Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 591 Reunion at dusk

In the cave, Hu Yang looked at Zeraora who suddenly started to be in a daze, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

After thinking for a moment, he quietly used the modifier on Zeraora, hoping to observe its status and mood in this way.

The next second, Zeraora's information emerged from Hu Yang's mind.

The content of the moves he knows has not changed much compared to before. The main changes are the following three contents: [Current Emotion], [Physical State], and [Friendliness].

Perhaps because she was in a coma just now, Zeraora's emotion showed "none" when Hu Yang just checked.

But now, it has become "firm", "joyful", "excited" and "excited".


Hu Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise, thinking to himself, isn't it just that he has regained his strength, so why is he so happy?

He continued to look down, and as expected, the physical condition column changed from "seriously injured and comatose" to "perfect"

There is no doubt that this is the effect brought about by the full compound medicine.

As for the last item of friendliness...

You don’t know this by looking at it, but you’ll be shocked when you see it.

After seeing the numbers above clearly, Hu Yang's eyes widened in disbelief, and he froze in place.

Because the friendliness has changed from 0 at the beginning to 100 now!

You know, this number is very exaggerated. According to Hu Yang's observations and guesses, Pokémon with this kind of favorability can do anything for the trainer, even dedicating their own lives!

No, no, what the hell happened?

Hu Yang was sure that this was the first time he had seen Zeraora in this reincarnation.

Thinking of this, Hu Yang raised his head and looked at Zeraora blankly.

Zeraora also came out of her daze at some point and was staring at him intently.

The eyes of one person and one Pokémon met in mid-air. Seeing the tears in Zeraora's eyes and the familiar look in her eyes, Hu Yang immediately had a bold idea in his mind:

Zeraora remembered him!

He tentatively called out, "Zeraora?"

Zeraora: "Ugh——"

Seeing Zeraora's appearance, Touya and N were stunned for a moment.

They turned to look at Populus euphratica, only to find that Populus euphratica also had an extremely excited look on his face. He opened his arms and embraced the super powerful Zeraora.

Touya said blankly: "Zeraora...is it crying?"

N looked at this scene quietly. Although he didn't know what happened, he felt the deep longing and joy of reunion from the Zeraora.

At this time, they should have a lot to say, right?

Thinking of this, N pressed the brim of his hat and said with a smile: "Touya."

"Ah?" Touya turned his head.

N said: "Let's go look for traces of Pokémon hunters nearby?"

Hearing this, Toru was immediately diverted. He nodded seriously and said, "Yes, those guys will definitely come back here!"

With that said, the two turned and left.

When Hu Yang saw Zeraora crying, he felt a little moved, but he still suppressed the urge to cry.

After hugging her for a long time, he let go of Zeraora, gently wiped away the tears on her face, and said softly:

"Okay, don't cry, I've found you."

Crying was something that was basically impossible for Zeraora.

In the past, no matter how badly it was injured, it never shed a tear, but now, the tears kept falling as if it had lost control.

Zeraora sniffed and stopped crying.

Populus euphratica held its big furry paws and pads and asked with a smile: "Can you tell me what happened?"

Zeraora nodded slightly, and then told the other party what had just happened.

Its consciousness was pulled to a special space, where it saw a mysterious Pokémon. He said a lot to it and asked it if it wanted to continue walking with Populus euphratica.

Faced with that answer, Zeraora chose yes, and then it was sent back here.


Listening to Zeraora's narration, Hu Yang soon realized that the Arceus it spoke of was the true form of the god outside the universe who created all the worlds.

"Is this also a gift given to me by Arceus?" Hu Yang murmured.

From the modifier at the beginning to Zeraora's memory now, I have to say that Arceus has helped it a lot.

What could he do for that God?

Maybe he doesn't need to do anything, he just needs to continue to be kind to all humans and Pokémon in the world as he is now and before. This is what Arceus wants to see.

"Thank you." Hu Yang said in his heart.

He stood up, stretched out his hand towards Zeraora, and said, "Let's go!"

Zeraora put her paws up, clasped her hands, and stood up.

It lowered its head and looked at the three little guys next to it who came to present fruit from the tree.

Populus euphratica also lowered his head to look at Gala Gala and the others, and asked: "This time, please bring them with you!"

Zeraora nodded happily, but soon, it realized the time and what was about to happen in this forest.

As if aware of the worry in its heart, Hu Yang said: "Leave this matter to me."

After spending so many years together, they no longer need to explain each other. They can understand each other's feelings with just a look and a word.

Looking into Populus euphratica's eyes, Zeraora turned around and said something to Gala Gala, Insect Electric Treasure, and Orchid Mantis beside her.

Hu Yang stood aside and waited silently. Soon, Zeraora turned around and nodded to him.

Hu Yang took out three elf balls from his backpack and put the three little guys into the elf balls.

And just when they were about to leave, Gengar's figure suddenly floated out of the elf ball, and then he hugged Populus euphratica and started crying loudly.

Seeing this, Hu Yang knew that Geng Gui had also recovered his memory.

He wiped Gengar's tears away and waited until his emotions were almost vented before he said with a smile: "You don't look good when you cry."

Gengar: "!!!"

Gengar was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

Just before Geng Gui was about to get angry, Populus euphratica reached out and touched its head and said softly: "Okay, I really miss you, Geng Gui."

Gengar's anger was calmed down instantly. He floated forward, pressed his head against Populus euphratica's forehead, and then patted his back comfortingly with his paws.

"You, this guy, comforted me first." Hu Yang said with a smile.

The birth and death of ghost-type Pokémon are full of unknowns.

But what is certain is that their lifespan is not endless.

Some past memories flashed through Hu Yang's mind.

He looked at the cute ghost in front of him and said with a smile: "It's time for us to go home."

Now that Gengar and Zeraora have recovered their memories, other Pokémon in the zoo may be the same as them.

Thinking of this, Hu Yang found N and Touya who were wandering outside and said goodbye to them.

"Don't worry about the Pokémon hunter's affairs. I will take care of it. Okay, it's time to say goodbye. Touya, N, see you next time!"

As for how to deal with it...

Hu Yang was going to find Dialga and then carry out a dimensionality reduction attack on those guys.

N said goodbye to him calmly.

There was some hesitation on Touya's face: "Well, Mr. Hu Yang..."

Hu Yang understood in his heart, and gave all the full medicine in his backpack to the two of them, and then said to them: "If it's not enough, you can go to the Pokémon School to get it from me. See you later, Touya, N!"

After that, he mounted Reshiram and flew with it to Melemele Island.

In mid-air, Hu Yang suddenly received a call from the Fengyuan area.

He pressed connect, and a stupid face appeared on the screen.

Looking at its expression, Hu Yang asked tentatively: "Do you know everything?"

Hearing this, Daizhi sighed softly and said, "Pupulus euphratica...you should take a good rest."

Hu Yang said with a smile: "Come on, there are still Rock Dog and Bear Disciple. When we find them, we will go back together!"

Daizhi said helplessly: "I know, I will prepare in advance."

Hu Yang was a little surprised: "What are you preparing for?"

Daizhi: "Go to Weibai Town and order a cake. I think you will want to celebrate properly on that day."

Hearing this, Hu Yang thought about it seriously and agreed with a smile: "We really need to celebrate properly. In that case, I'll leave it to you, Daizhi!"

Daizhi also laughed: "Everyone is waiting for you to come back."

With that said, it moved out of the way, and a group of Pokémon suddenly appeared on the screen.

Charizard, Double Ax Battle Dragon, Gardevoir, Metagross, Bogaman, Gyarados, Crocodile, Desert Dragonfly Pipi, Bangira, Shemi, Celebi, Dream, Naughty Panda, Baby Tyrannosaurus , Nian Meilong, Lightning Bird, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Super Miaomiao, Guoran Weng, Rotom...

Looking at everyone standing there, Hu Yang's eyes were slightly moist.

Isn't it that he has been working hard just for this moment?

Hu Yang shook his head and shook away the urge to cry. A bright smile broke out on his face, and he nodded to the Pokémon and said, "Well, everyone, wait until I get back!"

After hanging up the phone, Hu Yang was about to put away his phone, but suddenly received a message from Hall.

When I clicked on it, I found that it was Rose Redo who said she wanted to see him.

Seeing this, Hu Yang directly dialed Hall's video communication.

The call was quickly connected, and the faces of Hall and Roseredo appeared on the screen.

Hall said with some distress: "I don't know why, Duoduo's condition suddenly became very bad today. After I asked it, it said it wanted to see you..."

Hearing this, Hu Yang looked at Rose Leiduo opposite, smiled and comforted: "Don't worry Duoduo, I'm here and I won't disappear. Can you wait for me there for a few days? I'll be there soon." I will pick you up and take you home."


Roseredo nodded seriously.

For it now, filming is no longer that important. Rather than acting, it wants to be with its favorite trainer.

"Then let's just say this. I'll pick up Yangou and then go find you." Hu Yang said.

After saying that, Hall took the phone again and said distressedly: "That Populus euphratica! We have the last part of the movie left to wrap up. See if you can..."

Hu Yang smiled and nodded, and reassured: "Don't worry, Mr. Hall, I will accompany Duoduo to finish filming the movie when I get there."

Hall's face was filled with joy and he said happily: "Then I'll be relieved!"

After hanging up the phone, Melemele Island finally appeared in sight.

Reshiram flew very fast, and within a few minutes, he arrived at the Pokémon school and landed at the playground.

It was evening, and the entire land was covered with a hazy veil. The setting sun was reflected in the sea, dyeing the sea and the city the color of orange soda, adding a hazy beauty to the world.

Hu Yang got off Reshiram and walked expectantly onto the path he had walked countless times.

In the dusk, he walked to the hillside.

On the hillside, Yangou, who had recovered his memory, was sitting there and looking forward to it. When he saw his figure finally appeared, Yangou immediately ran towards him happily wagging his tail.

The excited look was like a dog that hadn't seen its owner for a long time.

A smile appeared on Hu Yang's face. He squatted down and opened his arms to Yan Gou.

The rock dog was bathed in the sunset. It ran and barked excitedly.

That joyful mood turned into a majestic energy and spread throughout its body.

The next second, a magical scene appeared.

A beautiful light like dusk bloomed from the rock dog.

In the light, its appearance changed rapidly.

The originally young body became larger, a fluffy white mane grew on its neck, the color of its body turned orange like the sunset, and its light blue eyes turned into a very unique green.

Seeing this scene, Hu Yang was slightly startled.

Is that evolution?

No, that's not right. The rock dog used to evolve into the night form of the maned rock werewolf. Why did it evolve into the dusk form this time?

While Hu Yang was stunned, the mane rock werewolf in dusk form finally ran in front of him.

With a loud wolf howl, Populus euphratica was thrown to the ground by it.

The maned rock werewolf licked his face excitedly.

Hu Yang hugged the dog's head and said helplessly but happily: "Okay, okay, look, I said I will definitely find you, right?"

The maned rock werewolf howled and nodded.

It knew that this was uncomfortable for its trainer, so it licked for a while and then moved away.

Hu Yang glanced at the time and found that it was still early, so he simply sat on the hillside with the Mane Rock Werewolf and looked at the sunset in the distance.

They were bathing in the beautiful sunset. Hu Yang said with a smile: "You know what? In the morning, I was still racking my brains to think about how to conquer you."

The Mane Rock werewolf only regained his previous memory, but he has not forgotten what happened in the morning.

Hearing this, it whined and lowered its head, and even the mane on its neck became wiry.

Seeing this, Populus euphratica put his arms around the wolf's head, snuggled up to it, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'm just talking."

The setting sun in the distance gradually faded into the skyline, and the entire Alola region also entered night.

However, Populus euphratica did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he released the Ancient Moon Bird, Gengar and Zeraora, and sat on the hillside with them to gaze at the stars.

The sky in Alola is very clear and clean. At night, you can see the bright stars above.

"It's so beautiful!"

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