Police Detective

Chapter 378 Another one dies

This person who destroyed the video should not be underestimated.

Bai Song explained it this way, which was widely recognized by everyone.

Everything must be done rationally, and criminal suspects must not be treated as fools. This is the most basic principle.

This case did not cause any big sensation to the outside world, and several media outlets only reported that the traffic accident resulted in the death of the offender. Although it also made the news, car accidents are still very common. There are many car accidents during May Day and National Day every year, and gradually no one pays attention to this matter.

The branch and detachment still attach great importance to it. Although there is no deadline to solve the case, every policeman from the Qin detachment to the following is very attentive.

By around 8 p.m., enough clues were on the table.

Bai Song did not go to the front line, not because he was pretending to be a leader, but because he should actually avoid this case - he was the victim in this case.

The reason why I say this has to do with legal issues.

Zhang San stabbed Li Si, causing his death. During this period, Li Si's limited edition clothes worth 1,000 yuan were stabbed with a knife and lost their value. So while considering Zhang San's intentional homicide, did Zhang San commit the crime of intentional damage to property?

Of course, the clothes may not be expensive.

So, this time, in order to kill the passengers in the car, Bai Song's driver crashed and scrapped Bai Song's car worth more than 200,000 yuan. Did he commit the crime of intentional damage to property?

Of course it is a violation, but this situation is imaginary and the only penalty is intentional homicide.

But even so, it does not mean that the act of destroying a car is illegal, so Bai Song is certainly a relevant person and victim in this case.

It should be avoided.

Of course, it's just right. After all, this is

The criminal investigation detachment has a very strong combat effectiveness. It will never be unable to operate without Bai Song. Almost every half hour, there will be new clues and new discoveries.

At 8:30 pm, a very important clue surfaced. The second team confirmed the identity of the suspect who had damaged the brake equipment of the truck.

This criminal suspect has been roughly analyzed by everyone before. He is basically a young, short of money, and thin man. This is not a large truck, and it is not very high off the ground. There is no suitable lifting equipment for this vehicle when it is parked here, so the person who can get under the vehicle to do this must be a thin person.

As the captain, Bai Song immediately obtained the suspect's information. After just one glance, he frowned and said directly to the comrades of the second team: "There is no need to arrest this person."

"Huh?" The people in the second team looked at Bai Song with some confusion: "Why? Has this person been arrested by other units?"

This situation is quite common. A similar situation often occurs when the police solve a case. A thief who has been chasing for several days is about to be caught, but is arrested in advance by the police from another branch.

There is nothing we can do about this. There are so many branches, and there may even be police from other provinces, and there are so many cases. How is it possible to clear every case? Besides, people don’t know that you also found clues to this case, right?

"No, he is already dead." Bai Song sighed, this case was more troublesome than imagined.



This was none other than the thin man under Baldhead who once climbed a telegraph pole and later died of tetanus.

Bai Song had read this person's case. The Cao detachment received this person's information and other materials from the hospital at that time, but Bai Song still took a look at the key content. The case clearly stated that he was climbing a pole and accidentally cut his skin on a rusty iron tool.

He did not get tetanus because of someone's murder. It was indeed his own carelessness, but it is true that his condition was not taken seriously later.

Judging from the time, this little thin man had already contracted tetanus when he did this thing of destroying the brakes.

Tetanus has an incubation period, and the onset of the disease is not that severe at first, so it is not impossible for him to do this during this period, and it is normal for him to want to make some money when he is sick.

Bai Song felt that this could not be such a coincidence, so he immediately found someone to notify the police from the third team, planning to call them together for another meeting.

Before thinking about the discovery of his car, Bai Song had doubted the bald head. He even had a meal in a restaurant and was thrown a bowl of bones by the bald head.

Some things may be accidental. For example, Bai Song didn't have a meal card on the first day, and then walked into the big bone shop. This was a coincidence.

But are there so many coincidences in the world? This must be impossible.

Assuming that the person who wants to kill him is Feng Yiling, then it is possible that Bai Song has been discovered for some time, but the other party is not ready yet.

Later, Bai Song went to work in Tianbei District, which caused some deviations in some of the preparations here, so he urgently contacted the "local forces" in Tianbei District, that is, baldheads and other hooligans, to conduct certain surveillance and observation of Bai Song. .

This can explain two questions, why Bald Tou threw a pot of bones to Bai Song to show off, because he wanted to observe more, and it can also explain why Bald Tou and others can receive so much money.

One hundred thousand, just install a few "routers" on high towers? How can it be? Bai Song never thought about this.

But if Feng Yiling arranged for someone to secretly investigate Bai Song, it would easily make sense. Feng Yiling is really not short of money in this regard.

So, the moldy money came from Feng Yiling? This also makes sense. For a woman who was able to swindle money everywhere 20 years ago, even if she remains anonymous, it is not difficult to get enough money with her ability.

But why hasn't he been caught after so many years? This is not realistic either.

Recently, a lot of cases have been pointed at Shonan.

Bai Song was a little excited. The scope of this case might exceed his imagination. If it were all solved.

"Team Bai, you asked us to come to a meeting, why are you drooling?" Several people walked into the office and interrupted Bai Song's chat.

"Ah?" Bai Song gasped: "It's nothing!"

"It's not too early." Captain Li also walked in and said to a young detective next to him: "It's almost nine o'clock, and the hamburgers I bought for everyone in the afternoon are of no use at all. Xiao Hu, go look for it. Liu Jin, tell him to buy some food, something harder!"

"Harder? Oh oh oh, it's just meat, right?"

This stupid kid

When Bai Song saw Captain Li coming, he quickly changed the topic he was drooling over: "Captain Li, why are you here?"

When he notified everyone of the meeting, he also notified the two teams. Team Li is the superior leader.

"Everyone is working so hard, and I can't just sit in the office." Team Li understands that the hardest part now is the second team, but he is the captain of the third team, so there is nothing wrong with just thinking about his own people.

Keep filling in the holes, my head hurts from the recent filling~

Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes~

I'm starving to death! Finally finished coding, it’s time to eat steamed buns.

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