For those who suddenly emerged, Ning Shu’s inner vigilance is greater than joy.

Even now that her current goal is the snake king, it seems that she is standing on the same front.

But this woman's feeling for Ning Shu is not good.

The attitude is very proud, overlooking Ningshu.

Ning Shu thought in mind, it must be a more powerful task.

The snake king looked a little tired under the attack of several monsters and old Taoist priests.

Coupled with three oil bottles, the situation of the snake king is a bit unsatisfactory.

But if the snake king is so easy to deal with, then it is not the protagonist.

Anyone who is poisoned by him and monsters will be poisoned.

There is no way for the snake king to borrow the power of the demon ****. His body has raised a powerful demon hurricane, which makes it impossible to get close.

However, the power of the demon **** makes the snake king somewhat unstoppable.

"Do you know what the snake king stole from the investigation bureau?" asked the female director Chao Ningshu.

Ning Shu shook his head. "I am not a god, how can I know?"

The commissioner died early, and the snake king gave it to the second when he met. The ghost knows how the snake king and An Yuxi show how to love the single dog.

"That is the demon ****." The female director glanced at Ning Shu, it seems that some of them are so stupid.

"The demon **** is the symbol of the demon king. The demon king is all the monsters in the demon world. The monster is so chaotic now, even integrated into the human world. It seems that there are signs of harmony with human beings, because the monsters do not have demon kings. Everyone is fighting, and no one is obeying anyone. If the demon king is born, this situation will be different."

"If the snake king controls the demon **** and uses it for his own use, he will be the new demon king. With the power and rights of all the monsters, he will kill the human beings. Now this peace situation has broken. ""

"Humans will also know the existence of monsters, people are scared, and the whole world will be chaotic."

"The last demon king is that human beings have gathered a lot of power and made a lot of sacrifices to kill them. They took away the demon ****, but the demon **** was stolen by the snake king."

"Oh..." Ning Shu made a big sigh, "So how do you get the monsters back today?"

"Yes." The female director nodded.

Ning Shu coughed and pointed at An Yuzhen, who was in the middle of the demon king's arms. "In the human front, isn't there another person? An Yuxi is a kind person who will certainly advise the snake king not to kill humans."

The female director stunned and couldn’t control her eyes. "As she went to the demon world, the snake king gave her a palace to live, enjoy the supreme favor, and jealous with a group of female monsters, enjoying the pet's favor, what the human world looks like. She doesn't know anything, the dog is more reliable than her."

Ning Shu: ...

Think about it too, An Yuxi is a person who has no opinion.

As long as you are a little happy, you don't have to know the storm outside.

And her man can shelter her from any storms.

"People are happy and happy, and the happiness of others is a little happiness." Ning Shu said casually.

The female director said indifferently: "So, putting human hopes on this woman is simply killing itself."

The female director looked at Ning Shu. "You shouldn't know the demon world. If the snake king really brought this woman to the demon world, it would really be out of humanity. It is not human."

Ning Shu is indifferent, the demon world still knows a little, in fact, it is a different space, in this plane, opened up a space.

This space seems to be a space where some powerful monsters gather together.

In the living space of the monster is compressed, the demon world is the last place of the monster.

There are some powerful monsters in it.

Ning Shu stared at the snake king with a snake scale. It seems that the snake king is still a ambitionous monster. He is not willing to be a snake king. It is not only to control the 10,000 snakes, but also to control the Wan Yao.

Perhaps the snake king in the plot will succeed.

After all, the delegator in the plot is under the hands of the snake king, but there is no turn in the round. The snake king carries his wife and children.

"The snake king is a monster that is lawless and wild and difficult to tame. If he is made a demon king, the world will fall into a big turmoil," said the female director.

Ning Shu thought about it and asked: "Do you think the snake king will kill people?"


Ning Shu said indifferently: "In fact, there is nothing to kill. After all, human beings are too fast, too many, and deprived of countless resources. Some planes can't stand it. There are also reasons why people like Snake King can become protagonists. ”

After a killing, the number of humans will definitely drop sharply.

This is from the self-healing of the plane, why the monster is forced to live with human beings and is forced to live like a human being.

Because there is no room for survival, humans have taken up too many resources and places.

But Ning Shu does not want these people to kill themselves.

The development of the plane also has its own rules.

The female director looked at Ning Shu. "It is true that the words are correct, but innocent human beings should not be involved in such a battle."

Ning Shu said faintly: "Then let the beneficiaries, such as the army, enjoy the supreme right to fight."

"Once the war begins, it will be a turbulence that is extremely curbed." The female director said.

Ning Shu just laughed twice and didn't speak.

The plane of the plane has the law of self-development, and the change of the dynasty is also the process of self-healing.

The demise of the dynasty, from the beginning of the prosperous world to the last faint, all kinds of chaos, the injustice of the world, the chaos of the world, the hunger, the resentment.

At this time, a new dynasty will be born in the blood, eliminating the grievances of the past, and has been circulating.

Ning Shu feels that such a war is a process of self-healing.

Sacrifice a part, save a part, as to whether you can survive and look at life.

The female director looked at her eyes slightly and swept up and down. "When doing the task for the monster commissioner, I will regard myself as a monster?"

"This is what I said, I have done everything, just about things." Ning Shu spread his hand.

Open this love story, and constantly desperately add a halo to the snake king, from the snake king to the king of the demon.

Why not give the power of the snake king, invisibly dragging his own destiny.

For An Yuxi, she conquered a man who conquered the world, and this man only loves her, giving her supreme favor, is a woman's achievement.

A clever woman cleverly laughs and makes a man fight for a woman to fight the world, drive a man, and control a man.

If there is no snake king, there will be others who will take on such a mission.

Ning Shu turned his eyes and thought that it would not only be a lot of people and monsters to sacrifice in the future.

The client's wish is to live, and to give the snake king a good look.

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