Polar Night Player

Chapter 86: Abnormality·Injury·Heart

In the evening, more than a dozen military heavy tanks drove into this remote town with great horror. The mayor's face was pale with fright. He saw that the first one to walk down was the ensign, his legs trembled, and he didn't expect to continue one after another. The remaining officers were higher than the ranks, and they were stern, and the town chief had the courage to go up and ask but was ignored.

The leading officer was a major, he took out the communication device to confirm it, and then rushed to the town with a group of people.

This remote town belongs to city No. 0126. They are one of the few ordinary residents. They know that their numbered city is not seen by the military. When so many soldiers come in, the faces of families turn blue and they can’t leave their doors behind closed doors.

"Major Liu, long time no see." Wang Bo waited anxiously at the door of the hotel. The hotel owner was too scared to move by the battle. Wang Bo enthusiastically went up and brought Major Liu in and introduced, "This is from Senior Yu Yi from Black Flame Player University in Hanlu 3, this is his classmate, Senior Sister Feiyue."

Hearing that the other party came from the legendary player’s university, Major Liu’s eyes immediately focused on Yu Yi and Feiyue. As long as those who can enter the player’s university can graduate smoothly, at least the level of Wang Haisheng’s university is not bad. No.

"Did the doctor bring it?" Yu Yi opened the door and shook hands with Major Liu.

"I brought it, the best military doctor in Hangzhou, but I still recommend that you send that little brother to the military hospital as soon as possible, where there are better equipment and medical conditions, and there are magicians who are proficient in auxiliary treatment magic. "Major Liu received the order to rescue Wang Bo's lifesaver. The order came directly from Colonel Wang. He naturally did his best. After receiving the order, he almost contacted the best military doctors from the Hangzhou Military Hospital to come over.

There are only three kinds of magic, strengthening, auxiliary and general. Among them, there are healing magic in the auxiliary department. Unfortunately, the number is very small. Therefore, magic apprentices or magicians who are proficient in this type of magic are good seedlings for major forces.

Naturally, Hangzhou Military Hospital also stocked a few.

The military doctor wearing glasses behind Major Liu followed them into the room expressionlessly. The fire and phoenix in the room was startled, and Mingxu was awakened in a vigilant manner. He subconsciously hid the alien heart beside him, but found that the alien heart had already Gone!

"Allow me, don't disturb me to see a doctor." The military doctor looked bad. He was one of the best doctors in Hangzhou. He was very upset when he was called to drink like this. However, this order was delivered by Colonel Wang. Can do it.

The military doctor took out the stethoscope and fumbled for Li Xiang's chest for a while, then suddenly touched the extremely cold metal box, and subconsciously stopped moving.

Mingxu could see clearly from the side. She leaned down and put her hand into Li Xiang's clothes and quickly took out an object and stuffed it under her short skirt. She moved so fast that even Yu Yi didn't see what it was.

Yu Yi and Fei Yue naturally thought it was a heterogeneous heart, so they didn't say anything.

The military doctor continued to diagnose, but complained in his mouth: "Such a serious injury with such an ice thing, do you think he died fast enough...Huh?"

His movements were stagnant, and then he probed other parts of Li Xiang's body. A few questions after another made the people on the side confused.

After an examination, the military doctor suddenly took off the stethoscope and glared at Major Liu: "Major Liu, do you know how busy I am at the military hospital? There are dozens of patients in a day who can’t see it. One is normal, healthy and healthy. Boy, just sleeping, what's the serious injury? I believe in your evil!"

"Huh? No hurt? Impossible, Li thinks he is almost all bones broken." Wang Bo stepped forward. He is Wang Haisheng's son. The military doctor didn't dare to face him with a stinky face, "You can check again. Look?"

"Young Master Wang, do you fail to believe in my medical skills or my character? I have checked it over and over again and again. I haven't seen all the symptoms such as severe injuries and broken bones that you said on the communication device. If you don't believe me, touch it yourself. Touching his arm, is it broken?" The military doctor raised Li Xiang's hand, and Mingxu immediately threw a fierce look at him, scaring him to put it down quickly.

Wang Bo squeezed his arm suspiciously. It was thick and muscular, and there was indeed no sign of broken bones from the touch.

Yu Yi was also stunned, and went forward to check Li Xiang's body, and then a strange expression floated on his cheeks, it was indeed the same as what he said, nothing happened.

"Let's go out and talk." He waved his big hand, leaving Mingxu in the room. This Dongling's lady has a weird temper. He doesn't want to clash with the military personnel outside.

Huofeng was also taken out for questioning. Before Mingxu fell asleep, she stayed with the two of them without any abnormalities. During the period, she also took a nap. The alien heart was not seen at that time, and Mingxu also got up. She thought that Mingxu might have taken it away. She only mentioned it to Feiyue for the second half.

"No matter what, it’s a good thing to be okay. That’s it. I’ll trouble you, Major Liu." Yu Yi guessed several possibilities, but didn’t want to go into it. The more important thing for him is to deal with heterogeneous hearts on the black market. There is that **** task publisher.

On the other side, Wang Bo secretly pulled the military doctor and asked. He took out a black card from his pocket and stuffed it into the military doctor’s clothes. It was a black card for Hangzhou and it contained a fixed amount of 1 million Blue Star coins. Look at him questioningly.

"Li Xiang is really okay?"

"It must be all right, Shao Wang, don't worry."

"It shouldn't be, he was really badly injured. Did you touch something just now?"

"Ah, that, a cold thing, very hard, I don't know what it is."

Wang Bo nodded. It should be a heterogeneous heart. He didn't give up and asked, "Could it be the magic of the Dongling family that saved him? That girl is from the Dongling family, do you think it is possible? "

"Ah, this is not true. But the inheritance magic of the Dongling family is assassination magic, and has nothing to do with treatment, but it involves the five thrones, you know, the methods are unfathomable." The military doctor was shocked, that just now. The girl who stared at her turned out to be from the Dongling family!

Those are the people of the five thrones, and you can pinch yourself to death with just one finger.

Wang Bo nodded silently and stopped talking to him. In any case, Li Xiang should have some little secrets. Of course, he is more inclined to have a certain relationship between Li Xiang and Dong Ling Mingxu. These are all factors that he must discuss as an investor.

If you have a relationship with the girl in Dongling's family, if it's really a couple, it's not easy. If this is the case, should he invest in Li Xiang?

This is almost a dead end. Wang Bo shook his head. Mingxu and Li Xiang are not the kind of people who don't know the severity. He gritted his teeth and felt that he shouldn't miss this opportunity.

After the matter was almost resolved, Yu Yi and his party were about to leave for the ghost town, but Wang Bo hesitated and decided to wait until Li Xiang woke up before leaving. Of course, his excuse was to thank Li Xiang personally.

The military doctor must return to Hangzhou, so Major Liu was left to protect Wang Bo.

The bald mayor breathed a sigh of relief when the military convoy left his town in a mighty manner.

Huofeng sitting in the car looked at the scenery outside the car window, and recalled the course of the past few days. Suddenly, the vultures and others had similar ideas, and suddenly wanted to stay in this quiet town for a lifetime.

During the time they were separated from Fei Yue and the others, they were almost hunted by a different species. After seeing the inhuman killing and unequal strength, they suddenly became tired of the life of licking blood on the tip of a knife.

Either killing or being killed, endlessly circulating, never ending, until the death.

Just as Huofeng and Li wanted to say that night, his stage is in a wider place, and he may only be able to stay in this city forever, lonely for life.

She had fantasized about her own way of death countless times when she was hung in the blood pool. The days in the orphanage were vivid and flashing in her mind like a revolving lantern. She was really tired, and after this time, Sister Yue should also Go away.

She was lying at the window, and vultures and tyrannosaurus were also fascinated. This time, most of the backbones who came here were killed and injured, and the atmosphere was solemn.

After returning to the ghost city, Crimson Moon wiped out the remaining ghost forces of Guiwuqi as quickly as possible. The big reshuffle of the 0126 city continued. With the intervention of the military, the Crimson Moon immediately became vigorous. No two, but Yu Yi put Mingxu and Li Xiang back into the garden house and left alone to trade the alien heart on the black market.

Two hundred million is enough for him to hit the new magic once again. Thinking about it, he is still very excited. Looking back on the journey, Yu Yi came from a weak and young age, and his talents are far inferior to Li Xiang and Mingxu. Graduating from the extreme night is like a miracle, and he didn't expect that one day he could get there.

Wang Bo and Major Liu stayed in the best hotel in the ghost town. Originally, he thought he would only have to wait for a day or two, but he didn't expect Li Xiang to sleep for five days!

And he also kept inquiring and learned that both Li Xiang and Mingxu had successfully realized a magic circuit. They had all the hard conditions to become magic apprentices before they even went to college. This kind of enchanting talent, once from the extreme night After graduation, the future is limitless.

In the days when he was in the military university, Wang Bo deeply felt the importance of strength. Even if he accumulated countless wealth, he was nothing but a pocketbook in the eyes of the top students at the school. I would like to make friends with you politely. There is no way to ask for money directly.

To build a business empire also requires the support of a large group of players.

Five days later, as soon as he heard that Li wanted to wake up, he immediately rushed to the garden house. These five days also made him think through a lot of things, and no longer hesitate.

At this time, Li Xiang's head was still a bit confused. In addition to Mingxu, Huofeng also came to take care of him from time to time, mainly because he was worried that Mingxu would not be able to take care of others. When he first woke up, he suffered from a splitting headache, which made him think again. Rebirth once through.

His whole body was sore, and in the memory his bones were all broken. He checked his body quickly. In case the injury was delayed, his future achievements would be limited, but he touched it and found no broken bones.

All done?

Didn’t you just slept for five days?

He slowly opened his eyes, and besides the soreness in his body, there was a feeling of fullness, and his mind was very clear after adapting, and something was wrong.

He couldn't understand his body better, this feeling was wrong.

"Li Xiang, congratulations." Wang Bo's figure walked from the door, covered in sweat. Mingxu, who had just exercised, went into the bathroom. Wang Bo smiled awkwardly and walked into the room and closed the door.

"Wang... Shao?" Li Xiang was stunned. He has friendship with Wang Bo?

Wang Bo looked around, then suddenly took out a heterogeneous heart from his arms and placed it in front of him.

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