Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 197 Deoxys 5+6 (End)

Rayquaza's body is very large.

Its appearance is that of a flying dragon, most of its body is black, with red edges on the shoulders and lower body. The body is surrounded by an ancient golden ring pattern, extending from the tail to the top of the head.

Like most mythical beasts, Rayquaza also possesses the ability to change body size.

The size of Rayquaza this time is no different from the one Populus euphratica saw last time, and the size is about 20 meters.

It can be seen that this length is the normal body shape that Rayquaza usually maintains.

The cold wind blowing from high in the sky can be heard in my ears, and the gorgeous Northern Lights are swaying in the sky above my head.

Hu Yang was riding on top of the ancient Pokémon Rayquaza, glanced at the two dragon horns next to him that were bigger than him, and explained:

"That guy didn't mean to invade your territory, nor did he want to invade this planet. The purpose of coming here is to find a companion who turned into this crystal."

"After finding their companions, they will leave the planet together. In other words, your fight is completely unnecessary."

After all, in the theatrical version, the two Deoxys took the initiative to protect Rayquaza in the end.

Hearing this, Rayquaza didn't react at all, and looked like he didn't hear it.

Hu Yang paused and asked doubtfully: "Can't you communicate with humans using telepathy like other Pokémon?"

Probably not?

Suicune and Entei can do it. As the god of the sky, Rayquaza can't be without this ability, right?

That's too embarrassing.

Rayquaza: "..."

At this time, the destination has arrived.

Rayquaza was suspended in mid-air and roared in the direction of Deoxys. .

Populus euphratica stopped communicating with Rayquaza and looked up at the sky not far away.

Seeing his trainer coming up, Ancient Moon Bird turned around and slowly landed next to him.

Since Hu Yang had no idea of ​​turning Deoxys into a core crystal, Ancient Moon Bird did not show its true strength in the previous battle.

Populus euphratica touched its head and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work."

Gu Yueniao squinted his eyes, looking like he was enjoying himself, with a silly look on his face, "Gah."

Hu Yang stopped his hand and looked at Deoxys, who had transformed into an attack form, along with Ancient Moon Bird and Rayquaza.

At this moment, the three people on Earth unite as a united front.

Hu Yang calmly tried to communicate with the other party and shouted: "Deoxys, stop fighting!"

Deoxys was suspended not far away, and did not respond or launch an attack. Instead, he turned his attention to the light green core crystal in Populus euphratica's hand.

Seeing it like this, Populus euphratica was afraid that it would misunderstand that he wanted to threaten it, so he immediately said:

"We have no ill intentions. It's all a misunderstanding. I know your purpose of coming here is to find this. Rayquaza thought you were an enemy who invaded this planet, so he attacked you."


Deoxys emitted a strange buzzing sound. He moved his gaze away from the green core crystal and stared at the speaking human with his pitch-black pupils. Other than that, he had no other reaction.

Populus euphratica: "..."

Could it be a language barrier?

Deoxys was not on the same planet as them. Thinking of this, Populus euphratica poked Rayquaza and said, "Would you like to try it?"

Maybe there's no language barrier between Pokémon.


Rayquaza was silent for a while. It looked at the alien on the opposite side and stopped fighting. It also realized that what the human in it just said was true and that it had misunderstood it.

A true warrior dares to face the mistakes of the past.

So, after a brief silence, Rayquaza let out a low, ancient cry.


Deoxys turned his attention to Rayquaza again.

After a while, a white light appeared on its body. In the white light, its appearance changed rapidly, from an attack form that was good at fighting to a normal form with more balanced abilities.

Seeing this scene, Hu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, the incident in Larousse City four years later would not have to happen again.

Deoxys slowly flew towards this side.

Hu Yang handed over the energy core in his hand.

Deoxys's four tentacles transformed into two arms and reached out to take it.

Such a close contact also allowed Hu Yang to see clearly the appearance of Deoxys in reality.

Its body is like a human's, its main color is orange-red, and its face is blue-green, with a vertical purple stripe running through it.

The shape of its eye sockets is very strange, rectangular, with white round eyes inside, and the pupil is very small, with only one point.

The most attractive thing about Deoxys is the crystal-like energy core on its chest.

The energy core of this Deoxys is purple.

After Deoxys took over his companion's energy core, he lowered his head and looked at it carefully.

Just when Hu Yang thought that the matter was finally over, a blue light suddenly lit up in the eyes of Deoxys in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, an unexpected scene appeared.

The green core crystal seemed to resonate with Deoxys's power, and a blue light emerged.

Hu Yang looked at this scene in surprise.

Soon, under the blue light, a shadow of an energy body slowly emerged from the crystal.

That's another Deoxys.

It just doesn't look like it's fully resurrected yet.

As soon as the two Deoxys met, a brilliant light like an aurora appeared on each body.

The aurora in the sky suddenly became brighter.

Populus euphratica looked up at the sky.

He remembered that the two Deoxys in the theater version used the aurora to communicate with each other.

When he looked at the two Deoxys, they were already facing each other and shrouded in aurora, and they seemed to be exchanging some information.

Soon, the exchange ended.

The phantom of Deoxys with a green energy core slowly turned around and looked at Populus euphratica.

At this time, a piece of unclear and very vague information suddenly appeared in Hu Yang's mind.

"# @\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;Thank%*Thank you."

He was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was Deoxys who was expressing his gratitude to him!

You're welcome!

Hu Yang grinned and showed a happy smile.

He witnessed the classic battle between Deoxys and Rayquaza with his own eyes, and also collected information about Deoxys' battle. His trip was already worthwhile.

And the ending is also the happy ending he wants to see.

There's nothing like it.

While this Deoxys was communicating with Populus euphratica, the other Deoxys was suspended behind, watching the scene quietly.

After its companion finished expressing its gratitude, it handed over a stone the size of a fist using its telekinesis.

Populus euphratica instinctively looked towards the stone.

The next second, relevant information appeared in his mind.

[An annihilated star fragment: It can be sold for a high price to some astronomy enthusiasts. It is extremely rare and is a testament to the friendship with Deoxys. ]

"Is this for me?" Hu Yang was stunned for a moment.


Deoxys handed over the stone and looked up at Populus euphratica for a while.

After a moment, holding the core crystal of his companion, he turned around and flew towards the universe.

After finding their companions, it's time for them to leave the planet.

Different from other Pokémon.

Deoxys, known as the cosmic virus, has no fixed residence.

They have no past and no future. They spend most of their time wandering alone in the deep universe until the moment their long life ends.

Therefore, in a sense, their companions are more important to them than themselves.

Populus euphratica and Rayquaza looked up at the two Deoxys and watched them go away.

It wasn't until they were completely out of sight that Rayquaza let out a low roar, then twisted its huge dark body and sent Populus euphratica to the ground.

Then he took a complicated look at this human being, turned around and flew towards the sky.

Populus euphratica: "..."

Forget it, just leave, nothing will happen anyway.

Hu Yang happily put away the stone given by Deoxys.

Star fragments and the like sounded like they were rarer than the ordinary meteorites he had found before.

Although it is very precious, Populus euphratica does not intend to sell it. After all, the significance of this thing is extraordinary.

"It is a proof of friendship with Deoxys", listen, how monumental.

If nothing else happens, they may never see each other again this time.

Although it is a pity, this kind of thing is the norm no matter in which world it is.

Hu Yang let out a sigh and was about to deal with the group of Pipis who had brought their families to this planet. However, as soon as he turned around, he saw Dr. Lundo and his team with different expressions.

Xiaochao and Youshu's faces were filled with admiration and excitement.

The expressions of Dr. Lundo and others were much more exciting.

They opened their mouths, as if they wanted to say something, and then looked at the Ancient Moon Bird next to Populus euphratica, with strange expressions on their faces, and their eyes were full of disbelief and shock.

Populus euphratica: "..."

Okay, let's show off, he won't pretend anymore.

An hour later, Icefield Camp.

The group of Pipi who had been rescued were wrapped in blankets and gathered around the stove, holding a cup of steaming hot tea in their hands, with expressions of satisfaction on their faces.

The fire dinosaur, who was almost suffocated by the Pipis, stood aside and watched this scene. He wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead with his paws and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned its head and looked at the room with a round table.

In the room, Dr. Londo and the researchers from the Larus City Research Institute sat around a round table.

On the other side of the round table, sat its favorite trainer.

"Hua..." The fire dinosaur sighed and looked away. As soon as he turned around, he saw one coming to stick to his skin.

Looking at Pipi holding his tail, the fire dinosaur showed a desperate expression on his face.


Now it just wants to go back to the warm and comfortable elf ball to sleep like Gengar and the others.

Hu Yang leaned on the chair, with a casual expression on his face.

After getting along with each other these days, he found that these people had a pure love for Pokémon and were also very kind people, so it was okay to reveal some information to them.

Anyway, his "reclusive mythologist, researcher, trainer and nurturer parents" who don't exist in this world can tell the truth.

Seeing him like this, Xiao An, who had taken them to visit the research institute before, hesitated and asked a question that Hu Yang didn't expect:

"Are you...really Populus euphratica?"

"..." After being speechless for a moment, Populus euphratica still replied: "Yes, I am Populus euphratica."

Compared to Xiao An, Yuko was much more rational. She asked calmly: "Do you know much about the Pokémon that came to this planet from the universe?"

Hu Yang nodded: "Their name is "Deoxys", and they are a kind of Pokémon with super powers. "

Xiao An couldn't help but interjected: "What about Rayquaza?"

"I happened to meet it when I was traveling outside." Populus euphratica replied: "I didn't expect it to remember me."

Hearing this, Dr. Londo nodded: "This kind of thing does happen. According to records, humans who are recognized by legendary Pokémon will be able to get their help."

Dr. Lundo thought for a moment and asked, "Your Ancient Moon Bird seems a little different from the ordinary one."

Populus euphratica: "Yes, it is heterochromatic."

"No, I mean its strength..." Dr. Lundo was very interested in this matter: "Different Pokémon have different racial upper limits. Take Bug Pokémon as an example, their strength is between Once you grow up to a certain level, you will be restricted by your race.”

"In this case, it will be difficult for them to defeat bird Pokémon bred with the same resources and the same breeding method."

"But your Ancient Moon Bird has broken through this theory..." The battle just now appeared in his mind, and Dr. Lundo showed a confused expression on his face.

If such a thing as ignoring racial restrictions really exists, then some theories in the research community will be completely overturned.

Regarding this question, Hu Yang just shook his head: "I don't know. When I met it, it was like this. It has been protecting me from that day to now."

Dr. Lundo opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something more, but in the end he said nothing and just said: "Okay."

Seeing Dr. Lundo like this, Hu Yang wanted to tell him that sometimes the bonds and feelings generated between humans can also allow Pokémon to transform and break through the restrictions of race.

But after thinking about it carefully, I found that Dr. Lundo's theory was correct.

With the same resources and the same breeding method, green caterpillars and Bibi birds... it is indeed difficult for the former to defeat the latter.

He didn't know much about these research matters, and finally decided not to show off his superficial knowledge as a time traveler in front of these professionals.

It would be embarrassing if something went wrong.

At this time, Yuko looked at the young man in front of him seriously and asked, "If it's convenient, can you tell us where you got the information about Deoxys?"

Hu Yang blinked his eyes, his face full of simplicity, and said: "I learned about it from my parents. They are very interested in the legendary Pokémon, so they have done some research."

Xiao An on the side quickly said: "Then can we go visit them?"

Hu Yang shook his head: "They are no longer in this world."

Hearing this, Xiao An opened his mouth and said apologetically: "Sorry, I didn't know about this."

Thanks to the boss flyfishhhh for the tip

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