Dormitory building.

Kushida Kikyo stood in front of the door of Hichiya bedroom and rang the doorbell, her pink pajamas wrapped around her plump body.

After all, the object is that Biqi Valley.

Kushida Kikyo didn’t feel that he needed to worry at all, otherwise he wouldn’t have gone to the boy’s dormitory to meet the boy alone so late.

Let’s be honest.

Kushida Kikyo felt that he could knock down Bijigu, and even if he stood in front of him without clothes, I was afraid that Hijiya would not dare to do anything.

Nothing to be afraid of.

Less than a moment.

Biqigu opened the door.

Looking at Kushita Kirito outside the door in pink pajamas, the smooth fabric is extremely close-fitting, perfectly showing her plump curves.


Bi Qigu’s face turned red, and he was suddenly a little embarrassed: “Why are you dressed like this?” ”


Kushita Kikyo showed a bright smile: “Because it’s already this time, I was about to rest when I received a call from a small business, and it felt too troublesome to change my clothes.” ”

Lack of sleep is a woman’s enemy.

To gain the trust of those stupid boys, cute appearance and perfect body are essential.

Kushita Kirito is not careless in this regard.


The boy in front of you is not stupid.

“Forget it, come in.”

Bijiya exhaled deeply and returned to the bedroom with Kushida Kirito, where two cups of MAX coffee had already been prepared on the table.


Biqigu sat at the low table with his head bowed, trying not to look at the plump pair of pandas on the opposite side.

“I came to you this time, mainly because I wanted to buy all the extracurricular appreciation tickets for Class D.”


Without waiting for Bijiya to explain, Kushida Kikyo nodded in agreement.

After all.

She is well aware that out-of-class appreciation tickets are a very nutritious thing, and as long as they can sell for a price, they can improve the evaluation of her class.

The current Kushita Kirito desperately needs praise.

After all, just yesterday.

Unrelenting, Suzune Horikita exposes the fact that she helped Haruki Yamauchi want to quit Ayakoji in front of the class.

Let her rating in class drop one section.

Although Kushita Kikyo is not stupid, he uses the girl’s crying performance to reluctantly throw the pot back to Haruki Yamauchi.

What can happen is the truth.

Although no one in Class D accused anything, most of them were a little uncomfortable with her helping to operate the criticism ticket behind her back.

Right now.

With an opportunity to redeem the evaluation in front of him, Kushita Kirito can’t let it go.

“Don’t worry!”

Kushita said with a sweet smile, “I will definitely try to get them to vote for you outside the class.” ”

“No, no, no, you misunderstood.”

Bi Qigu was a little confused, and quickly reacted: “I want you to vote for the extracurricular appreciation of Class D to Gecheng of A.” ”

“Huh? Why is that? ”

Kushida Kirito was suddenly a little puzzled, and originally thought that Bijigu himself wanted the protection points of Class B.

After all, even in her eyes.

Biqigu is certainly not at risk of dropping out.


Biqigu explained again: “Letting Katsuragi get protection points will definitely be a blow to Sakayanagi’s prestige, and then A may fall into infighting again, which is a good thing for the third class of BCD.” ”

“This way…”

Kushita frowned and nodded.

A: Infighting is indeed a good thing for the third shift, but if this is the case, it is completely possible to negotiate with the third shift.

Although the most favorable thing in this matter is definitely the closest B class to Class A, the possibility of successful negotiation is not low.

Never mind.

Kushita Kikyo doesn’t care about these things either.

Anyway, she doesn’t have much desire for A, and she wants to gain the trust of everyone in the school more than A.

After all.

There is no harm in just the benefits.

Since Bijigu didn’t say anything, Kushita Kirito didn’t ask.

It is not an easy task to slowly gain the trust of the other party, and it is necessary to master the balance well so as not to cause the other party’s disgust.


Kushita Kirito looked at Biqigu, who was a little restrained on the other side, nodded and smiled: “How much does that small business want to spend.” ”

Obviously in the other party’s bedroom.

Unexpectedly, this guy was actually more restrained than her.

Sure enough, it was because of the ice silk pajamas she wore today, which fit closely to her body.

I inexplicably feel a little cute.

Kushida Kirito looked at Hijigu’s gaze teasingly.

Obviously, he doesn’t even care about the evaluation of the whole school, but he cares about such a small thing.


“One out-of-class appreciation ticket is 10,000 points.”

After all, Kushita Kirito is still stronger than Kaneda, at least than Qiya.

In front of smart people, don’t dump the little smart.

“I’ll give you another 100,000 personal points as a reward, but with one proviso, you will tell Class D tomorrow morning before the exam starts.”

“I can transfer the 400,000 to Class D now, and then give you 50,000 personal remuneration as a deposit first, and then give you 100,000 after the exam.”

“Here are two contracts.”

Bijiya pushed the contract in front of the low table to Kushida Kikyo, and Party A had already written Bijigu’s name on it.

After all.

Class C and Class D have different environments, different time points, and naturally different ways of coping.

Class C has the existence of Dragon Garden.

These personal points are still taken from him.

Although it doesn’t matter if Dragon Garden knows it, before the exam is over, Biqigu wants to avoid this as much as possible.

And Class D.

Even if they know about the existence of Biqigu, it doesn’t matter.

After all, it doesn’t hurt that this matter is really good for all three BCD classes, and D classes are also divided into benefits.

Even if Sakayanagi knew by then, there was no hurry.

The premise is that Kushita Kirito does not have yang and yin, so it has a higher bid than Qiya, and uses a deposit and after-the-fact payment.


There is a contract in hand.

Kushida Kikyo doesn’t have to worry about him breaking his promises.


Kushita Kikyo carefully read the contents of the contract, except that the compensation of 20 million per person was higher, there was no problem.


Just write a name, and it’s really not difficult.

Be able to understand.

The main thing is to see if there are any text traps.

“Yes, yes.”

Kushida pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement:

“However, everyone else is fine, there is a Koenji in our class who has a somewhat special personality or should be said to be a maverick.”

“Moreover, Yamauchi-san has a good relationship with Sakayanagi.”

“I’m not sure if they’ll agree, but is thirty-eight votes okay?”


Bi Qigu’s brows furrowed slightly, and.

He still had an impression of that Gaoyuanji, after all, when that guy was surrounded by Dragon Garden and the others last time, Gaoyuanji was too maverick.

It’s no different from giving money for nothing, right?

Is it possible to refuse even such a purely good thing?

“No problem.”

Biqigu pondered for a moment and nodded.

“Then I will accept this contract.”

Kushida Kirito nodded, signed his name and returned one contract, and folded the other contract into his pocket:

“I will return the contract to you after the exam.”


The private reward of 100,000 personal points still has to be collected.

After all, Kushida Kikyo is not a guy who is not short of money, and if she does not accept it, Bijiya is even more worried about whether she will be yang and yin.

Seeing that Kushita Kikyo signed her name, Bijiya transferred 450,000 personal points to her cheerfully, and then transferred the remaining 100,000 after the exam.

Although the exam is anonymous in nature.

But when the time comes, just look at the exam results and know that everything is under control.

“Then I’ll send you to the entrance.”

Biqigu hurriedly got up to see off the guests, after all, Kushita Kirito was wearing too charming, and it was really uncomfortable for a lonely man and a widow to stay alone together.


Kushita Kikyo also got up and smiled: “I have another question for you, why don’t you ask Horikita-san for help?” She’s the leader of Class D, right? ”


There is really no problem in asking Horikita Suzune for help in this matter.

I believe that she will most likely agree, and with Horikita Suzune’s credit is more guaranteed, it can probably cost 100,000 fewer personal points.


Biqigu didn’t care: “I don’t like that guy very much. ”

Although Horikita Suzune is indeed beautiful, the cold Kaoling Hana, even the most beautiful person Bijiya has ever seen.

Although the beginning of the school year is a little arrogant, it is very real until after the sports festival.

Biqi Gu felt that she had changed a little.

Although it looks a little more sleek, it is actually just a compromise for this school.

I really don’t like it much than Qigu.

Since Suzune Horikita paid the money, the two have not been in touch again.

“This way…”

For some reason, Kushida Kirito was slightly stunned and showed a bright smile:

0 ask for flowers

“Then I’ll go back first, rest assured, this contract D class should be easy to accept.”

Saying that,

Kushida Kikyo turned to leave, and Hijiya sent her to the genkan and returned to the bedroom.

That way, everything is ready.

Although he is 100% sure, what if he fails?

After all.

The plan this time.

It was arranged on the premise that Hichiya would not drop out of school, and if there was still a dropout, it would be a little overwhelmed by Ichinose and the others.


Biqigu doesn’t like to find someone to help.

Just like Mio Ibuki, he would rather give his most precious things than owe favors.

So did he.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter what was overcome, Bijigu never thought of asking anyone for help.

Even if you find someone to help you at this school, Biqigu will give a reasonable remuneration.

It’s a fair deal, and no one owes anyone.

But this time.

After hesitating for a moment, Bijigu still dialed Horikita’s phone.

After all.

Whether you need help is not certain.

If it really doesn’t work, he can only sell his body like Mio Ibuki.


The phone was connected, and Bi Qigu took a deep breath and hurriedly said:

“I’m sorry, Senior Horikita, to disturb the seniors so late.”


For a moment, Horikita Gaku on the other end was a little confused, wondering if Bijigu’s phone had been stolen.

“It turns out that you can also say such polite words, but it doesn’t suit you, say, whatever.”


Worthy of the commander

Biqigu’s expression suddenly became a little embarrassed: “I want to borrow two million personal points from Horikita senior. ”


Horikita’s calm voice came from the mobile phone: “The first-grade exam is really difficult for you, two million, well, there should be no big problem, anyway, this money was originally meant to be left to you.” ”


Special exams are being held in the upper grades, but two million is not too much, and by now, Horikita has judged that he should have such spare power.


Bi Qigu breathed a sigh of relief, and said even more embarrassed:

“No, I don’t have to borrow it, I just hope that Senior Horikita can prepare two million personal points, and if you need it tomorrow, you can transfer it to me at any time, and when the time comes, I will join the student union to find a way to get Nangumo, how about it?”

Ask for help.

Also ask the other party to worry about their own side, so that the other party is ready to play money at any time.

Biqigu is really embarrassed to the extreme, and I feel that I can deduct three rooms and one living room,


Horikita Gaku was slightly stunned before reacting: “Are you trying to take my two million as insurance?” What countermeasures do you have? ”

“Sort of…”


For some reason, the other end of the phone fell silent.

There was a countermeasure, and he actually came to him to borrow money, and the corners of Horikita’s mouth couldn’t help but smile.

“How sure you are.”

“Ninety-nine percent or so…?”

Biqigu was not very confident, and he really didn’t want to find this call.

Let’s say 100 percent.

It felt like Commander Horikita would rush over and beat him.

“So it is.”

Horikita’s voice was a little relieved for some reason:

“I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult, the senior year is still taking special exams, and it’s impossible to answer the phone at any time.”

“I can only transfer it to you now, I’m afraid it will be difficult for you to accept…”


More embarrassing than Qigu.


I really don’t want to borrow this money.

“So be it.”

Horikita didn’t care: “I’ll give you a contact information later, Kiriyama, who is in the second year B class, is also the vice president of the student union.” ”

“I’ll transfer the money to him first, call him if you need it, and treat it as if nothing happened.”

“That’s fine, right?”

“Thank you.”

Bijiya sincerely thanked him, and Horikita Gaku simply said two words and hung up the phone.

Those who can be trusted by Horikita Gaku must not have to doubt it.

Such words.

Sort of have an insurance.


Another potential meaning of Horikita Gaku is also to tell him that if he wants to deal with Nankumo Ya, Kiriyama can become his teammate.


Bi Qigu sighed heavily, and it was really uncomfortable to owe favors.

I really hope that tomorrow will be smooth.

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