Police Detective

Chapter 611 The fourth key to solving the case

Once this button is unlocked, the difficulty of many cases plummets.

The perfectly hidden criminals all have their own perfect persona and identity. This kind of personality and identity actually require many outsiders to prove it, which means that it is difficult to find this kind of person. Once discovered, a whole series of people may be unlucky.

Zhang Zuo is a rich second generation, Ding Jianguo is a top student, and the other one, Zhang Che, naturally needs no introduction.

Zhang Shuyong's expression just now said it all.

After thinking about Zhang Che and Zhang Zuo's appearance, Bai Song had already guessed that these two people should be a real father and son.

When it comes to hidden depth, Zhang Che is definitely at the highest level. Bai Song had contacted him twice before and had no doubts about him.

Not only Bai Song, but everyone who met Zhang Che felt that he was an idle and uneducated person.

Zhang Che has been detained by security several times, and is still being detained by security and is being held in a detention center.

"In other words, the two people you mentioned have been caught now?" Captain Jiang and Bai Song chatted for a few more words. After listening to Bai Song's words, he felt extremely magical.

"Well, there is one detention center in Xingang Branch, and one in the city's detention center." Bai Song said.

"Do you know how serious a case this is? In the entire Tianhua City, this kind of thing has not been encountered for a long time." Captain Jiang said seriously: "If everything is confirmed in the end, to be honest, I have not seen anything like this for so many years. I don’t know anyone who has ever received such great credit.”

"Captain Jiang, there is one thing I don't quite understand." Bai Song's eyes were not blurred by happiness: "People like these want to kill people. What are they trying to do?"

"This is normal. I have encountered this kind of thing several times." Captain Jiang said: "People like them have very strong brainwashing abilities and are good at killing people with borrowed knives. Sometimes, the reason is very simple, that is, someone has discovered some of their You may not notice the tell-tale sign, but just because you suspect it, you will find a way."

Captain Jiang made a move, Bai Song touched his neck and nodded.

In this way, the cause of Lee's death is very clear. Li must have discovered something about Zhang Zuo.

What did you discover?

Bai Song was no longer as young as when he first handled Li's death case. He easily thought of the clues to the entire Li case.

Although the murder case of Li didn't last very long, he also went to Southern Guizhou Province during this period, which also led to many cases, and also arrested Tuo and other smuggling cases.

The clues and case files related to Li have been placed in the case file library and sealed forever. Almost all the evidence has finally been put to use.

Hundreds of pages of documents and dozens of physical evidence involved in the case, page by page, one by one, were displayed in Bai Song's mind like a movie.

The slideshow suddenly stopped, and Bai Song's mind suddenly jumped to a piece of paper the size of a mobile phone.

100,000 VND. (Note: From Chapter 34 of this book, if you read this, don’t go back and spoil it!)

Li put two pieces of jade and a Vietnamese dong worth 100,000 yuan in the bank's safe.

At that time, Bai Song was on a business trip in Southern Guizhou Province. When he was on the phone with Ma Donglai, the then captain of the criminal investigation detachment, detachment Ma told him that two pieces of jadeite with good quality were found in Li's bank safe, and a 10 Thousands of Vietnamese dong.

Bai Song had asked the Ma detachment before and knew that 100,000 Vietnamese dong can only be converted into RMB thirty or forty yuan. Because of its low value, the maximum denomination of Vietnamese Dong is 500,000, which is equivalent to more than 100 yuan in RMB.

At the beginning, everyone analyzed that this should have been put in by Li.

Because the denomination of the money was small and it was a foreign currency, everyone simply judged whether it was a genuine coin and put it directly into the evidence bag.

At that time, most people understood it as curiosity.

Many people go abroad for the first time, or their family members go abroad, and they find it very interesting to bring back some small amounts of foreign currency. Since they have no way to spend it and are too lazy to go to the bank to exchange it, they will most likely keep it as collectibles.

After Bai Song knew about the money, he encountered danger. First, he almost fell off a cliff while riding a horse, and then fought with a knife-wielding gangster. How could he care about such a banknote?

Looking at the whole case, why would Mr. Lee put a worthless VND100,000 in a safe deposit box opened separately in his own bank?

What is placed with this money, or is it a very valuable jade?

If there is only this piece of money, then everyone will think that there must be something wrong with this money, but when placed together with the jade, no one pays any more attention to this money.

To use an inappropriate idiom, the literal translation is "the pearls and jade are in front of you, but the rubble is difficult to hold".

Looking at the smile on Bai Song's face, Captain Jiang was a little puzzled.

The people in their department are usually relatively quiet, unlike the criminal police team who work in a hurry. Now everyone has been checking the room for a long time, but no one bothered Bai Song.

Team Jiang looked at Bai Song for a while and found that Bai Song was thinking. He smiled now, which must have been achieved.

"Director Bai, have you discovered anything?" Captain Jiang said with a professional smile.

"Captain Jiang, I have made a small discovery. I don't know if it is right. I need to verify it. I will go to the archives of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Jiuhe Branch in a while. Will you come with me?" Bai Song asked. invite.

"Together?" Captain Jiang was a little surprised: "It's okay, but do I need to bring anyone else?"

"Well, bring one, preferably someone who is more professional in cryptography and cryptography." Bai Song said: "It's just a guess, there is no guarantee of any results."

"The results are not important, today was amazing enough!" Captain Jiang showed a sincere smile. Today is definitely the highlight of his career!

"Okay, then I invite you, your colleagues, and the two experts to come with me." Bai Song issued a formal invitation.

Bai Song could think that this 100,000 Vietnamese dong matter was actually closely related to another case.

Scarface is the case in which Chen died.

At that time, Bai Song discovered words written in a special way on the book. This matter passed at that time, and Bai Song didn't think too much about it, but now think about it, is there any special information on this Vietnamese dong?

Li's hometown happens to be a key area for smuggling pangolins, and it is close to the border. As Wang Qianyi's pillow, Li has nothing serious to do all day long. If he obtained some information about Zhang Zuo through coincidence, it would be very important. Possible things.

And even if Li didn't know what it was, he would definitely put it in a very important place.

Isn’t this the right thing to do?

Don't say I stopped updating, the leader will update tonight!

Whether I can add one more update or two more depends on my status.

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