Polar Night Player

Chapter 794: Dunjia

"After this battle, maybe the spring is blooming, maybe it's still winter, maybe everything is withered, but no matter what, I hope you can take Luoli to the Yue family. She doesn't have to continue to bear the destiny of the Hokuriku Oaks family, we are the ultimate Born at night, dying for the extreme night, doomed to not be able to witness the dawn."

The shield king stood with his head high, covered in blood, and whispered to the moon king who was also covered in blood beside him.

"We have known each other for nearly a hundred years, and we are also the earliest comrades-in-arms. This small request is not too much. You will not refuse, will you?"

The back of this man who has been standing upright at this moment looks slightly depressed, the vast land, the Hokuriku he has guarded so far has become pitted, even if he never interferes in the internal affairs of the Seven Continents, and does not compete with other aristocratic thrones, the Hokuriku Oaks family still has difficulty Get rid of their ultimate destiny.

He led his tribe to live in a corner, spread branches and leaves, and made good connections. Therefore, he could get countless help in this almost desperate battle. Faced with the madness of the Holy Land of the Holy Temple, the people who came to help us. The aristocratic family and superpowers still haven't taken a step back, they want to coexist and die with the Oaks family.

"Is it really this far?" Yuewang sighed with emotion, watching her old friends wither one by one and drowning in the stage of history, making her sigh.

Among the five kings, the shield king is the most detached and rarely interferes in the disputes between kings. He is not the strongest, but he is definitely the most stable person.

It’s just that the family language of the Oaks has heralded their fate. The polar night is approaching. When Li wants to be reborn, and finally the catastrophe is ushered in, these night watchmen in the human world have to burn their lives, dedicate everything, and shed everything Out.

"This is fate. The Oaks family prospered because of the polar night, and naturally also decayed because of the polar night. The rise and fall of the family is a natural law. We just exited early. Back then, we joined forces to deal with Bai Lili and deal with the Emperor. I thought that she was calculated, but she actually became her **** against the monsters outside the territories, but after all she did something wrong. Because of that, I got Luo Li who shouldn’t have come to the world because of that. She is a kind of fire and detachment. A child outside the fate of the Oaks family, she does not need to bear this fate."

King Shield nodded his head heavily, stopped speaking, and had a clear attitude.

The Moon King didn't understand the meaning of his words at this moment, so he could only slightly nod his head, and agreed.

In the next second, the shield king suddenly burst out countless black flames, and then the flames turned black to white, and rushed straight into the sky, like a brilliant flame column, swallowing the towering white towers in the sky.

The huge and towering body of the Shield King is still swelling, and his mythological creature form is like a giant in the ancient times, standing upright, holding a large circular shield in his hand, and rushing towards the patriarch of the highest church.

"The polar night is coming!"

Clan language shouted from his mouth, shocking the world.

At the same time, all the Ochs family members who were still on the battlefield raised their heads, and their bodies were also burning with white flames, shouting "the night is coming", burning up their last strength and lives, and bursting out horrified fighting power.

At this moment, this abrupt appearance of the White Flame Legion suddenly reversed the entire Hokuriku battle.

The oppressive power of the temple kingdom is stronger than other **** kingdoms, because the patriarch of the temple has achieved the position of the highest with the power of faith, and the seats are all fanatics, even after death.

The thick and inconsistent white flames that rushed up wrapped the members of the Ochs family, colliding with the fanatics, and the dying style of play was moving.

They are also fanatics, except that the fanatics of the Temple Kingdom believe in the Patriarch of the Temple, while the members of the Oaks family believe in the night player.

The Moon King watched this scene without looking away for a long time.

A pair of platinum pupils opened slowly, staring at the thickest white flames, and was watched by His eyes. The shield king hidden in the flames could not hide.

In the hands of the patriarch of the temple, the long sword was unsheathed and cut down with a single sword, as if crossing time and space, blocking the mountains and rivers, countless sword auras intertwined, and blasted towards the shield king like a giant.

The battle entered the most critical link from the very beginning. The King of Shield suppressed his arm shield and blocked the sword of the Patriarch of the Church. The two brazenly confronted each other with a stormy offensive, and burned themselves with a mortal heart. The exhausted Shield King suddenly broke through to the 10th pinnacle level, and was able to regret it with the church chief.

He went to burn, fight, and practice his ideas at the cost of life.

The patriarch of the church, who had been unsmiling and silent, also gave him the highest honor, using his strongest combat power to fight against him, and to have a one-on-one supreme duel with the shield king.

The Shield King is defensive and ready to attack, showing the ultimate defensive ability, while the Patriarch of the Temple is completely the opposite. The sword moves do not pay attention to any skills, and is suppressed by pure absolute power. It breaks through the sky with sword energy, crushes time and space, and cuts it. cause and effect.

In this battle, both of them are outstanding, stunning everything.

The Moon King suppressed the urge to go to help out and watched the battle calmly. In a corner of the battlefield, tearful Luo Li wielded her long skirt and waved the Western sword in an elegant posture, penetrating the enemy’s In the chest, she couldn't burn the blood of the Oaks family in her body like her uncles, elder brothers and younger brothers.

She cannot turn into a white flame to fight.

The Shield King had already quietly taken away all the power of the Oaks family bloodline from Luo Li, so that she was completely separated from the family, and she was no longer connected.

This time the sacrifice should be completed by their family.

The birth of Luo Li was originally a reward for the help of the shield king by the emperor. In a strict sense, her mother died before she was born.

No one knows how this girl came to the world, only that she has always been the heart and soul of the shield king, the jewel in the palm, and she is more important than any descendant, even the boys who want to inherit his mantle can't compare.

Lori has always been everyone's most beloved child in the Oaks family, and she has been so much loved. Until today, she did not understand why this is the case.

What King Shield poured into her was not only his father's love for his daughter, but also his deep love for that ordinary wife who died young.

In his whole life, he has stood upright and deserved to be ashamed of others. The only regret is this most beloved wife.

Her life was as bright as fireworks, and it was instantly dimmed, and it was too late to grasp.

"Go on, take everything for me and your mother, and live well." The Shield King closed his eyes and didn't want Luo Li to have any more burdens, nor did she need to be forced to accept the Oakes family and take on the throne. pressure.

The Hokuriku Oaks family, let its history end at this moment.

"The five thrones are both glory and curse, gift and punishment." This is the emotion of the Moon King.

In the sky, the white flames are shrinking, and the temple of God is also weakening.

Lan Yueji on the lonely mountain looked at all this sadly and sighed.

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