Raising My Children With My Personal Spatial Ability

Chapter 2152: Capture children and sell them!

There was no sadness in his expression. It was as if he was telling a story, without any emotion involved, as if he was not talking about himself.

Leng Yikun looked at this child, who looked about six or seven years old. In other words, he was only four or five years old two years ago.

For such a young child, it was already good for him to remember that his father died in battle. As for feelings, he didn't expect a child to understand much.

If a child can find enough to eat every day, it is already good.

"His father died in the war, where is yours?" he asked the other children.

"We are all the same. We were drafted into the army three years ago and our fathers were all taken away and none of them came back." The little boy who had just started to answer their words said.

Yu Rong really felt a little heavy about such a topic.

I really want to help these children, but can I help them? He had just seen children like this begging everywhere on the street.

It's okay if you can get food, but if you can't, you'll really starve to death.

"Your father died in the war, so the court didn't give you a pension?" he asked.

No matter which plane they are in, if a soldier dies in battle, he will be given some money, right? Could it be that his death was in vain?

"There's no pension, there's nothing."

Speaking of this, the oldest boy among them had obvious anger on his face.

"That dog emperor was not only cruel, but also incompetent. I heard that the one-year war emptied the national treasury, not to mention pensions. Even the surviving soldiers died because their injuries were too serious and there was no treatment. It’s a lot.”

These were all what he heard from adults when he was begging.

"That's right, I also heard that the dead soldiers were all thrown into mass graves. There was no one to collect the corpses. Many families whose men in the family had not returned went to the mass graves to pick up the corpses. !”

Another boy also rushed to say.

"If you can't find your relatives, you just pick up a corpse and treat it as your own family member. Anyway, the corpse is rotten and you can't tell what it looks like."


After Yu Rong heard these things, he couldn't help but raise his hand and rub his arm, goosebumps arose.

What are these things? This Northern Kun Country is really in trouble. He doesn't feel as much as he does now. His sister-in-law wants to carve up this Northern Kun Country, and she couldn't do a better job!

"Even if it was like this two years ago, why is Kyoto still so desolate now?" Leng Yikun asked.

"Because of those royal nobles!"

The oldest boy curled his lips and said.

"These royal nobles don't take the lives of the people seriously at all. Those shops have to pay more than half of the money they make, and they can't even keep it open.

And our little friend, brother, you don’t know, originally we had many friends begging together, but later, the nobles in the city not only robbed the merchants of their money, but also caught the children at night to sell!

Now we don’t dare to be in the city at night. We can only hide outside. If we don’t hide well enough, we won’t be able to see anyone the next day. It’s scary.

Even if we hid well, many children were missing and must have been taken away. "

"Depend on!"

Yu Rong couldn't help but cursed.

Can Emperor Beikun do something that is not done by humans? No wonder Kyoto is so miserable. He himself allowed the nobles to cause trouble in the city.

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