Police Detective

Chapter 662 Controversy

The low temperature in winter preserved the corpse well. Although there was a stench, there were no insects to destroy it. After a simple excavation, Bai Song quickly recognized the identity of the deceased.

This was the only one of the four drivers who had left without a family.

At the beginning, the transportation company left four people, one of whom has been found, and the two people with families have also lost contact. From the behavior of their family members, everyone suspected that these two people had gone to do some special illegal activities.

Only this person had no clue, and he didn’t expect to be buried here.

"Brother Jie, you are still the best." Bai Song sighed: "You are the real version of Conan, with a domineering attitude that makes others die wherever you go."

"What does this have to do with me?" Sun Jie was wearing a protective mask and his voice was a little soft: "On my last business trip to Yanwei City, no one died, but now you killed one."

"Damn, how could you say that!" Bai Song cursed, "I was saving your life."

"I know." Sun Jie said, "We have a good relationship. Come on, put on your gloves and help me lift the person out first."

Master Yue has been working as an in-house clerk in the city bureau for so many years, and has not seen such a scene for many years. He is miserable and wants to go up to help, but he is afraid that he will vomit directly and turn around to destroy the scene.

Fortunately, Bai Song took care of him and said to him: "Master Yue, this smell is too strong and Heishan doesn't like it. Please take it away and climb a few dozen meters up, and help us look out for the wind."

When Master Yue heard this, he was instantly liberated and looked grateful.

Look at this young man, how well he speaks!

At lower temperatures, the degree of decomposition of the corpse is not too high, although meat has already appeared.

In short, it won't fall apart when you lift it out.

After Bai Song and Wang Huadong helped carry out the body, they also took off their gloves and went to guard nearby areas.

Bai Song doesn't feel anything about this scene. Staying here is just adding to the chaos. Professional things are for professionals.

The smell was just like that at the beginning, because a lot of rotten gas was held in the ground. After part of the rotten smell came out, the rest was fine.

After about 20 minutes, Sun Jie stood up, came over and said to Bai Song: "This person died of mechanical asphyxiation. He was very relaxed before death. His whole body was clean. After obvious struggle, there was no surface damage. This means that while someone was covering his nose, at least two or more people were holding his body down with their bare hands."

"Where would such an attack happen?" Wang Huadong looked at Bai Song.

"Bathhouse." Bai Song looked at Wang Huadong.

Municipal Bureau of Criminal Investigation Corps, Office of the Deputy Chief.

"Give me the location and I will take people there immediately." Director Wei listened carefully to Bai Song's statement and said, "Inform the people in other groups to suspend their work and return to the main team."

Just as Bai Song agreed, Director Wei suddenly thought of something: "Tell Wang Huadong that you don't have to think about undercover matters for now."

Bureau Wei agreed with Sun Jie's inference. He has also had contact with Sun Jie several times in the past few days. This young forensic doctor is very experienced and steady in his work and is trustworthy.

If the deceased was in the bathhouse before his death, then no one is sure what the purpose of Wang Huadong's invitation to take a big bath in the bathhouse this weekend was.

Although, judging from the operation of the transportation company today, Wang Huadong has not been exposed in any way, but now, the balance in Bureau Wei's heart is still tilted.

The lives of his men are more important.

"Don't think too much, it's not about your ability." Bai Song looked at Wang Huadong and said a little depressed: "This boss is very suspicious and arbitrary. As a newcomer, he will definitely check you out in less than a week. I can almost For sure, he wants to take you to take a big bath, which is actually acknowledgment of you. However, with Director Wei's status, he will definitely make such a choice when he sees this murder case. If I were the director, I would definitely do the same. "

"Do you think I haven't been discovered?" Wang Huadong felt a little frustrated.

"Well. If you were discovered, how could you leave so easily? And no one was following you this morning." Bai Song patted Hua Dong on the shoulder: "Humans are animals with a sense of shame. After taking off all their clothes, they will You feel very insecure. Most people's fighting ability is greatly reduced after they take off their clothes. Only when you put on a pair of underwear can they return to normal. So you, the boss, take you to take a bath because you want to get closer to you and understand you better. A little bit. But, that’s how revolutionary work is, the overall situation is the most important thing, just follow the arrangements.”

"Okay." Wang Huadong thought about it and realized that what Bai Song said made sense.

"I'm telling you, the discovery of this dead man has a lot to do with your undercover work," Bai Song said, "I'll give you a credit."

"Tch, what's the point of me asking for credit?" Wang Huadong curled his lips. With his character, he really wasn't interested in this. He was more interested in the sense of gain from his work. But Bai Song still understood him, and when he said this, he felt much more comfortable.

At night, the sixth floor of the Municipal Criminal Investigation Corps is brightly lit.

In the evening, the person was sent to the forensic laboratory. In just half an hour, several forensic experts from the Criminal Bureau came up with the same inference as Sun Jie's point of view - the deceased had been soaked for a long time before his death. While taking a shower, he was held down by many people with their bare hands and then covered his mouth and nose, causing him to suffocate to death.

Such a result made Sun Jie famous.

There are hundreds of official forensic doctors in Tianhua City, large and small. There are more than 20 branches, each with about 10 people. In addition, there are forensic doctors in courts, procuratorates, municipal bureaus, judicial bureaus, municipal bureau criminal departments, and identification centers of various sizes. There are many outside the official ranks.

If a forensic doctor wants to be famous, one very key thing is the recognition of his peers, especially the big guys.

It is said that some big guys have already expressed their intention to accept disciples today. In terms of seniority, if Sun Jie becomes his disciple, he and Qin Wushuang will probably be considered brothers.

At the same time, more information about the transportation company, including the bathhouses they frequent, have been investigated.

To take action or not to take action?

If we don't take action, there will be murders, and evidence will only become more and more difficult to collect in many places. What if there are new murders? Furthermore, Wang Huadong can no longer work as an undercover agent. The danger is very high. Without an undercover agent, his ability to obtain intelligence will be greatly reduced. If it drags on, no one can guarantee whether good results will be achieved.

But what about the counterfeit money case? Now that you’ve finished this place, what will you do with the rest? From Wei Ju to Bai Song, everyone understands one thing.

The big leaders above are most concerned about this counterfeit currency case.

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