
Year D class.

There has been one less desk in the classroom since the weekend.

The students, who had a bit of luck, had to accept the reality at this moment, and they lost a companion.

Hirata no longer had the same smile on his face, and Kushita lost his smile.

Looking at the vacant seat that originally belonged to Haruki Yamauchi.

Sudo and others have mixed tastes in their hearts, and they no longer have the vitality they used to have, and Haruki Yamauchi’s questioning seems to be remembered and unforgettable.

It’s impossible.

Feeling this oppressive atmosphere, Karuizawa and the others chatted much quieter, but obviously did not pay attention to it.

It’s just the loss of a companion.


Who is Haruki Yamauchi?

Isn’t it okay to be familiar with him at all?


The only people who have something to do in their hearts are Hirata, and Sudo, a few friends of Haruki Yamauchi.


Even Sudo and others.

It’s just a lack of positivity, not very attentive at all, more important than the lost companions, or the next exam.

It’s just that.

Horikita Suzune and the others obviously have something more to care about.

With a sound of high heels stampeding, Saeda walked into the classroom with a cold expression.

“Tea pillar-sensei.”

Horikita Suzune quickly got up and asked: “Today’s bulletin board says that no one in class B has dropped out, what happened?” How the hell did they do it? ”


Many people are a little confused.

Chi Kuanzhi and others reacted to this, and Class B actually did not appear to withdraw from the school, obviously not paying much attention to the bulletin board.

But after hearing Horikita Suzune’s question, everyone did not care, even Hirata couldn’t help but raise his eyes.

“Nothing incredible.”

Saeda explained with a flat expression: “Class B canceled the withdrawal penalty with personal points. “780

“This way…”

“It’s worthy of Class B.”

“I heard that Ichinose has been saving personal points since a long time ago, but I didn’t expect that Class B could actually do it.”

Hearing the teacher’s words, Hirata and the others couldn’t help but feel a little bitter, which was obviously not something that their D class could do.

However, this explanation is not acceptable to everyone.

“Tea pillar-sensei.”

Horikita Suzune frowned, “Isn’t that unreasonable?”

“Even if it is a coincidence, it is impossible to appear one after another, and Class B is obviously consciously controlling the vote.”

“If Class B really has 20 million points, why delay the exam until the next day?”

This statement came out.

Everyone reacted that even the Sunday Class B needed to continue to take the exam, which had already spread throughout the school.

“That’s because.”

Saeda explained nonchalantly:

“Class B persisted until the last moment, triggering the hidden rules of this exam, and it only takes 10 million points to cancel this withdrawal penalty, and Class B can pass this exam without dropping out.”


Hearing the teacher’s explanation, everyone was stunned.

Hide rules?

“Wait a minute!”

Sudo suddenly got up, slapped the table and said with some excitement:

“Teacher Chazhu, this is too unfair.”


Chi Kuanzhi and others were also extremely unconvinced: “We have never heard of this kind of thing. ”


Even Ayakoji couldn’t help but frown.

I see.

This exam was apparently set up by Tsukijo specifically to get him out of school.

Since he received the extra-class appreciation ticket presented by Sakayanagi.

Moontown’s plan also ended in failure, and it naturally didn’t matter to Mooncity whether the other classes dropped out or not.


It’s like a specially tailored rule.

Certainly not prepared beforehand, but new rules designed after the fact.

As long as you persevere, you will pass this exam.


It’s not fair.

But for some reason, Aya Koji couldn’t help but have a trace of unspeakable thoughts in her heart, like annoyance, like suffocation, like throbbing, like longing.

It was a throbbing like never before.

Ayakoji was expressionless, but her heart desperately wanted to grab it, but it was quickly shrouded in darkness, and even so, Ayakoji didn’t want to let go.

This time.

There must be, there must be something he has never experienced.

Admit it.

Although as long as you stick to it, you can pass this exam.

But even so.

This is not something that other classes can do.

It was a miracle that he could hold out controlling the vote for two days and not a single person betrayed the class.


What he wanted was not this.

As long as she could control the classes or set limits for them, Ayakoji thought she could do it too.

But he would never do it.


This is undoubtedly a rebellion against the school!

That contract originally thought that there were no text traps, but it was a rebellion against the school side by holding them hostage!

Both in the White Room, or in this school.

Ayakoji never wanted to resist.

Even the reason for coming to this school is because of the guidance of others, but it is highly cultivated, not a white room.

He doesn’t need to listen to Ayakoji Atsushito’s orders anymore!

It was as if it were a sophisticated machine, absolutely responsible for the orders of Ayakoji Atsushimi in the White Room, and absolutely obedient to the rules in this school.


This is certainly not Ichinose’s style of a good baby.

Biqi Valley!

Ayakoji couldn’t help but feel a hint of longing, there must be something in this person that he wanted, there must be something he lacked.

Why on earth did he resist?

Judging from the performance, Bijigu is undoubtedly just an ordinary (bafa) civilian, why should he rebel against the absolutely invincible existence.

Even if he got results in this exam.

But it’s just that this exam is only for him Ayakoji, and he is rebelling against an authority that absolutely cannot resist.

Naturally, this matter will not end easily.

Did he not expect it?

No way!

Even Haruki Yamauchi and the others knew very well what the consequences would be if they rebelled against the teachers and the school, and it was impossible for Hijiya not to know.

So why did he resist.

For companions?

This is really a stupid reason.

As long as the person who stands at the end is the real winner, the real strong.

Only because of companions.

Just to launch a rebellion against the absolutely unresistible school authorities, how can Biqigu bear such a price.

Biqigu probably doesn’t know this.


Ayakoji was extremely concerned about how far such a resistance could go. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When facing the absolutely insurmountable mountain when it is absolutely impossible to give up, how will Biqigu resist?

Friend or foe.

Ayakoji felt that there must be something in this man that he wanted.


Could he also learn this spirit of defiance.


Suzune Horikita didn’t know what this unfathomable guy around him was thinking.

“Tea pillar-sensei.”

Horikita Suzune said with a cold expression: “Only Class B can use half price to cancel the withdrawal penalty, which is too cunning and unacceptable.” ”


Tea Pillar Saeda said in a cold voice:

“I should have told you that if the same vote exam will continue to go on, even if there are two dropouts at the same time, there will be hidden rules.”

“Why don’t you care? And even in the company, the leader will not arrange the task in detail, everything needs to be explored by yourself, right? ”

The voice of the tea pillar Saeda revealed an unquestionable majesty, which immediately left Horikita Suzune and the others speechless.


The rules don’t tell them all, and the school does explain why they don’t try their best?

“You should think about it.”

Tea pillar Saeda naturally knew that this was, but it did not prevent this from being the task of the boss and the best way to solve it.

“Why did Class B hold out until the end to trigger the hidden rule, and you didn’t?”


Saeda looked flat, “Even if you tell you this hidden rule in advance, can you really do it?” ”


Suzune Horikita’s pretty face stiffened.


Can’t do it!

The vote is completely anonymous, and even if it is explained in advance, there will definitely be people who change the vote without authorization because they hate whom, don’t like it, and are suspicious of each other.

Even if explained beforehand.

This can only be done by Class B, who has complete mutual trust, unless it is coercive means.


It is impossible to do it in either class A, C or D, not to mention that even if the hidden rule is triggered, class D does not even have 10 million.

This is the reality.

Hirata and the others covered their faces and looked even more painful, and Class B also became the children of other people’s families in the mouth of Tea Pillar Saeda, all because they were not strong enough.


This is extremely applicable to students.

Not only lie to you, scold you, but also put the pot on your head, and finally force you to admit that you are wrong.

This is the cruelty of society!

This is the supremacy of the desired strength!

Steamed buns, you are not convinced?

Hold on!

Suzune Horikita sat back in his seat with an ugly expression.

Oh, yes.

It all stems from her lack of strength.

He did not see through the rules of this exam like Biqigu.

I didn’t build a good relationship of trust with everyone at the beginning of school, and I didn’t lead everyone to the end.


Only she can be blamed.

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