The next morning, Su Li's head felt fuzzy as she entered The Audience Hall for the morning assembly early.

She listened with half an ear as the ministers droned on and on about their departments or duties.

Each of the ministers tried hard to prove their worth and usefulness to the monarch.

She sighed at their pedantic thoughts but didn't have it in herself to reprimand them.

Meanwhile, Ning Fu watched the monarch with hooded eyes.

Just as the morning assembly ended and the monarch called for a particular Imperial Guard, Ning Fu stopped in his steps and stumbled on his own two feet.

He was saved from an embarrassing crash as one of his subordinates stopped his fall by grabbing his arm.

Still, the other person looked at him with worried eyes.

"Is everything alright, Unit Commander?"

But Ning Fu wasn't in the state to respond to his words verbally and simply shooed him away.

It felt as if a bolt of lightning had struck him out of the blue and left him singed.

He couldn't wrap his head around the sudden realisation.

When the monarch called for the Imperial Guard, Ning Fu recalled last night's conversation.

He thought back to what the emperor had said—his beloved was a man.

A male!

The proud Son of Heaven loved someone who was a male.



How could a royal do something like that?

However, before he could wrap his head around the fact, he was standing outside the Imperial Study and waited with bated breath for a summons to go inside.

Ning Fu felt fl.u.s.tered when he was summoned inside.

He was asked to give a report on the recent goings-on in the Imperial Capital.

He also recalled that the monarch didn't seem to prefer swords.

All the more, he recalled the recent nights and felt that the monarch needed some physical activity to tire him out.

Maybe, if the other person was too tired, he wouldn't have time to think about his past.

This, in turn, might help him to get out of his funk.

Thus, he made a snap decision.

Once all the official talk was out of the way, he put forth his idea.

"Your Majesty, this lowly one wanted to talk to you about something."

Su Li gave a non-committal hum at those words.

"Would Your Majesty be inclined to learn the Art of Sword from this lowly one?"

Su Li was flabbergasted at those words and didn't know how to respond with letting the other person down.

On one hand, this was a good opportunity to learn self-defence and on the other hand, she didn't want rumours to float around.

Still, after some thought, she decided to agree.


Ning Fu didn't know why but for some reason, his heart sped up when the monarch agreed and he couldn't help but give the other person a faint smile.

A thought streaked through his mind but he didn't pay attention to it.

He simply bowed to the emperor and took his leave.

However, before he could do more than take a few steps, the monarch's voice was heard once again.

"Where and how often will you teach me?"

"We can do it daily if Your Majesty's schedule permits it and we can do it in one of the unused and out of the way Imperial Gardens."

The monarch seemed to think about his words and then gave a positive response.

Still, he couldn't help the flush in his cheeks when he thought about it and he felt his heart skip a beat.

A warm feeling that had been hitherto unknown, spread through him at the thought of being able to help the monarch.

Occupied as he was in his own thoughts, it took him a minute or two to realise that he had almost collided into Zhou Sheng.

The other person also seemed to have been trying to gain his attention for some time now.

The younger man's furrowed brows showed his irritation.

At once, Ning Fu came back to himself.

The younger one raised an eyebrow, "What is the matter? What thoughts are so important that brother isn't even aware of where he is going?"

"Ah! Nothing."

He quickly replied and hoped that Zhou Sheng wouldn't continue with the same line of questioning.

Still, he didn't want to pry information so he kept his questions to himself.

The younger boy stepped towards the older one and with a sardonic smile continued.

"Brother, our mother wants to have grandchildren as soon as possible. Tell younger brother, when will you find a sister-in-law for me?"

Those words reminded Ning Fu of what he had heard last night and he swallowed reflexively.

But it would be poor form if he allowed a younger person to make fun of him.

"Why? Has a beauty caught your eye? Is that why you are so interested in my marriage? You want me to marry as soon as possible so that your road to matrimony is clear?"

Zhou Sheng dissolved into laughter at those words.

"Yes. Yes. I have a beauty in mind. But you need to get married first, brother. Don't make me wait too long."

Ning Fu felt at a complete loss at those words and couldn't help but wonder why he could never win in a war of words with his brother.

He also couldn't help but abstractedly think that the monarch was also a man of great beauty—a rather attractive one at that.

He also realised that the monarch was courageous in his own way.

One had to be when one lived in fear of his life every single day and had to contend against family members who wouldn't mind killing the said person in the blink of an eye.

The Unit Commander once again sighed to himself because his thoughts had again turned towards the one person he shouldn't be speculating about.

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