Pay tribute to all the doctors, nurses, and comrades who have sacrificed their lives in the fight against the epidemic.

We will help you finish the road you have not yet completed.

As I write this, I feel very uncomfortable.

I remember so many people.

I just started working in 2015. On Christmas Eve, I received the news that a senior whom I particularly admired and respected fell ill suddenly while teaching in a rural area and passed away the next day.

Over the years, I have seen from time to time in the circle of friends of classmates from my alma mater, occasionally a black and white photo floating in memory of a certain senior or even junior brother.

It has been nearly five years since I graduated from the Public Security University. I have never regretted my choice of my alma mater or this career even once.

Today is the national statutory memorial day to express deep condolences for the deceased compatriots.

Let's build the country better together!

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