Police Detective

Chapter 182 Major Project

There are many things that Bai Song does not need to worry about. He is just a small policeman. However, after this battle, Bai Song feels that he has benefited a lot even though he has not seen the overall situation.

How these people were separated was not Bai Song's concern. Shortly after the operation, as arranged, the Tianhua City police escorted more than a dozen criminal suspects back on a plane.

Before returning, Bai Song called Zhang Wei.

In order to keep Bai Song's affairs in Southern Guizhou Province a secret, his parents actually didn't know much about it. Maybe Bai Yulong could hear something between the lines of Bai Song's occasional phone calls, but Bai Yulong never asked.

Let's wait until we get back to tell our parents that we're safe.

Zhang Wei had driven back to Yanwei City a long time ago. This trip had gained Zhang Wei a lot of fans, but Zhang Wei also knew not to say anything about Zhang Wei spying on the enemy camp alone.

Bai Song and Zhang Wei reported that they were safe and told him that the matter had been resolved. However, Bai Song still told Zhang Wei that this matter should remain in his heart forever.

Even though the case has been made public, some things are no longer confidential or even need to be kept secret, but Bai Song still feels that out of consideration for Zhang Wei's safety, it would be better for only the public security bureau to know about this matter.

As a police officer, Bai Song has nothing to worry about, but Zhang Wei is different.

Indeed, Zhang Wei, as an ordinary member of the public, has done such heroic deeds and fought with wits and courage. If the police publicly award an award and publicize it, the major media will definitely rush to report it. By then, Zhang Wei will be able to God, you can become a generation of Internet celebrities and reach the pinnacle of life.

But is being in the spotlight a good thing? Not really.

Some things don’t necessarily have to be converted into fans and traffic. Experience and growth are the most important. People must take a long-term view. After experiencing this incident, what Zhang Wei gained was far from what was on the surface.

Because of this, at a certain medal ceremony held by the Tianhua City Public Security Bureau a few months later, when a second-class merit award was awarded to a certain person, there was no fanfare, but the name was kept anonymous, which caused a lot of public outcry in the city. The bureau police are paying attention, but the few police officers who know about this matter are also keeping silent about it.

Bai Song looked at the time, today is March 1st.

Time flies here. According to the lunar calendar, it is already the ninth day of February. Returning to the North Country, the "dragon raises its head" has long passed and there is no flying snow anymore.

This period is the busiest time for the police.

In two days, it will be time for certain meetings to be held in Shangjing City. As the capital, all departments in Tianhua City have tightened their nerves, working overtime, taking breaks, intensifying patrols, etc., from the municipal bureau to the branch to each department. The police stations have all entered into a high-efficiency, high-intensity working state.

When Bai Song and others got off the plane, the branch only sent two large trucks. The person who picked them up was Political Commissar Yu from the Criminal Investigation Detachment. Without much greeting, the two fully loaded trucks drove directly to the criminal police compound.

He hadn't been back for more than a month. After returning to the criminal police compound, Bai Song felt more friendly, but the few people he met were all in a hurry, and Bai Song was still a little unaccustomed to staying outside for a long time.

After getting off the car, one suspect after another was escorted away by special personnel. The criminal police were really busy here. Each police station claimed one or two people. Political Commissar Yu told everyone in the car that they should rest for a few days.

Today is Thursday, and it is already evening. All those involved in the operation should rest for three days before returning to work next Monday. Of course, these words are only directed at the comrades from the branch. There are also some comrades from the city bureau in the car. When they arrive at the Criminal Police Station He was picked up by a vehicle after the hospital.

They are on a business trip these days. Although Bai Song and others are not very busy every day, everyone does look extremely tired. For so many days, the four of them have not had a good night's sleep.

If working time is counted for the police, how is it calculated? Take people like Bai Song who are on business trips as an example. It can be said that 24 hours a day for a month is considered work period. If this is considered in accordance with the Labor Law

Of course, civil servants are not protected by the Labor Law.

Putting aside these unrealistic thoughts, Bai Song and the other two returned to the detective's residence first and packed up some messy things. They were all going to take a shower and then go out to eat and drink together. , take a nice rest.

After packing up her things and taking a shower, Bai Song was the first to leave the bathhouse, put on clean and comfortable clothes, took a nice sip of hot tea that had been left to dry for twenty minutes, and then came out to prepare to go to the bathroom again. There was no one in the entire corridor. nothing.

Walking to the corridor, Bai Song'er heard that there seemed to be people having a meeting in the conference room. He was a little curious and walked a few steps to the door of the conference room.

Bai Song is very familiar with this room. The "12·01" task force has been handling cases in this conference room. It is supposed to be time to get off work at this time, but there is still light through the crack in the door. Bai Song walks to the door, and there happens to be a policeman. I came out to use the toilet, opened the door and saw Bai Song.

"Bai Song? Haven't you gone home to rest yet?" A policeman from the third team came out. He was very happy to see Bai Song and opened the door ajar: "I heard that your operation went smoothly this time, not bad."

"It's okay, it went very well. Master Wang, what time is it, why are you still so busy?" Bai Song asked.

"There's no way. This case can't be that simple. A dozen of them came back today. Now the office is taking them over to handle the formalities. But when they're done, they're all handed over to our task force. Lao Yu is holding a meeting for everyone to make arrangements for the next step." Master Wang lit a cigarette and seemed not to be in a hurry to go to the bathroom, so he started chatting with Bai Song.

"Lao Yu? Bai Song was stunned: "Political Commissar Yu? "

There were not many leaders named Yu in the detachment. Bai Song thought about it and the only one was Political Commissar Yu. The problem was that Political Commissar Yu was never in charge of specific cases, and Political Commissar Yu was quite old.

"The political commissar is almost busy now. The Ma detachment and the two deputy detachment leaders have been out for so many days. Although they have caught everyone, it will take several days to go through the return procedures and handover. Political Commissar Yu has no time to take care of it. Specific case. Either political commissar Yu, or Lao Yu, Yu Dechen." Master Wang took a puff of cigarette: "Lao Yu has been exhausted recently, alas."

"Master Yu?" Bai Song looked in through the crack in the door opened by Master Wang, right? Although the person sitting in the middle of the conference table was a deputy captain, the one who was speaking and arranging work was Yu De. minister.

After not seeing him for more than a month, Yu Dechen seemed to be much weaker than before. Bai Song couldn't see clearly here, but he could also feel that Master Yu's condition was not particularly good.

Of the more than 90 previous fraud suspects, all were arrested except for Xiaoyu, who was released on bail pending trial because of his extreme cooperation and confession of important clues.

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