President Shen Always Top Up Money

Chapter 73: Another s-class card

"I gave you a new card before, when you fell asleep." Wu Fei said with a slight treasure offering, "It is a politician, r-level, this level should be able to use it."

"Well, I know." Shen Xing responded first, and then calmed down again, "The one that doesn't work, the soil is unacceptable."

But the price of the next card draw is already 9998, and after he has drawn a politician, there are only 90,000 yuan left. Although I see a lot, I don’t know if it is enough to draw a few times. Is there anything else in the future? Where to spend money.

Seeing Wu Fei lowered his head, hesitating and not looking at himself, Shen Xing looked up and down. Now he looks away casually, then looks away casually, and continues to say lightly: "I know there should be a card in my card pool that is suitable for this level. You can set an upper limit on how many times you can smoke. If you get lucky, you won’t smoke.

President Shen rarely said so much to him once. Wu Fei was a little surprised, and some were flattered.

In the past, when President Shen asked him to draw cards, he only ordered to draw cards, and he would never say anything more.

So, President Shen Chong said so much to him this time to persuade him, he also had to smoke!

However, Wu Fei also had some suspicions, because the blood prince card with relatively many words was obtained in the last level, which only stimulated Shen Xing's desire to speak in other identities.

"Okay," Wu Fei nodded obediently. "Then listen to you.

However, despite agreeing to draw, Wu Fei was still a little uncertain and unconfident. He stood in front of the man, put one hand on the communicator, and whispered in a small voice: "...then you let me touch me and draw."

Shen Xingwen raised his eyes and looked down at him from bottom to top.

His face was calm and his eyes were bottomless.

Wu Fei immediately explained: "...No, no, I don't mean that, I didn't threaten you with a draw to bribe me with flesh, nor do I use this rogue to play, I just... want to rub your luck."

At the end, he lowered his head and looked anxiously at his perfectly shaped jaw, but he dared not stare at him.

It always feels worse the explanation.

When he stood in front of Shen Xing, he counseled him. When Shen Xing did not speak, he counseled even more. He did not have the courage to stand in front of the big brother of procedures and fine arts and change his needs.

After three seconds, Xingshen opened coldly and elegantly: "Touch it."

Wu Fei almost thought that he had heard it wrong.

He tapped out the draw interface in one hand and touched Shen Xing, who was sitting at the table of Baxian, with his other hand. He didn't know where to start-shoulder? Face? head? Where will the luck be adequate?

Wu Fei hesitated for a while, and finally did not dare to start with his coveted forehead, but just conservatively, like the one done in the death movie, handed Shen Xing up and put it in his hands. Touch it well.

His bottom line is to keep 50,000 yuan, and to close when there is 50,000 left. But in view of his insufficient capital accumulation, of course, it is best to draw the right identity card at the first draw, and spend every penny on the blade.

After touching for five minutes, Wu Fei put down Shen Xing's hand, which was sitting gracefully, calm and unresponsive, and summoned a golden summon ball from the virtual screen of the communicator, compared the left hand and the right hand, and finally touched Shen Xing's relatively long right hand was put up.

A string of gold thread wrapped around his hand, and the golden ball of light radiated a much more dazzling light than when he pulled out the politician, and finally formed a golden card above the back of his hand. Wu Fei has only seen this light once before, that is, the time he pulled out Shen Tianshi after touching Shen Xing.


I feel that my materialist worldview is being impacted by metaphysics.

Wu Feixin said that the true God was so excited that he couldn’t wait to hurry up and hug Shen Xingqin—how can he feel better after each rubbing from the other party than when he was blinding himself? !

When the golden light dissipated, he couldn't wait to hold the golden card in his hand. Before he could read the above information carefully, he heard Shen Xing "ah" calmly said: "This is very suitable."

Wu Fei skipped the card surface that had not appeared yet, and looked at the side where the information was written:

Name: Shen Xing

Race: Human race (demon race · not activated)

Identity: Empress Dowager (Eternal Emperor·Inactive)

Special ability: Confusion

Rarity: s

Identity description:

Originally an ancient monster, after betting with Tiandao, he had to fulfill his gambling agreement and was reborn as the son of Pingnanhou, helping Tiandao to ruin the foundation of the dynasty. The reincarnated Pingnan Hou Shizi was known for his elegant name, and the emperor Nan Xun was shocked by the sight of him at the first sight, regardless of the opposition of all parties, and forced to marry him back into the palace. Color, even out of the public opinion to be called a queen.

After Shen Xing entered the palace, he fulfilled the rules of heaven and gambling about chaos and chaos. Although he was repeatedly impeached, he still stood on his own wrist and emperor's favor. Shen Xing secretly controlled the forces of Pingnanhou, and until the dynasty was overthrown, he inherited the marquis of Pingnan and sent troops to the capital in the name of King Qin, establishing a new regime, ascending the throne and emperor, and confining the former imperial emperor to his harem. .

Three years later, the regime of the new dynasty was stable, the country was peaceful and peaceful, and Shen Xingluan sealed the queen. The queen was the son of a common official and his family was innocent. However, according to the old man of the former dynasty, the queen's temperament looks exactly like the emperor of the former dynasty.

Special: You can activate hidden races and identities by drawing cards, and the rarity level of the identity card will increase after activation.

This time the identity statement is surprisingly long, and unlike the previous three-word confession, he told him a story directly. After reading it, it was like reading a biography or a legend of wild history.

Wu Fei was astonished and wondered. He said that there is still such an experience of being a princess concubine for others!

The key is the attributes of this ID card! Not only is it s-class, but it looks like a very special, dual-identity, dual-race card. After the new card is drawn, the rarity can be improved-as long as it is upgraded, it is at least ss-level.

And I don’t know who he was, the emperor who didn’t love Jiangshan and the beauty. After seeing it, it was clear that the **** of action in this identity called the emperor, and he was deeply in love with his emperor who was killed by himself. , So he locked people in the palace and finally sealed the queen to others.

This identity is so ruthless and affectionate, scum and dedicated... with personality! It is worthy of them to do God!

Shen Xing looked at him with his ID card in his eyes, and he still had a weird smile on his mouth. He could not guess what he was looking at.

His face sank, his lips pursed, and he said in a deep voice: "...Don't watch it, it's all made up blindly."

Wu Fei glanced back at him and felt that this attitude was obviously wrong. He originally suspected that these identity backgrounds were compiled and did not actually happen, but the unusual reaction of Shen Xing made him think that what was written in it might be true. of.

He glanced at Shen Xing with a sneak peek: "Who is the emperor who was ruined by you? Another contractor? Was it drawn?"

Thinking that there might be one or more important people in the past, Wu Fei unconsciously felt a bit of discomfort in his heart, but he quickly suppressed this monopoly on his contractors. .

Shen Xing only looked at him dullly, his dark eyes deep.

Just after Wu Fei thought that the other party would not speak or answer as before, he saw the man in front of him lower his eyes gently and said coldly, "You."

? ? ?

The question mark on Wu Feiyi's head was stupefied directly on the spot, and it took three minutes to react. The word "you" refers to-"The emperor who made me destroy the country is you."

Hey, it’s not right. I think he joined the party as an adult. He’s not too young. The party is not short. He was born in the Red Banner. He grew up in the new century. He has been taught the core values ​​of socialism since childhood, and he firmly opposes feudalism and imperialism. Lagging work?

It is even less likely to force the demon man to **** President Shen into the palace and seal him as the queen. Finally, he got himself into a good country and was locked in the palace as the queen-he has not lived for so many years. .

This time, Shen Xing inherited the tradition of cherishing words like gold. He calmly entered the inner room without a word, ignoring Wu Fei's questioning in the back.

After Wu Fei lost his mind for a while, he finally decided to ask his good friend, planner's good helper, and guide Lulu.

After the other party appeared, Wu Fei could not wait to show her the identity card he had just drawn: "I just asked my contractor, who is the emperor of this deceased country in the background of his identity card? I said that these backgrounds were made up blindly, so I don’t believe it, and later said that the emperor inside was me... what’s going on?"

Miss Lulu also showed a calm and indifferent attitude to this problem, only to write the words "This is a normal setting" on the top of her head. She naturally told Wu Fei: "Your contractor is right."

Wu Fei: " talk in detail."

"The identity background of each identity card of the contractor is indeed generated by the system, and has never actually happened. It is just to supplement the background setting of the identity, so most identity backgrounds will be simply taken. But there are also some identities. The background is more detailed. In these backgrounds, there may be important people who are entangled with the identity. Of course, these important people are originally the same as the background and did not really exist.

"But because of the bond setting between the contractor and the identity person in the final plan, if the setting is appropriate, the contractor will assume that their planner is the important person in the identity background."

"For example, in your identity card this time, the emperor who has important connections with the contractor has the characteristics of being young, male, and having a strong bond with the contractor. They are all in line with you. So according to our settings, the contractor It will assume that you are the emperor. If you don’t ask him, he can pretend not to have this, and the contractor you ask can only tell you the truth."

So...blame me for talking too much?

Just brought a relationship to myself and the **** of excuse for no reason?

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