Police Detective

Chapter 139 2012

The New Year is approaching, which is often the time when the three teams are most tested. Some bad guys also want to go back to their hometowns to celebrate the New Year. Many people steal or deceive, but there are also a few who are brave enough to take risks and rob directly.

In the robbery case on Miki Street, the person who was robbed was a single woman, about 30 years old. The thing that was robbed was a Guo 4 mobile phone, and the location was on the road.

The woman who was robbed is a legal worker with good conditions. She has always been single and has her own house. She basically gets off work at six or seven o'clock every night, and then she will walk home. After returning home for dinner, she would walk to her mother's house, stay for a while, and then return to her own place.

The time when he was robbed was around 9:30 pm, in a dark alley. In fact, this is a road and there are street lights, but it was too cold, there were few people on the street, and the street lights were not very bright. A man about 1.8 meters tall stopped the woman on the street, threatened him with a knife, and forcibly took away the woman's hand. Bag, then dug out a mobile phone and hundreds of dollars in change, and threw the rest on the ground.

In this case, the suspect has been identified, but he has not been arrested. Preliminary guess is that he is still in Jiuhe District, because he has been chased online and cannot run far. Bai Song still admires this point. The suspect can be identified so quickly. The case is basically half completed. After all, as long as the suspect is chasing and escaping online, it will only be a matter of time before he is caught. However, the Ma detachment is not a person who procrastinates in handling cases. The Ma detachment called Bai Song to take charge of this case, hoping to catch the person early and prevent the suspect from committing similar cases again.

Wang Huadong was a little more familiar with this case than Bai Song. The two had a conversation and the best way now was to continue to look for it through technical means and surveillance. Of course, there is another way, which is to wander around and look around.

But what Bai Song didn't expect was that this sight would cross the Gregorian calendar year.

Some cases cannot be investigated at the police station. One of the important reasons is that there are not enough manpower and there are not so many manpower and material resources. In the past few days, Bai Song and Wang Huadong visited every suspicious place near the crime scene, but no suspects in the robbery case were found.

As for Yu Dechen and Sun Dong of the third team, they went to work as usual every day during this period, but basically had no involvement in the case. The third team was not only involved in this case, but also handled many property infringement cases before. There is still some follow-up work, and they have been busy with these things. The only ones left to Bai Song are themselves.

Bai Song can work overtime every day, but he is not alone now. There are three people working with him. He can't let everyone work overtime with him every day. He has already worked overtime for a day on January 1st, but there is still no gain. Bai Song and the captain of the third team After asking for instructions, he asked everyone to rest for three days. He would come back to analyze the case on the 5th, but he locked himself in the office.

The case file was very thin, consisting of just a few transcripts and a dozen materials. Bai Song had flipped through it countless times. The suspect's photos and information were firmly in his mind. At this time, he started flipping through it again. files.

On January 2nd, no one in the entire criminal police team was not tired, and everyone who could take a rest had a rest. Bai Song also planned to go back to his residence because he had finished reading the book he brought last time.

It takes an hour and a half to walk from the criminal police detachment to the residence. Bai Song carries a bag with several books in it and takes a leisurely walk.

"Didi", the sound of a car horn came from beside Bai Song. When he turned around, he saw it was the horse detachment.

"Where to go? Get in the car." The horse detachment called Bai Song.

"Ma detachment, I'm not far away, you go first." Bai Song waved his hand.

"I'm going to your place, come up." The horse detachment invited again.

When Bai Song saw this, he didn't refuse and got directly into the horse detachment's car.

"Where to go?" asked the horse detachment.

"You can just leave it somewhere for me, and I'll go nearby." Bai Song said.

"Yeah, okay. How about it? Are you still used to it these days?"

"Fortunately, we all cooperated very happily, but there was no progress in the case." Bai Song lowered his head slightly.

"Don't be discouraged. This man is hiding. We don't have much energy to catch him now. It's normal that we can't catch him these days. If we catch him, it's probably luck. However, your work is not useless. I've heard that you guys are running outside all day long, and because you haven't stopped, this kid has never dared to show his face and commit another crime, so your work is effective," the Ma detachment said affirmatively.

"Thank you, Ma Detachment, we will catch the person as soon as possible."

"I believe this. In this way, if you have time recently, you can learn more about Sun's suicide case. I don't have that much time. Besides, no one is more familiar with that case than you."

"Sun's suicide case?" Bai Song asked doubtfully: "Is this case not a suicide? Is there another hidden story?"

"Not really, why, is it inconvenient?" asked the Ma detachment.

"It's convenient and convenient." Bai Song nodded: "I'll go check it out soon."

"Well, it's okay, I just paid attention by the way. Don't take it too seriously." The Ma detachment continued: "In your robbery case, do the two old comrades from the third team get along well with each other?"

"Happy, both masters are very good."

Team Ma glanced at Bai Song and said, "Well, okay, I hope your case goes well."

Bai Song followed the Ma detachment back to the police station. The Ma detachment came here to have a small meeting. Bai Song didn't ask what the specific matter was. It happened to be Group 4 on duty today. Bai Song was not in a hurry to go back to rest. He found his master Sun Tang first.

"Yu Dechen?" Sun Tang heard Bai Song ask about this, "Are you with him now?"

"Well, he is the detective and I am the deputy detective." Bai Song and his master always talk about everything. They have been confused about this matter for four or five days. Bai Song is not convenient to talk on the phone, so this time he just asked by the way.

"Ha, he didn't target you, right?" Sun Tang smiled.

"No, it just feels like he doesn't get along well with you?" Bai Song was slightly confused.

"Can you see this? But it's okay. Lao Yu actually has two skills. You can't underestimate him. It's not that he has anything to do with me. On the contrary, he counts me as half a master and has taught me before. For a while, during that time, he wanted me to compete for a leadership position, but I was too lazy to do it, and I was a little bit annoyed that iron cannot be transformed into steel."

"Ah? Haha, that's what happened." Bai Song felt a lot more relaxed all of a sudden.

"Yeah, it's okay. In a few days, after New Year's Day, I'll visit Lao Yu at his house. You'll feel at ease there." Sun Tang touched his few hair, "I actually prefer to be at ease. People who keep their families and careers have no big ambitions. After a few years as a criminal police officer, a few years in the legal system, and so many years at the police station, I will probably retire here."

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