Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 60: People are addicted to vegetables?

"Horn—" The iron-clad rhino with scarred horns and scarred eyes pushed another of its kin away.

Eminem can basically be sure that this iron armored rhinoceros must have a very high physical attack!

At this time, Eminem also went over to spray the wound medicine on the iron armored rhinoceros that had just been pushed down...

The iron-clad rhino with scarred horns and scarred eyes was still excited at this time. He looked left and right, his front hooves were still on the ground, and he looked like he didn't agree with anyone.

But Eminem also saw it at this time, this iron-clad rhino with scarred horns and scarred eyes is not the strongest here. The real "big guy" is sleeping on a huge rock next to it - this rock has no iron armor either. Rhinos dare to grind their horns.

If it weren't for the iron-clad rhino with horns and scarred eyes, it would look towards it every time after winning a challenge, and indeed its size was stronger than other iron-clad rhinos, or even stronger than the iron-clad rhinos with horns and scarred eyes. If so, Eminem hasn't noticed this yet.

In addition, Eminem naturally tried to communicate with these defeated iron-clad rhinos while healing the wounds...

Sure enough, the horned and scarred-eyed rhinoceros that has been winning and clamoring all the time is a stubble. In order to be the "boss" of Mojiaoyan, he has challenged several times, so it looks so scarred.

When he didn't know how many times he had beaten his opponent, Eminem shook his head when he saw the iron armored rhinoceros with scarred horns and scarred eyes.

"Horn, horn!" The iron armored rhino with scarred horns and scarred eyes looked at Mojiaoyan with high fighting spirit.

And the "big guy" above was also alarmed at this time, and opened his eyes slightly.

Even without "animal perception", Eminem can understand that the iron armored rhino with horns and eyes is challenging!


On the other side, Xiaoxia followed the "steps", first slowly approached from behind, then suddenly jumped onto the back of the iron armored rhinoceros, and then she was beaten to the point that her brain was shattered.

But the iron-clad rhinos in the pasture are just that good-during this period, not only the iron-clad rhinos around were not frightened, but also the iron-clad rhinos that threw away her. The idea of ​​a kick.

Xiaoxia helped her helmet, and said with some annoyance: "It's too difficult to ride and subdue, isn't it? Your side..."

After the experience, Xiaoxia felt that Eminem's side was even more unlikely to succeed. As a result... I only saw that in the video, Eminem was touching the horn of an armored rhinoceros, and the latter seemed to be enjoying it.

"Have you conquered the iron-clad rhino?" Xiaoxia remembered just seeing that the iron-clad rhino over there was much more violent than the one here!

"Huh? Not yet." After Eminem heard it, he first denied it, and then turned his camera to the "war" in front of him.

After the iron-clad rhinoceros with scarred horns and scarred eyes, and the "boss" here before, started to wrestle, the other iron-clad rhinos around them all quieted down, watching the battle situation here.

"You don't want to... subdue these two iron-armored rhinos, right?" Xiaoxia looked at the two iron-armored rhinos with a bit of sourness, and they collided so that their horns shot up to sparks.

When these iron-clad rhinos wrestle, they also follow the rules. They only use their horns to collide and compete, and do not use skills.

"Ah!" Xiaoxia suddenly exclaimed.

I saw the iron-clad rhinoceros with scarred horns and scarred eyes. At this time, the big iron-clad rhinoceros tried to push him away, and the cracked single horn actually broke, and the whole body fell to the side.

"Horn!" the big man growled, as if declaring his authority.

But at this moment...

The iron-clad rhinoceros with the broken horn actually forced himself to stand up again, and let out a low whine: "The horn..."

The big man's roar stopped for a while, and then he glared angrily at the hornless rhino who continued to challenge him.

When Eminem saw this, he didn't care about the iron armored rhinoceros under him, but stood up nervously - generally speaking, the battle of this kind of Pokémon in the wild will not result in "human" life, but if one of them On one side, if you can't beat it and you're going to die, then let's talk about it.

"Hor... horn!" The big rhino glared at the hornless rhino who was struggling to get up and kept whining, while digging his front hooves, as if to give it a final blow.

"Wait! Don't fight anymore!" When Eminem saw this situation, he also found that he couldn't just sit back and ignore it.

Eminem suspects that this may be the cauldron of "Spring Girl" again - although the armored rhino is not Nidolino, it stands to reason that it will not fight so badly for courtship, but after all, the season is here, and it is normal to be a little restless.

However, the two armored rhinos ignored Eminem's obstruction.

"Amu! Don't get close!" Seeing that Eminem was going to move forward, Xiaoxia hurriedly shouted on the phone.

However, Eminem still walked over, but he didn't directly block between the two, otherwise it would not be a joke if he got hit.

In this world, Sequence 8 does not have a physique that is much stronger than normal people, but it can be said to be slightly stronger, not as good as many fighting-type trainers. Xiao Lan can't stop him from kicking, let alone an iron-armored rhinoceros.


I saw Eminem standing next to the hornless rhino at this moment, facing the big man, stretched out his right hand, the palm of his hand was facing him, and his left hand supported his right wrist!

Eminem asked Yumi before about the skills of special communication skills - the Junsha family should have the most experience in this regard.

Although Yumi in the Junsha family ~www.wuxiahere.com~ can only be regarded as a "cute newcomer", but she is different from her seemingly careless personality, and has a solid foundation in this respect. A little bit of advice will benefit Eminem a lot.

Eminem's "animal senses" and "Junsha's power" are two different things, but it is still possible to learn from some skills, such as now...

It is to extend the distance of "animal senses" as much as possible, not just sticking.

It's just that Eminem is not yet proficient, and while sweating on his head, he can feel the "senses" spreading little by little.

The big man didn't pay any attention to Eminem at first, and just stared at the provocative broken-horned rhinoceros.

At this distance, with Eminem's proficiency, he can't do much, but at least he can convey his thoughts.

"Horn!" The hornless rhino was beside Eminem, still barking nonstop, and shaking his head to fiddle with Eminem with its broken horn, as if to tell him to move away.

Even without "animal perception", Eminem can see that this guy is a vegetable addict!

Of course, in fact, it's not really a dish, at least in this group of iron-clad rhinos, they can rank in the top few, but there is still a gap between them and the big ones.

Seeing that the big man couldn't stand the provocation again and was about to attack again, Eminem quickly released his right wrist and left hand, and placed it directly on the head of the hornless rhino beside him.

Eminem also wanted to know, what kind of hatred, what kind of hatred... Could it be that his girlfriend was robbed?

Under the "animal senses", the other party's thoughts are directly transmitted to Eminem...

【That's it? 】

【I thought it was so powerful...】

【It doesn't work either...】

(attracting attention...)

(give birth……)

slim Shady:……

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