Chapter 1569 Extra Story (18)

   Just wait, just wait for a perfect experimental product that has cost him a lot of effort to come out.

  She will have unlimited potential, she will be able to become a man of the hour, she will not hide evil like him, after passing these experiments, no matter what she encounters in the future, she will be as firm as ever.

  Ji Guan Mo Ru bubbled into the laboratory to improve the death wheel, and the empire let go again, actively mobilizing scientists to seek the conditions for human beings to develop supernatural powers.

  This decree barely mentions human experiments clearly. In short, human experiments on supernatural powers are only allowed on the basis of a "voluntary" principle. What kind of means is used to achieve the "voluntary" principle, the empire will not care.

It is still an individual, and they will go to poor and backward planets to recruit people, as long as they are given a small favor, of course, this small favor is already a very considerable amount of money among these poor people, and it is money that they will not be able to earn in a few lifetimes. , For the sake of children, for the sake of relatives, they are basically willing to sign this agreement and conduct experiments.

   What is an experiment? they do not know.

  In the interstellar era, technology is very advanced, but the entire social structure system has not changed much, and money is always on top.

  Although learning with an optical brain is very convenient, superficial learning is indeed very convenient, but systematic, scientific, and comprehensive learning is extremely difficult. It seems to be free, but with technology and too many interest groups, it only needs to benefit more people. This is an insurmountable mountain for a poor planet.

  The entire interstellar and various countries are conducting human supernatural experiments, or in other words, human supernatural experiments have never stopped, but moved from the dark to the sun.

   Jiguan Moru's experiment has also entered the sixth stage.

  The sixth stage uses a technology banned by Interstellar. Basically, Jiguan Moru took his experimental base to do all the technology banned by Interstellar, and perfected it.

  The technology used in the sixth stage is relatively anti-human. For each experimental product sent into the machine, his memory will be divided into pieces by the machine, and then it will be disrupted and inserted into a relatively complete memory.

Afterwards, put the spirit bodies of all the experimental products into the virtual reality, and the virtual reality scene will match the inserted memory, and the virtual reality technology of the interstellar age is almost comparable to real people, and all the feelings in it are quite real, according to the designed from data obtained from previous experiments.

The experimental subjects entering the sixth stage must not die in the virtual world, and can sort out the correct memory and distinguish the wrong memory, then the experiment is considered successful. Of course, the sixth stage of the experiment also has a time limit for the experiment. Jiguan Moru gave them five years. During these five years, if you still can't tell the difference, and don't sort out the correct memory, you will be judged to have failed the experiment.

  When Christine and other researchers saw the design of this experimental link, almost everyone thought it was abnormal, anti-human, and very abnormal.

  Who made the experimental base belong to Jiguan Moru's chassis? The reasons Jiguan Moru gave also moved their hearts.

  Physical experiments are not as interesting as mental experiments. The spirit always fascinates people and makes people want to explore its mysteries.

  This technology of inserting and disrupting memory is relatively mature, and there are almost no clues, and people instinctively believe in a complete memory, especially when everything around you is telling you that this memory is true.

  (end of this chapter)

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