Police Detective

Chapter 303 Competition

Back to the third team, it was already noon. Bai Song took a few people to have a meeting and informed. No, it was a request for instructions! I asked Team Zhao for instructions and told me the clues I got accidentally in the morning.

"This clue has not been verified yet, but the suspect's information can definitely be matched. These three people are the same pickpockets we found before. Team Zhao, I plan to check today." Bai Song asked for instructions: "do you think it's OK?"

"What's there to say? In the afternoon, I will lead the team to get people." Captain Zhao said immediately.

"Team Zhao, let's just go." Bai Song patted his head: "My injury has healed a long time ago. I guarantee that nothing will happen this time."

"Hey, I don't think you can't do it. I want to capture three people this time and let's go together." Team Zhao counted the number of people and said: "Eight people will go and all three cars in the team will drive away."

"Okay, Captain Zhao, I'll go check it out at noon and find out the specific address before confirming it." Bai Song nodded: "As a favor, tell Wang Jiao and arrange for Wang Liang to come with me. "

"Okay. Hurry up. Today, leave early and come back early." Captain Zhao instructed: "There are still very important things tomorrow."

Bai Song nodded seriously.

Tomorrow is the day of competition.

Team Zhao will also participate.

Appointments at the department level are held every three years. Team Zhao has also expired the appointment period and needs to compete again. Of course, as long as he doesn't make any mistakes, his recruitment for the associate major will be stable, and his top priority will be the competition for the main major.

There are three suspects today. If they are caught successfully, it will be a good thing. Under the leadership of a leader and a detective, they rush to the outer area and follow a small clue.

The members of the three teams are gearing up, becoming more and more proficient at this job, and Bai Song is more than a little more mature than four months ago.

It was around 5:40 in the afternoon, and the sky was getting dark. There were only a few people sitting in the noodle shop at the entrance of the chemical plant.

With the strict control of pollution over the years, there are fewer and fewer chemical factories in Tianhua City. Those that are still in business do not have many workers. It is too remote here. There are only a few residential areas and noodle restaurants. Somewhat rundown.

The outer room of the noodle shop is about 30 square meters, and there is a 10 square meter kitchen inside. There are five or six tables outside. When Bai Song and others came in, the boss saw that there were nine people in total. He was very happy and quickly greeted: " What do you guys want to eat? The stir-fry here is also pretty good."

"I'm not going to eat. Thank you, boss. I'll lend you a few people." What Bai Song said made the boss look puzzled. Several other people who came had already gathered around the three young men eating at the table.

"That's enough to give you face. I saw that you came in just after finishing your noodles. Hurry up and pay the bill and come with us." Captain Zhao patted the short man on the shoulder.

The thieves never dreamed that the direct reason for being caught this time was due to default in property fees! Of course, the three of them would not know, they could only sigh.

It was Bai Song's idea to let them finish their meal and pay their bills before arresting them. Otherwise, he would have to take them back and take care of their meals. Now, if they were busy until night, they would be detained.

However, no one thought that these people would not eat this bowl of noodles in vain. The three of them ate the boss's two heads of garlic.

It smells so bad. I was so angry that I dragged the short man back to the noodle shop. I paid the boss separately for the garlic, and then asked them to buy three bags of pure milk with their own money, one bag for each person, and they could hold it for one minute. Take a sip.

A car and three people were arranged to search their residence, and the others took the three suspects directly back to the unit.

Even so, when we arrived at the unit, everyone ate some food and the smell made it feel better, otherwise it would be really unbearable.

We found the residence of these people in the afternoon. The arrest plan is very simple. Just wait and wait. It is impossible for these three people to stay at home all day, right? Then we waited until evening, which was a bit depressing.

The only thing that made everyone happy was that when these people were asked why they lived so far away, their answers were all the same: "I heard that Jiuhe District has been too strict recently, so I wanted to avoid the limelight."

Although these are the words of the suspect, this can be regarded as the highest praise for the police in the jurisdiction. During this time, the thieves in Jiuhe District were scared of being caught.

Captain Zhao was even more satisfied after hearing this. This matter and this sentence should be included in tomorrow's competition speech, eh

It was busy until about 11 o'clock in the evening. Team Zhao gave everyone a day off tomorrow. Everyone has been working hard recently and there are not many cases on hand. It is still necessary to balance work and rest.

The next day, the waiting room on the third floor of the branch.

Bai Song was still a little nervous. His contemporaries Wang Huadong, Wang Liang, Sun Jie and others didn't come. He was the youngest in the whole room.

It stands to reason that candidates must have at least three years of work experience, and Bai Song only has one and a half years, but this is not a hard and fast rule, and he has second-class skills, so he can give priority to many things.

If you participate in the competition at the age of 23, if you succeed in the competition and become deputy section level, it will mean nothing in many large institutions. In real big agencies, many people at the age of 26 or 27 are now division-level cadres. But in Jiuhe Branch, that is definitely the first time in history.

In the Tianhua City Public Security Bureau, the appointment and dismissal of section-level cadres is decided by the branch bureau, the division-level cadres are decided by the municipal bureau, and the ones above are decided by Tianhua City W.

Before today's competition, some important news came out. The new captain of the criminal investigation detachment has arrived.

When this news came out, everyone was shocked. It was not a good time to come, but I had to come at this time. I didn’t know anyone. What if I gave the score casually during the scoring?

Thinking of this, everyone got very excited. They must leave a better impression on the new leader no matter what, right?

Among them, the most troublesome thing is the white pine.

Only now did Bai Song realize that it is not a voting system, but a scoring system. In the end, it depends on the score. This is good for him, because there is a fixed score bonus for meritorious service and awards, but most of the people here have it. In the case of meritorious service, it is difficult for him to get high scores with this scoring system.

Competitions, especially those at the deputy section level, are actually a lot of fun, because there are indeed some people who are just here to hang out. Most of them are leaders like Team Zhao who are current leaders themselves, so the atmosphere in the waiting area is quite harmonious.

Bai Song seemed out of place, he was really nervous.

First time

Who, for the first time, is not excited?

"Criminal Investigation Team Three, Bai Song." The civilian at the door shouted: "You are next, so be prepared."

Have you finally reached yourself?

Bai Song's psychological quality has always been very good, but he became extremely nervous at this time. He stood at the door of the large conference room, his heart rate going straight to 140.

The answer will be announced tomorrow.

The next chapter, The Golden Thing, gives the last clue.

A discerning person should already have the answer.

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