Police Detective

Chapter 477 Underwater Analysis

Captain Liu suddenly became excited.

Two clicks means there is a situation, three clicks means you need to pull up.

When the rope trembled just now, his heart trembled, and he subconsciously thought that something had happened to Bai Song, but he only pulled it twice and not a third time, which meant that something had been discovered!

What Captain Liu didn't tell Bai Song was that he had just told the director to ask divers for help, and he had indeed received permission.

As a result, on the way there, his superior called him and found the speedboat. He asked him to dispatch divers to the speedboat to explore the waters below the speedboat.

It stands to reason that even if the person riding the speedboat was crazy, he would not still be in the water and must have driven away. But what the leader was thinking was that when the speedboat exploded, some objects in the boat must have fallen into the water. Although the value is unknown and salvage is difficult, this is a procedural issue.

This procedure is not wrong. There is nothing wrong with exhausting the current clues and doing your best.

But Captain Liu subconsciously felt that Bai Song was more reliable than their director... Thinking of this, Captain Liu himself was shocked...

There was no way, Team Liu could only say that the divers had gone down, and the oxygen was running low, and asked the leader to send more divers there.

Although this may offend some people, after all, asking for instructions in advance is allowed, so it cannot be called unruly.

But at this time, the problem was really discovered. Team Liu was extremely excited. The bet was right!

Although he had thought so much, it only took a moment. Captain Liu immediately instructed the two of them to follow the rope to find Captain Bai.

Soon, the two of them dived near the white pine, stepping on the water easily and maintaining the direction of their bodies in the current. Looking at Bai Song again, it seems that it is difficult to maintain his position in the water...

The level of these level 5 divers doesn’t seem to be very high...

There was no time to complain, so the two of them rushed over quickly. The police were really capable of discovering this place. After all, the visibility here was only one or two meters.

The two of them also quickly saw what Bai Song was pointing at. By this time, Bai Song had already spread a little bit of the sand nearby.

Rivers have the advantage of rivers. If there is no ocean current on the seabed, you won't be able to see the turbulence for a long time, but here you can slowly take away the turbidity.

These propellers have no power, they are power generation equipment driven by water flow, and they have no cutting ability. There are even three or four that have become entangled with something and stopped.

This makes Bai Song a little confused. The power of these power generation equipment does not seem to be high...

It seems that it still needs regular maintenance? Bai Song looked carefully and found that it should be retractable.

How does this ensure oxygen supply? What caused the vibration?

Bai Song knew that the previous base should be the place where Feng Yiling lived daily. The submarine staying there was a retreat, and the opening method of the submarine's hydraulic door was reverse flow, which would cause the door to be opened soon after it was opened. The silt is silted up, making it difficult to explore the situation inside and find traces of submarines.

And this should be opened downstream and can be used multiple times.

In other words, the submarine just now was down here and parked.

Bai Song analyzed one thing from this, that is, Feng Yiling should have more than one submarine. After all, this one was only used in emergencies.

Building a base underwater is extremely difficult, especially if you build it secretly.

There is no need to build a cabin that can hold two submarines in this base. This will make the construction of this base exponentially more difficult. After all, submarines are not gadgets.

Bai Song just analyzed that this base should be attached under the bridge piles, and there are some equipment moving inside at this time. The whole thing is under the sand. Every time it is opened, as the river washes away, it will soon be able to Restored to their original.

The slight vibration that can be felt on the bridge piles is not the generator or the internal oxygen production equipment. Baisong analysis should be the drainage equipment.

Only high-power drainage equipment will use this kind of diesel or gasoline equipment. There is a lack of electricity underwater. After the submarine enters the water, the water in the cabin needs to be drained out, which requires the use of the engine.

However, there is a problem here. No matter what kind of internal combustion engine it is, it requires a lot of oxygen. Compared with the consumption of a person, a small engine can consume the oxygen a person needs for several days in one hour.

Using an engine to generate electricity and electrolyze water to produce oxygen does not comply with the law of conservation of energy, so only compressed oxygen can be used. Most of the space in the submarine must be used to transport oxygen tanks...

Feng Yiling itself has some medical-related black products! It is easy to deceive others in this regard, and it is not difficult at all to get some oxygen tanks.

In other words, the oxygen below is brought outside, not electrolyzed water, and the quantity is limited.

In just a few dozen seconds, Bai Song thought of many things and had a general analysis of this base.

It will definitely be humid here, because air purification here may rely on peroxide or external emissions, and air dehumidification is almost impossible.


If you don't see any bubbles, does it mean that the compressor is compressing it into the tank?

It’s really no small feat…

Under here, if nothing else happens, there must be a lot of money stored, at least there used to be. This is also the source of money getting moldy.

After thinking so much, Bai Song suddenly thought of a question. Since there may be two submarines and only one can be placed here, where is the other one?

This thing is not small. If there are daily operations, then there are daily patrols on the Xiangjiang River. If the submarine cannot be found, then don't mess around.

Unless there is a problem among the people on patrol!

Bai Song is the kind of person who can't help but analyze it automatically once he has a new inference. Once he has this idea, he is out of control.

The two divers discovered the steel structure tens of centimeters beneath the soil, and quickly asked Bai Song to take a look. Bai Song waved his hands up and down to show his understanding, and motioned the two to float up first.

The two of them didn't have much oxygen, so they floated up together with Bai Song.

Bai Song was the first to take off his oxygen mask. Before he got on the boat, he hurriedly asked: "Captain Liu, is the sonar boat you mentioned before the Water Security Section of our municipal bureau or branch?"

Tianhua City Public Security Bureau has a special water security department directly under it, which is mainly responsible for some issues in Tianhe. Bai Song wonders if the water security department here has the same plan.

"No, Jiang police boats are all small speedboats. Our Xiangjiang River is not as wide as the Yangtze River. Many things are handled by the law enforcement team of the fishery and agriculture department, and this boat is it." Captain Liu stretched out his hand, "What happens next, you guys first Let’s talk about it later.”

"Okay, let's talk about it when we get up."

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After four months, my book has been targeted again...

The chapter I wrote three months ago was blocked. I was a little panicked. Will my book be blocked again in the next two days...


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