"Huh? It's Ah Duan again?" Yuanzi also said in surprise.

"[Burn]'s physical attack hand is considered half a useless person" Yuanzi still knows...

If it were a wild fight, Eminem could indeed easily cure [Burn], but now he was in a competition!

Normally speaking, if ten professional trainers take this multiple-choice question, at least nine of them should choose "Mega Bankelas" to stay and continue fighting - there is no disadvantage anyway!


That's because they don't have their own [regenerative power]!

Hongzi, who noticed the problem immediately, reminded: "No, [Burn] is gone."

"Eh?" Yuanzi and others were stunned when they heard this.

Then everyone discovered that it could indeed be vaguely seen that the ribs of "Super Armor Crazy Rhinoceros" were no longer red!

At this moment, Asu felt depressed. After trembling at the corner of his mouth, he suppressed his doubts - it was obviously a guess that this should belong to some kind of special ability.

Of course, Asu still didn't guess correctly, because...

This is not Eminem's special ability, but Ah Duan's own ability - he used materials blessed by "Celebi" during his evolution, so he has the characteristic of [natural recovery]!

That's why it makes so many eggs.


I saw that Ah Duan was full of energy at this time, as if even the physical strength he had consumed before had been restored... This was indeed Eminem's special ability!

As for the "Big Electric Petrel", which transformed into an "electric ball" with the blessing of electric energy, it directly hit Ah Duan, but the electric light shattered directly, making people instinctively think of the word "beating an egg against a stone".

The electric power in it spread to Ah Duan, and it was completely useless. The physical impact did limited damage to Ah Duan, but he was thrown away with a backhand blow...

At the same time, ordinary people can't see clearly in [Sandstorm], but it is true that the effect of [Tailwind] has gradually stopped, and the big bird that has just completed the skill is waiting for this opportunity, and immediately flaps its wings again and activates A new round of [Tailwind]!

In an instant, the "Big Electric Petrel", which had just released its [Charging] effect, was once again filled with electric light...

That's right, Ah Su had calculated it originally. After "Dian Dian Haiyan" used the skill, [Tailwind] almost stopped. It just happened that "Dabi Bird" added [Tailwind] at this time, which not only continued the effect, but also [Wind power generation] can be stimulated again.

But now...

Standing on the field is the "Super Armored Rhinoceros"!

As a [Ground-type] Pokémon, the [Electric-type] skill is a joke, only physical impact is effective...

As for the normal attacks that condense electric energy, there is no need to try them, they are just a waste of stamina.

Of course, with Ah Duan's low speed, he really didn't have a chance to make a move for a long time - the "small plane" was overdrawn by [Help], and his skills were not ready yet.

On the contrary, "Dabi Bird" still had the right to take action after [Tailwind]. It directly used [Steel Wing] and "scratched" Ah Duan hard... twice.

But what Asu didn't expect was that just after the small plane skill was ready...

Astonishingly, two more [general system] energies poured into the body of "Super Armor Crazy Rhinoceros" from "Pokski"!

This time when he saw a rock shadow on the ceiling, Asu immediately directed a wave of "flying together"...

"Flying Together" is originally the most effective move of "Baotai Feitian Style" in doubles when dealing with [rock collapse]!

In doubles, [Flying Type] is still very weak to [Rock Crash]...

Although "Baotai Feiten Style" likes Pokémon with high speed and high flexibility, [Rockslide] poses too great a threat to [Flying-type], so relying on evasion every time will inevitably lead to a low error tolerance rate, and if every time the opponent's [ [Rock Collapse] requires two [Hold] to block it, which will result in a loss of blood.

And "flying together" can make the Pokémon above help the Pokémon below, blocking almost all damage from [rockfall] - if the skills are changed, the high-speed Pokémon will undoubtedly take advantage!

Seeing that "Dabi Bird" is responsible for [defending], it seems that in Azoo's lineup, "Dabi Bird" is more of a support...

"Huh?" Xiaolan was also a little confused at this time.

"What's wrong?" Yuanzi asked confused when he heard the sound.

"Why did Eminem get [ask first] and [help] together again? Wouldn't it be a huge loss if he was blocked?" Xiaolan's tone was filled with confusion.

Indeed, if it is blocked by a [Hold], it will become two skills of "Pokkiss" plus a little wasted skill preparation of "Super Armored Rhinoceros"... only one [Hold] on the opponent, and it is [Hold] at high speed!

But the premise is that it must be blocked...

"Oh, is this magic?" Hongzi smiled coldly, as if he had seen through Eminem's method.

I saw the "falling rock" in the air at this time smashing down, and it was indeed blocked by the "big bird", but...

Is it too light or too little?

next moment……

"Get away!" Asu had already realized something.

It's a pity that it's still a step too late!

At this moment, a spear-like rock cone rose from the ground and hit the covered "Big Electric Petrel" directly from below...

Because I was still in the [Sandstorm], I didn't see it clearly - in fact, the "falling rocks" above were just "normal attacks" that Ah Duan kept shooting up with his arm cannon.

The real "killing move" is the [Sharp Stone Attack] below!

[Sharp Stone Attack] is not that easy to hit in the first place, and if the target is the Feitian School, which is famous for its agility, it is even more impossible to hit.


Eminem has observed twice before that at the moment when "flying together" is achieved, the two Pokémon will hover relatively still, which is suitable for [Sharp Stone Attack] to be used!

If it is Azoo's ace Pokémon, it actually does not have this kind of weakness. It can fly at high speeds simultaneously and simultaneously, but the Pokémon currently on the field have not yet been trained to this level.

As for Ah Duan, he is wearing the "Turban Attic" this time, so he doesn't need to consider changing skills. The four skills are all attack, so naturally he also brings the "Sharp Stone Attack". At this time, he makes a surprise attack...

"Daden Haiyan has lost its combat effectiveness. Please ask the gym to change the Pokémon immediately!" the referee immediately announced.

This time, there is no doubt that the "Big Electric Haiyan" was instantly defeated...

It can be said that this duel between the two sides is like this - Azoo's flying Pokémon has been "scraping" in fancy ways, while Amu's Pokémon is often very powerful and heavy, and one attack will eliminate one. !

There is no difference between the two tactics, but now...

It's impossible for Ah Su to win by relying on "Gua Sha"!

Because for now, Eminem will replace Ah Duan and replace him with Lao Ban. Lao Ban is still full of energy. Lao Ban fights back and forth twice, and then he replaces Ah Duan, and Ah Duan is still full of energy...

All it consumes is Eminem's physical strength, but with Eminem's physical strength, this [Eternal Flame] can still burn for a few more times!

But at this time, "Junsha" who was guarding the side was already ready. After hearing Hongzi's words, he muttered: "This is not magic...it's too rough!"

The next moment, just listen to the outside...


"Kid, Kid, Kid!"

There was a loud shout outside, and it sounded like... Kidd appeared outside!

"Ladies and gentlemen, now... what I will bring to you is Kidd's special magic show..."

Kidd's voice came from the top of the tower.

"What's going on? What are the people on guard in the air doing?" Yin San asked angrily.

Just when Ginsan was about to run to the window, the power was cut off on the fourth floor of the tower...

Eminem and Asu immediately stopped attacking, and Ginsan immediately shouted: "Quick! Prepare the power supply!"

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