Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 1170: conclusive

   As soon as Wang Jian came in, he knelt on his knees and pounded his head on the ground, verbally apologizing.

   This is not acting, but Wang Jian is really scared.

   Suddenly received a thousand miles note from Lord Shen last night, saying that the spy in Jingbei who was responsible for the stalking and secret investigation of the Qin family had been exposed, but he immediately changed and adjusted the methods and methods.

   Although there is no excessive or condemning words on the Thousand Miles note, Wang Jian understands that the secret agents have revealed their identity and they do not know anything about it. This is a big omission and a serious problem that will lead to the complete death of the entire operation.

   was in a cold sweat with fright, and drew away all the spies from the north overnight, and re-planned and arranged. Hide the spy to a deeper position without affecting the mission. At the same time sorting out the connections between the spies, the ones that should be cut off are cut off immediately. In addition, Wang Jian required self-examination and introspection on all four books, and this incident was directly recorded on the resumes of all the four books, which was regarded as a stain.

   My internal affairs were arranged, Wang Jian did not dare to delay any more, and immediately ran to Shen Hao to plead.

Shen Hao waved his hand and asked Wang Jian to get up, and said, "This time it was discovered that your Heishui leaks were secret agents of Mr. Jiang Cheng. By coincidence, he saw through the manpower arranged by Heishui in his hometown. The specific situation is your own. Go to Master Jiang to find out. This time the problem of Heishui must be solved once and for all, otherwise you won’t have such good luck next time."

   Accountability is unnecessary. After all, there was no impact this time. But rectification is necessary, and it is necessary to ensure that the same problem does not recur.

Wang Jian naturally responded again and again, and he was relieved at this time. He understood that Lord Shen gave a chance this time, but it also means that if a similar problem occurs next time, the old and new accounts will be calculated together, and the end will be worrying. .

   "Anything else?" Shen Hao did not continue the topic of Hei Shui's own omissions. Since Wang Jian came here, he should also ask about the progress of the recent package.

   "My lord, the affairs of the distant relatives of the Lu family that you made the investigation look a little bit brighter."

   "Oh? Tell me about it." Shen Hao leaned back in his chair and motioned for Wang Jian to continue.

Wang Jian went on to say: "My lord, as you might expect, those distant relatives of the Lu family did hide the tricks. We first checked the kinship of the five generations of the Lu family, and then used the local yamen list as a context to find out. I checked it quickly, but no problems were found.

  According to your reminder, we did not favor the local yamen roster, but used your suggestions to take the second round of visits. It turns out that in the early years of Lu's family, there were still two distant houses that were separated out due to the famine. In terms of seniority, those two families should have been out of Lu Liang's grandfather's generation. However, these two branches cannot be traced at all in the Lu Family's local yamen's roster, either they were omitted very early and therefore lacked records, or they were deliberately erased. However, this also proves that, as you might expect, the local government's roster is not credible.

After   , we found the two branches that the Lu family had divided out in the early years. One is in Jingnan, and the other is in Jingxi.

The initial investigation did not find any problems, but after continuing the visits and unannounced investigations, there were other findings. Although the two Lu family branches seem to be doing well now, they are considered small fortunes in the local area, belonging to wealthy households, and even some children in the family. Also entered the official school. But five or six years ago, the life of these two Lu family collaterals was very different from now. It is not too much to say that they are poor and hard.

   From the perspective of time alone, the improvement of the lives of the two Lu family's offshoots and the rise of Lu Liang's official career can be related. We have checked their way of making a living. Although they are hidden, they did find a lot of unexpected assistance and care. It was preliminarily determined that it was from Luliang-related forces that were providing convenience and assistance. The two Lu family collaterals are getting better.

However, from our unannounced visits, it can be seen that these two subordinates, who have no connection with the Lu family on the local yamen's roster, did not claim to the outside world that they have relatives with Lu Liang, and they are also deliberately hiding their identities... .."

   It started five or six years ago?

   Shen Hao frowned upon hearing this. He originally thought that the connection between Lu Liang and the Qin family should have started after the Qin family and the Lu family got married. Then Lu Liang would make a fuss about the family history and then fell to the pill resource that the Qin family held in his hands.

   But now it seems that Lu Liang's arrangement should have been on the line of Qin family earlier than him. Is it a way to leave the family ahead of time? This is possible.

Wang Jian continued: "There are also strange things about the younger generations. On the local yamen's roster, there are 13 and eleven younger generations under the age of fifteen in the two Lu family branches. However, we discovered during the unannounced visits. Both of these figures are underreported. Initial investigations should actually be 15 and 17 people."

   Shen Hao interrupted: "How is the number of people determined?"

"In the case of an adult, it is Wen Po. We found all Wen Po in the local area for unannounced visits, and asked the number of the two new students in the past ten years, and obtained Wen Po's account book, which has a clear record. "

  Wenpo is generally in charge of the yamen. But the management is very loose. Generally, it only maintains the number of stable women in their own jurisdiction and the number of surviving births, and the rest is ignored. This also jumped out of the concealed range of the local yamen, and the credibility of the intelligence information obtained was very high.

   "Have you found someone?"

"I found it. Those two children who are not on the Yamen roster are actually in their respective Zhuangzi now, but they don’t walk around and, as you might expect, there are fluctuations in their cultivation level. . But because I didn’t dare to stun the snake, the temptation to the opponent’s cultivation base was only a far-away induction. I couldn’t get close, nor was it sure whether these disciples who were deliberately hidden by the two families belonged to the false evil monks’ mana fluctuations. Need follow-up. follow up.

   But you have already proved your guess so far. Do you think the spy can go one step further? "

The last sentence Wang Jian also said carefully, because at present it seems that Lu Liang, a big and hot man in the court, does small movements behind his back, and it seems that it is very likely that it is not clearly related to the Qin family and has afflicted the evil monk. Dirty water. As long as it can be observed closely and it can be confirmed that the qi fluctuations in the several disciples hidden by the two families belong to the false evil monks, then it can be nailed down.

   However, Lu Liang's identity was too sensitive and involved so much that Shen Hao did not dare to make a decision lightly, so he had to be cautious again and again. After a long silence, Shen Hao said: "Don't act rashly, just keep staring at them from a distance. You can never get close without my command! Understand?"

  Wang Jian didn't dare to disagree, so he responded quickly.

   "In addition, the Qin family's dossiers can begin to close. Everyone must have a special arrest plan. Once the order is received, you must ensure that you will not leak anyone."

   "Subordinates understand!"


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