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Chapter 455 White Wolf and Dragon Knight, the legendary dragon that catches children!

Because he was so shocked, Hu Yang, who was lying down, opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

How can it be? !

How could Reshiram, who had always been in his inner world, be real? !

If you put it this way, wouldn't it be that his previous unbridled actions were...

Wasn't it all seen by Reshiram?

Reshiram, which symbolizes reality, exists in the form of consciousness. Isn’t this too metaphysical?

Hu Yang covered his face with his hands, feeling complicated.

At this time, Pogaman on the side was woken up and looked over sleepily: "Pogaman?"

"It's okay, just go back to sleep. Good night."

After a brief brainstorm, Hu Yang had calmed down.

He lay down again and began to recall the origin and origin of Reshiram, which symbolized reality.

In the heroic legend of the Unova region, there were two princes in the Kingdom Era before the Unova Alliance was established.

The two princes are almost inseparable. One of them has seen through the real world, and the other is full of fantasy about the ideal world.

During a war with neighboring countries, they accidentally obtained a stone with magical power. The two princes named it "Dragon Stone".

The Dragon Stone was extremely powerful and allowed them to win the war with their neighboring countries.

But after that, the stone actively split into two parts, one light stone and one dark stone, because of their different ideas.

The light stone turned into Reshiram and followed the prince who saw through the real world, while the dark stone turned into Zekrom and followed the prince who wanted to create an ideal world.

The two princes started an endless war because of their different ideals. This war almost shattered the Unova region, until in the end, Zekrom and Reshiram exhausted their power at the same time and turned into stone. seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

The two princes realized their mistakes, and after deep reflection, they sealed the Light Stone and Dark Stone in the Dragon Spiral Tower after the war.

These are the stories of Dragon Spiral Tower told by Reshiram.

Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem were born from the empty shells left behind when the two stones separated.

These three were originally one, but due to different human concepts, they differentiated into individuals symbolizing different meanings.

Hu Yang thought about this silently, and then took a deep breath.

This is so idealistic!

Hu Yang hid his face and sighed. After being mentally prepared, he closed his eyes again and entered his inner world with the help of the power of the unknown totem.

Reshiram's body standing there was still so elegant and agile, and its eyes were as strong and determined as a white wolf.

Populus euphratica stood opposite Reshiram, looking at it from a distance.

A gust of wind blew by, and Reshiram's long white hair began to sway gracefully.

Compared with before, nothing seemed to have changed, but Hu Yang knew that there was already a sadly thick barrier between them.


Reshiram: "..."

"Ahem." Hu Yang cleared his throat and said with a serious face: "Hello, Reshiram."

Reshiram looked gentle and nodded slightly.

Hu Yang asked without changing his expression: "Can I know when you came here?"

"When I wake up, I'll be here," Reshiram replied.

"Since the first time you opened your eyes?"


Hu Yang was speechless and choked.

He was silent for a moment, and then simply changed the subject: "What you just meant is that your consciousness just came here, and your body is still in the Dragon Spiral Tower in the Hezhong area?"

Reshiram nodded slightly: "Real people can only awaken my power by going to the Dragon Spiral Tower. At that time, I will assist them in building a real world."

Hu Yang: "...But I think it is more ideal to solve the evil forces in this world and create a better world, right?"

Although reality and ideals are inseparable, according to common sense, Zekrom, who represents ideals, should have chosen him.

Hu Yang raised his head and looked at Reshiram.

But Reshiram said something obscure:

"Everything you see, hear, and hear is true. Those who despise truth will not be allowed to see me."

Hu Yang originally asked that question out of curiosity, but now that he heard Reshiram's words, he suddenly realized a problem.

The missions of both Reshiram and Zekrom are defined from a human perspective.

The original Dragon Stone's meaning of existence was neither real nor ideal.

Because of the ideas of the two princes, they split into two stones representing different ideas.

So, if you are more idealistic.

When those two stones are obtained by a person who satisfies both reality and ideals and has a firm belief at the same time, will the light stone and the dark stone merge into one and become the original dragon stone?

Hu Yang fell into thought.

He thought of Kyurem. Regarding Kyurem, he remembered that the information recorded this:

"The empty shell left behind by the Dragon Stone, the container of reality and ideals, represents the pure power of Wuji."

Therefore, Kyurem can fuse Reshiram and Zekrom, which represent the white pole and the black pole, and combine reality or ideals, and his strength is greatly enhanced.

And if reality and ideals are combined at the same time, then Kyurem will become a "complete existence", which is the legendary original dragon.

But it is a pity that this dragon has never appeared in either the game or the special episode.

Hu Yang guessed that it probably symbolized the shortcomings of the difficulty in completely balancing ideals and reality, right?

Two word evaluation - abstract.

"I understand." Hu Yang sighed: "I will go to the Dragon Spiral Tower to meet you."

But not now.

Because he had to deal with Team Galaxy in the Sinnoh region first.

Reshiram nodded slightly.

Populus euphratica did not run forward and wallow in Reshiram's white fur.

Now that he knows that the person he has been banging is the real one, he also has some heavy baggage on him.

After thinking for a moment, Hu Yang withdrew from his inner world, straightened up and leaned on the pillow.

He took the mobile phone from the bedside table, placed the dozing Bogaman on his belly, and while gently touching the fluff on its belly, he used the mobile phone to search for rumors about the Hezhong area.

Soon, Hu Yang searched for a post on the forum called "Complete Collection of World Horror Stories - The Horrible Legend of Longmu Town: The Man-Eating Dragon".

The content of the post is as follows:

[It is said that a long time ago, a stone of unknown origin fell from the sky and landed in the Giant's Cave near the town.

That stone turned into an evil dragon named Kyurem. It would appear in the town with the cold wind at night, kidnapping human children and Pokémon as its own food.

The residents of Longmei built a high wall around the town and imposed a curfew to defend themselves against the dragon. ]

Populus euphratica: "..."

He continued to scroll down and saw several comments from other netizens.

[Thirty-year-old Shiki Lu: Yes, a native of Gongme Town, my mother told me this story when I was a child to keep me from going out at night. ]

[Forever Jigglypuff: Oh my god, have you ever had a missing child case over there? ]

[Thirty-year-old Shikiga: I don’t know. Later, my mother took me to move to the Kalos area. I haven’t been back to Gongme Town for a long time. But by the way, judging from your name, are you also a fan of Jigglypuff? ]

[Forever Jigglypuff: No, this name is to commemorate Jigglypuff who grew up with me. He passed away not long ago. I miss him very much: (]

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