It wasn't that he had a bad memory, but that the aunt before who always wanted them to go to her house was pretty good-looking.

But the aunt in front of him had bruises and bruises all over her face, and her original appearance was unrecognizable. How could he recognize her?

However, he had seen that child before, and had seen the aunt bring him along with them to get close to them.

"Brother, why is she looking at us like that? Have we offended her?" He didn't understand. Why did he see hatred in that aunt's eyes, as if they felt sorry for her?

what happened?

"We didn't offend her. She was always trying to trick us into going to her house. If we don't go, are we still sorry for her?" An Yixing curled his lips and said.

Their little aunt had taught them since they were young that they must be on guard against others, and they didn’t know that aunt, so why would they follow her to her house just because of a piece of candy?

Did they run out of candy or what?

"Don't worry about her. Let's pick wild berries. Pick more. Mom said she wanted to make wine. I see the wild berries here are so big."

"Yes, leave her alone." Qian Yinuo also said.

With father and mother here, that aunt wouldn't dare to mess around no matter how much she hated them.

Moreover, if she dared to act recklessly, he would be able to kick that aunt away by himself without the help of her father and mother.

Seeing that the three children had already started picking wild berries without even looking at her, the woman felt even more hateful. If it weren't for Qian Jiyun and An Jiuyue, she would have really wanted to go up and teach her a lesson. Those three disrespectful children.

She is their elder, and to be able to ignore her like that will not be a good thing when she grows up!

"Mom, should we still pick it?"

On the side, the girl brought over by the woman asked in a low voice when she saw her mother stopped picking wild berries.

I took a look at the wild berries in the bamboo basket, and there weren't many. Didn't my mother say that I wanted to pick more and give them to my brother? Are these enough?

These are not much, not enough for my brother to eat a meal.

"Don't you know how to pick it? Go pick it for your brother quickly. What is the pestle doing here?" The woman heard the voice and glared at her daughter fiercely.

"Every day, I know how to eat for nothing. What's the use of raising you? I want to pick a wild berry for your brother. You still want to point at me. It's good that I gave birth to you. You also want me to serve you until you grow old. Really? You little bitch!"

She poked the little girl's head hard with the index finger of one hand, completely expressing her anger. None of these white-eyed wolves wanted to make her feel better.

"I...I'm going to pick it right now."

The girl shook her body after being poked, and quickly went to pick wild berries nearby.

Last night, my mother didn't know that her father was unhappy because of her blinking, so she was punished by her honest father. She still remembers the screams.

She didn't dare to ask, and when her mother took her to the mountain today, she didn't dare to say anything, for fear of making her mother angry and taking her anger out on her.

The woman spat bitterly and cursed for some reason before continuing to pick wild berries.

She didn't believe it anymore. She wouldn't find a chance to have a showdown with An Jiuyue today. So what if her boss didn't allow her to tell her and beat her?

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