Police Detective

Chapter 309 Captain Bai

During this period, anyone who saw Bai Song would say hello with a smile and call him "Inspector Bai", and Bai Song would politely call him "Master".

This change is very obvious, because before many people called him Xiaobai, and only a few young people in the third team and some people who were more concerned about the title called him Detective Bai. Now even some leaders call him that.

It's normal to be too young and not be convinced by the crowd, but this thing completely convinced everyone. This is a subtle thing.

Bai Song no longer cares about how things turn out. Those things will eventually pass, but there is still one thing.

Well, there's a little thing to say.

The numbers on the Baisong bank card.

Looking at a six-digit transfer record, Bai Song himself wondered whether this was considered bribery.

However, a small policeman doesn’t have the power to accept bribes.

This money was not called by anyone else, but Xu Fang. Bai Song's incident has made him popular, as well as these two novels. Although Xu Fang also clearly pointed out on his blog that Bai Song will not participate in the next series of books, this does not affect The online store for the first two books is sold out.

In fact, before posting the blog, Xu Fan called Bai Song about this matter. Although the profits were considerable, Bai Song still planned not to participate in the creation of the next novel. He had a hunch that his work would be even busier in the next few years.

The reason why Bai Song can get such a high profit is not the key. The key is that both books successfully sold the adaptation rights. In other words, if it will be made into a TV series, Bai Song should naturally get part of the money, and there will also be other sales and other income.

This amount of money is enough to cover Bai Song’s salary income for 5 years.

Thinking of this, do you have to thank Zhou Xuan? After all, without her, it wouldn’t have been promoted to such an extent.

Forget it, Bai Song doesn't want to deal with her anymore, she's too tired...

Although Bai Song's salary is not high, his need for money is not very big. If possible, it would be good to change to a car. After all, he spends more and more time using the car now, and this second-hand car is really too expensive. It was so crowded that it was really frustrating for him at his height, so Bai Song had been looking at the car recently.

The days passed slowly, and several cases during this period were considered smooth. The third team was still operating in a benign trend. Bai Song also gradually got used to the title of Inspector Bai. Everyone called him that. Then Just accept it, it's not a joke anyway.

But this kind of life soon changed. On this day, Bai Song went to the cafeteria to eat. Inspector Wang from the second team saw Bai Song and shouted, "Captain Bai, treat me."

Inspector Wang was a loud-mouthed person, and he talked nonsense more than a day or two. Bai Song didn't take it seriously, but when he met several people during a meal, several of them changed their names.

Today's situation is very strange. Bai Song obviously feels that everyone's eyes are a little complicated when they see him. Congratulations? sigh? A sense of distance? Bai Song is a very sensitive person and is quite uncomfortable with this situation.

Captain Bai?

Bai Song is a little confused. What do you mean?

He doesn’t know either, and he doesn’t dare to ask.

The cafeteria is really a distribution center for second-hand information. After Bai Song finished his meal, he heard many versions, but all the versions pointed to one problem. The results of the competition came out, and Bai Song successfully became the youngest deputy section-level officer in the history of Jiuhe Branch. Cadre - Captain Bai.

Bai Song couldn't believe it. Before seeing the appointment letter, he could only laugh at these words.

Say thank you? Wouldn't it be embarrassing if this was a rumor?

Say no? You really can't be too modest about this kind of thing, because this is not his own business.

The captain is different from the detective. This directly represents the image of Jiuhe Branch. It is a serious leadership level with an administrative level - deputy section level.

This sense of expectation still makes Bai Song a little excited. Everyone likes promotions and salary increases.

Forehead? Who was it just now? Who was saying that he didn’t like money?

"I don't like money anyway." Bai Song said to himself, full of expectations for his future life.

Unlike the almost open discussion in the cafeteria, there was not much movement in the third team. When they returned to the team after dinner, no one discussed these matters. The third team has been going to the branch all day long recently. It stands to reason that the information is the best. Since no one in the third team is spreading this matter, then, well, it seems to be a rumor.

Thinking about it this way, Bai Song quickly put this matter behind him while he was busy working.

There have been a lot of cases recently, and there are constant suspects who have expired their criminal detention time and need to be arrested. Bai Song has dealt with the procuratorate a lot. There are two suspects who will be arrested in the afternoon. Bai Song has made preparations in advance. Once the procuratorate announces the arrest, If arrested, he can upload these materials immediately.

It wasn't until around four o'clock in the afternoon that Bai Song received a call from Team Li. Early tomorrow morning, he would go to the branch for a meeting to receive the letter of appointment and follow the arrangements.

Captain Li's voice was very calm. Although he said congratulations, he was obviously not in a good mood. Bai Song was so excited that he thought of the reason.

It’s not that the members of the third team didn’t know about this, they probably knew it earlier.

But everyone knows one thing. As long as Bai Song is promoted, he will no longer be in the original unit. Transferring will be more conducive to management.

Thinking of this, the original excitement was gone at this time. Bai Song looked extremely calm, much calmer than when he was assigned as the detective. After thinking about the few months he spent in the third team, Bai Song really couldn't bear to leave here.

In the past few months, regardless of Wang Liang's group, all the colleagues in Bai Song's group have been very capable, working tirelessly and uncomplainingly, and there are still more than half of the files in the archives room that have not been read.

Spending the day peacefully, busy with familiar work, and going to the branch to accept the appointment letter the next day, everything was very peaceful.

Bai Song was appointed deputy captain of the Tenth Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment.

Team 10? ?

When Bai Song received the appointment, he looked at the appointment letter and couldn't understand. Does Team 10 still exist?

After staying in the criminal police for so long, Bai Song knew very well what each team did, but that was limited to the Eighth Team. The Ninth Team and the Tenth Team had always had little work. There were only three or five people in each team, and Most of them have been seconded, and there is no specific work in the team itself.

Having 20 elite soldiers and generals under his command is completely different from having three to five old, weak, sick and disabled. Among the first eight teams of the criminal police, the second, third and fourth teams have the largest number of people. They have strong soldiers and horses, and the others can be considered to have their own merits. .

Team 9, as the anti-trafficking department, has been almost abolished in recent years because there are very few such cases. It is expected that in a few years it will be merged into Team 2 to work on serious cases together.

What about Team 10?

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