Chapter 1553 Extra Story (2)

   "Strange beasts, beasts with powerful abilities and abilities, come from the black hole of the universe, similar to Zerg, but more powerful than Zerg."

  Wednesday Thousand four hundred years ago, human beings accidentally discovered a special substance, which has a very powerful lethality against Zerg.

  Scientists are actively researching how to extract this special substance, and how to use the special substance, which can cause a devastating blow to the Zerg.

  The top scientists in the world are pursuing this goal.

  Finally, Ji Guan Moru, a genius doctor of science who was only 600 years old, successfully developed a potion capable of destroying enough.

  The medicine he researched, after 1:10000 dilution, still has terrifying lethality.

  The trial results were very good, so the interstellar countries officially invested.

  The Zergs are coming, and the overwhelming Zergs cover the entire interstellar.

  Humans come up with their best work.

  The diluted potion, under the action of the mecha, was turned into a mist invisible to the naked eye, scattered in the boundless interstellar space.

  As if they encountered something terrible, the Zerg was contaminated with this potion and immediately stopped moving.

  The interstellar army was mobilized in all directions, with mechs, spaceships, and fighters attacking in an all-round way, rushing towards the Zerg with diluted medicine.

  It took three months for the interstellar army to wipe out the Zerg, and the medicine developed by Jiguan Moru successfully solved the survival dilemma that has plagued more than 3,000 years. Jiguan Moru is therefore called a genius scientist.

  After the Zerg was wiped out, Interstellar held a month-long welcome ceremony.

  After the biggest interstellar threat was lifted, people turned their attention to the fertility rate.

  The fertility rate in Interstellar is frighteningly low. Even if the artificial womb technology is very advanced, there are still very few children who can grow up healthy.

  The Star Alliance government encourages women to have children, but not many people are willing to have children, and the chances of women getting pregnant are very low.

   "Ma'am, so this strange beast appeared after the interstellar birth rate increased."

  Wen Su thought deeply, the lifespan of an interstellar person can be as high as five thousand years, and it is normal for the birth rate to be low. This belongs to wanting everything, not only wanting a life span of a thousand years, but also what to do with so many newborns.

   Trying every means to increase the fertility rate, it is no wonder that there are no problems.

  Baitang nodded happily: "The record is like this. The strange beasts that come out of nowhere, they have unusual powers like the legendary beasts, and these powers, humans don't have."

   There is no doubt that many human casualties.

  The interstellar people paid a very heavy price to hunt and kill a few strange beasts.

  The alien beasts captured by the empire were studied by a research team headed by Jiguan Moru.

  Ji Guan Moru extracted the genes of alien animals and proposed to develop human abilities.

  The specific operation method is to fuse the genes of alien animals with humans.

  Due to the severe situation, the empire agreed to Jiguan Moru's suggestion and selected 100 people from the imperial army for human experiments.

Baitang said softly: "These are all the materials at that time. You see, at the beginning, the experiment went very smoothly. All of these hundred people possessed supernatural powers. However, within half a month, they suddenly went berserk. Then, suddenly died."

  So, at the social level, the empire announced the end of experiments on the fusion of alien animal genes and human bodies. The progress of the experiment will no longer be published.

  The direction of the experiment is to study the way of producing the strange beast ability, and combine it with mechs and battleships.

   However, the fusion experiment of the alien animal gene and the human body has not stopped, but it has been turned underground and will no longer be announced to the public. Only the experimenters and high-level officials know about it.

  (end of this chapter)

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