Wang Xin looked at Su Qi with some anger: "Since you know all acquaintances, why don't you introduce them to me? Let him help me, it doesn't matter how much it is."

Su Qi smiled dismally: "Wang Xin, believe me, you won't think about it, and you are already very beautiful, I believe that with your strength, you can easily pass." Actually

, the old man had this idea too. He told Suki that if she introduced more people, he would give more benefits. One of the benefits, of course, is to toss her less.

But how could she possibly introduce Wang Xin to the past?

She couldn't imagine what terrible things would happen when Wang Xin and the old man were alone and closed the door.

It's good to bear some pain yourself, and there is no need to drag others into the water.


After a short time, the person in charge asked the players to line up in a large square, and then took the list and named them in turn to confirm the visitors.

Finally, the orderly assessment is arranged in turn.

There are four rooms for the assessment, two for boys and two for girls, and the gender of the professionals in charge of the assessment corresponds to each other.

"Wang Xin!" the person in charge read Wang Xin's name.

"Here!" Wang Xin raised his hand.

The person in charge crossed the list and put her in line in Room One.

Wang Xin winked mischievously at Su Keke and Su Qi, and passed.

Su Keke blessed her: "You will definitely be able to live."

Su Qi made a cheering gesture to Wang Xin.

Suki was looking at the four rooms, according to the current rules, female evaluators would evaluate women, men would evaluate men, and there would be no cross-evaluation, which she hadn't thought of before coming.

The old man had said that he would personally evaluate her, but under the rules, how could he do it personally

? Then how

did he let her pass? Or did he lie to her from the beginning

? Not only did he take her money, but he also took her body?

Su Qi's face turned pale.

However, she still had a bit of luck, as long as the old man was in one of the rooms, then it meant that he was at least an assessor. He didn't assess her directly, but he could have called for someone else to help.

"Suki!!" the person in charge read her name.

"Here!" Suki walked out quickly.

"You're in room four. The person in charge said.

Suki walked towards Room 4, where she took the opportunity to look at the front 3, and through the glass, she could see two professionals taking detailed measurements of the players' bodies and recording them into data.

She didn't see the old man.

Only the last room is missing, if you don't see it in the last room, then ...... The old man is really lying!! Suki has really been deceived.

Suki went to room four with great trepidation, and was greeted by two women.

Tested on women, of course, women.

The panic just now made her ignore the basic rules.

Her head exploded with a thud, and her body became extremely heavy.

"Suki, come on!" Su Keke blessed Suki, but Suki did not respond, but looked very strange.

What's wrong with her......

From the beginning of its establishment, Haidie Group has a strict requirement, no back door, no favoritism, if found, the staff will not only be dismissed, but also face a high fine.

For this reason, internal staff have to weigh no matter how big the temptation is.

In addition, in order to put an end to the phenomenon of favoritism and fraud, the personnel assigned by Haidie Group will be strictly selected, and the selected person will sign relevant agreements to ensure that the content he is responsible for is absolutely fair and just.

If favoritism is discovered, even after a few years, it can still be held accountable, and the legal problems faced are even more serious.

Under the strict iron law, basically no one will take the initiative to help a player cheat for the sake of a player.

This is also the reason why the gold content of the Jiai Media audition remains high.

A large number of people have money and have no way out, and they are very helpless.

There are many examples like Suki, and what has been exposed to the world is only the tip of the iceberg.


"Sucoco. The person in charge finally called Su Keke's name.

"To. Su Keke raised his hand.

"You are Su Keke?" The person in charge did not directly ask Su Keke to go to the room, but asked her if she was Su Keke.

So many people didn't ask, why did they just ask her? Su Keke looked very strange.

"I'm Su Keke, what's the problem?" Su Keke smiled politely.


person in charge took out his mobile phone, and after reading it carefully, his attitude changed greatly, and he looked very respectful: "Sorry to keep you waiting, you don't have to go to the room to test, your test is in another place." "

Another place?"

"Well, I'll take you there."

"You don't have to worry about me, there are so many people here that you need to name them.

"It's okay, it's okay to let them wait a little longer, please come with me." The

person in charge left with Su Keke.

About half of the remaining people were not named, and they were waiting anxiously, but when they saw the person in charge leaving alone with Su Keke, they suddenly became curious.

"What's the matter with the person in charge not naming and taking one person away

?" "Doesn't that girl have to do the test?"

"It should be done."

"But if she wants to do it, why would she take it to another place alone?"

"Who knows, I just want to hurry."

Su Keke was taken to the second floor, through the staff office area, and went straight to a more refined office.

A middle-aged man inside had been waiting for a long time.

"Director, Miss Su brought it. The person in charge said.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Lin, and I am the top person in charge of this audition and the head of the department. Zhang Lin took the initiative to shake hands with Su Keke, looking extremely enthusiastic.

Su Keke was a little confused, not knowing what the situation was now.

"Hello Director, I'm just a contestant who came to the preliminary audition, so I won't come to the office. "

Oh, primaries, I forgot about it. Sorry, sorry. Xiao Wang, you can go first, leave it to me here. "

Okay, Director. The

person in charge left the office and closed the door by the way.

"Miss Su, please be seated.

Zhang Lin took the initiative to pour tea for Su Keke.

Su Keke was a little vigilant, he was inexplicably so enthusiastic about himself, could it be that he had any other thoughts?

I have heard that there are unspoken rules in the entertainment industry, and I am still in

the selection?" "Director, let me state again, I am just a contestant who came to the primary selection, if you have any other ideas, I would rather leave now."

Zhang Lin laughed: "I'm really sorry for misunderstanding you, I don't mean what you think, and I can't think about you." How dare I. Miss Su, you fill out this document first.

Zhang Lin took out a stack of documents, which were basically similar to some basic personal information to be filled in for the interview, which also needed to write personal thoughts and why he wanted to sign up for the audition.

There are several of them.

Although Su Keke had doubts in his heart, he still carefully wrote the document with a pen and handed it to Zhang Lin.

Zhang Lin announced: "Su Keke, you have passed, you can go home now and wait for the third round of assessment notice." "

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