Minagi’s sister, Nagisa, let out a deep sigh when she saw the frightening words 『GAME OVER』 displayed on the TV.

“I’m sorry, sir. It’s just that I’m not very good at this.”

Nagisa put the controller down on the mini-table and sagged down.

“No, don’t worry about it. And you don’t have to force yourself to use honorifics.”

“That’s no good, Suguru, don’t spoil Nagisa. Ah, I’ll go get another cup of barley tea, and you two can talk.”

“Eh, I’ll come with you…”

I tried to stop Minagi from standing up, but she shook her head and said, “It’s okay, I can do this by myself.” As she left, she deliberately pointed her chin at Nagisa, and I understood that I had been assigned to comfort my sister-in-law here.

In front of the table. The absence of the central figure created a strange sense of distance, and we stared at each other awkwardly. Although we had played together several times, we had never talked alone.

“…Um, well, I’m intruding, aren’t I?”

Nagisa looked away from me as she asked modestly.

“No, not at all. I’ve never been a big fan of this kind of game, and I think it’s more fun with more people. I don’t really have a lot of experience with this. Is it fun for you?”

“I’m not good at games. Not good at anything. I’m not as good as my sister.”

Nagisa replied in a slightly sulky manner. It was just that Minagi was too good at everything. But it was just unfortunate that Minagi was the one she was born to compare herself to.

I let out a deliberate sigh and walked over to where Minagi was sitting—Then I sat down next to Nagisa.

“That’s not true. It’s true that Minagi is kind of good at getting the hang of things. …But for example, look. Not too sure what it is, that weird game there. I think you have better sense than me in that one.”

“Eh, really? …I didn’t mean it in a bad way, but really?”

As soon as I complimented her, Nagisa’s expression brightened and she looked at me. Her response made me happy, too.

“If anything, you are harder to fight than Minagi. I felt like you were reading my every move.”

I’m still a beginner, and Minagi was by far the strongest. I have a vague feeling that Nagisa was going to be stronger than me.

“So if you practice properly and have the skills, you can probably be stronger than Minagi. …And I’m sure that’s true for other things as well. You can find many good things about you. So I think…there was no need to compare every single thing with Minagi.”

I patted Nagisa’s head. Her reaction, squinting her eyes like a deflated cat, was very similar to Minagi’s.

“Umm. Suguru-san, did you fall in love with Onee-chan at first sight?”

The love question came out of nowhere, with no context to build up from. I felt embarrassed and looked away.

“…No, I don’t think. I don’t know. It was quite a difficult question if I first fell in love with someone. Was it that I like Minagi because it was love at first sight, or did I just happen to like Minagi because of what she does? I think it’s the latter for that question.”

I replied absentmindedly, tracing the pattern on the carpet.

“Fumm, Suguru-san, that’s kind of a strange thing to say.”

“Yeah. That’s why people often say I’m troublesome.”

“That’s what Onee-chan often says, too.”

“…Well, that can’t be helped. I think she’s taking it pretty well.”

“Onee-chan is very much in love with Suguru-san.”

How am I supposed to react to that? As I was ponding over it. Nagisa’s fingers overlapped with my fingertips.

“But I think I might like you, too, Suguru-san…”

She looked up at me with her lovely eyes, and I opened my mouth wide. My brain stopped and three seconds later. do.

“N-No, no, no, no. That’s just not good, in various ways!”

When I fumbled away from Nagisa’s hand, Nagisa laughed, “Fufu…Ahahaha!”

“It’s a joke, Suguru-san.”

“…You’re just like Minagi when you make tease me like that.”

As I let out another sigh, the door opened. Minagi was back.

“Sorry for the wait…You two, have a weird vibe somehow.”

“It’s your fault for leaving me alone with her so suddenly. Besides…nothing happened.”

Minagi said, “Fumm, really?” Then she sat down next to me on my left side — in other words, where I was at first.

“I’m bored with the game. What’s next? Do you want to play Pictionary?

“That’s too simple.”

“No, it’s not. It’s very difficult to decipher Nagisa’s drawings.”

“Why is it more difficult when I’m here!? It’s hard by nature, Onee-chan!”

“Then here’s what we’ll do. If we can decipher your picture, we’ll give you a point.”

“Oh, great. Then, let’s give a point to the person who deciphers it.”

“What is with that rule!?”

The three of us were laughing together. Yeah, I was happy. I never thought I would be able to live such a happy life in the past. So I thought. I wished this time could go on for eternity.



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