued: "If you suddenly scare others, it may cause great trouble to others."

"I am your trainer now and can help you bear those mistakes, but what if I am no longer here in the future?"

"For example, if you tease an old man and that old man has a heart disease, and he is scared to death when you scare him, people will still hate you and expel you even if you have no ill intentions."

"You don't want this either, right?" Hu Yang asked.

Gengar lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be so sad!" Hu Yang said to it with a smile: "I'm telling you this just so that you won't be hated by others in the future and can always coexist peacefully with humans, so be obedient, okay?"

Gengar nodded obediently: "Yes."

Hu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and saw that the mural on the first floor had been photographed, so he said to Gengar: "Let's go up there and have a look."

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