Rampant Online Games

Chapter 3055 Demonstration and provocation

Chapter 3055

"Your Excellency Count Jingrong, this is all the rewards I can offer you."

The Green Algae Feudal King who looked at Chu Jing showed a friendly smile.

Chu Jing laughed and said, "Thank you, Lord Fanwang."

Although I was still a little upset.

But there is no way.

This task may seem difficult.

But he didn't actually do anything, he just arranged for his subordinates to act as undercover agents.

It's not bad to get such a reward without breaking a sweat.

As a human being, you can't be too greedy, just like yourself is the best!

"My lord, Haksan's death is destined to make my adopted son furious... But I heard that you didn't let go of the traitor's body, could it be..."

Lord Chlorella asked with an expectant expression.

Chu Jing laughed and said: "He has been doing evil for so long, and almost killed me. Of course, I have no reason to let him go like this."

Lord Lvzao laughed: "I don't know how my adopted son will be angry when he finds out about this?"

"Then we won't know."

Chu Jing grinned, and smiled at the King of Green Algae.


After finishing this impromptu meeting, Chu Jing went straight back to the military base.

At that time, Haksan's body was hanging on a high platform in the school grounds.

Although no brains.

But everyone in the military base recognized the identity of the headless corpse.

"It's really General Haxan..."

"I heard that he betrayed King Chlorella and was captured by Earl Jingrong."

"My God, General Haxan is so heroic, he would do such a stupid thing? It's beyond people's expectations!"

"Who would have thought?"

On the school field, there are archers, heavy armored infantry and cavalry.

It is difficult for all soldiers to remain serious and maintain military discipline.

They couldn't help talking and venting their shocking emotions.

"Winkers, is it really him?"

Near the high platform, generals gathered here, and the archer leader Zorik looked at Wenks with a pale face.

Standing beside the horse, Wenkes nodded heavily and said, "It's him, he can't be wrong, the evidence is conclusive."

Zorlick's face turned paler, mainly because he thought that there was an undercover agent from Earl Withered Vine, who had stayed by his side for so long, and he felt chills in his heart.

If the two forces go to war.

Such undercover agents have not been eliminated.

Betrayed by him, wouldn't he fall into the net of Earl Withered Vine, and life would be worse than death?

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's really Haksan, it seems that my intuition is not wrong... Hahaha!"

Laughter came from the side, and the two of Wenkes turned their heads to look, only to see the only two players in the field, Wild Silverback, laughing leisurely.

The two of Wenkes remembered that not long ago, the wild big banker behaved strangely and asked them to send a letter.

Now it seems that this is actually a conspiracy?

Perhaps it was a temptation from Earl Jingrong?

"I didn't expect that this was actually the work of Earl Jingrong?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really amazing."

Zorlick and Wenks understood in their hearts, and they were secretly surprised, but they didn't say anything.

the other side.

Looking at Haksan's body, the wild silverback was very curious, chattering to the soldiers around him, asking for credit in various ways.

Everyone was very surprised when they learned that Haksan's identity was exposed, and that it was actually written by Ye Dayinbei.

Didn't expect this old undercover agent to be exposed?

"Hey, brother, are you a player too?"

At this time, another player in the field locked by the wild big silverback was Niuchang Maoxiong wearing a bamboo hat.

At this moment, Niuchang Maoxiong was standing on the high platform, his face was in a daze, and his heart was slightly shocked.

It wasn't caused by Haksan's body.

Instead, he noticed that around the high platform, all kinds of soldiers were counting money. The soldiers were distinct, and there was a chill. This was the first time he had foreseen an npc army in the game, so it was hard to control the shock.

"Hey brother, why are you ignoring me? You were also let off by Jingshen?"

The wild big silverback became interested, and approached again to ask.

Niuchang Maoxiong woke up in a daze, looked at Ye Dayin next to him and said, "I'm not, I'm Chusang's friend..."

"Chu Sang? Who is it?"

Ye Dayin was puzzled.

Niuchang Maoxiong was about to answer when suddenly footsteps sounded.

The whole army fell silent.

Generals such as Wenkes are also looking forward to it, looking directly at a certain place.


A player who is not tall, but very straight, giving people the feeling of a peerless hero walked over.

It was Chu Jing.

"See Lord Jingrong Earl!"

Haksan's death was indeed beyond everyone's expectations, but after accepting this fact, they were all in awe of Chu Jing.

In a sense, an undercover agent like Haksan was captured.

It was also Chu Jing's strong prestige again.

Also completely convinced everyone!


As the leader, Chu Jing had a calm attitude, with a soft smile, and nodded frequently to express his satisfaction.

When you reach the high platform, you will face the beef intestines again.

Xiong waved his hand: "Little Niuchang, are you okay?"

Niuchang Maoxiong nodded, and said in his heart that it has been a long time since I saw you, Chu Sang, you are getting more and more outrageous, you are no longer just flying, but flying directly into the sky!

The wild big silver back suddenly woke up, so the "Chu Sang" in the brother's mouth is the shocking god?

Immediately, Niuchang Maoxiong looked at him with admiration, and was also a little curious, who is this brother?

"Shocking God, I have successfully completed the task!"

Curiosity is curiosity, the wild big silver back did not forget the business, and immediately opened his mouth to speak.

Chu Jing smiled and said: "Well, I know, about the regularization, we will talk about it later."

"Really? I'm so excited! Thank you!"

Wild Dayinbei was so excited that he was about to jump up.

Chu Jing told him that if the spy can be successfully investigated this time, he will be given the opportunity to officially join Jingrong.

Obviously, Chu Jing intends to keep his promise.

For the wild big silverback, he also completed a fate-defying event, so it's hard not to be excited.

"Okay, as you can see, Haksan betrayed us. He has been counted as Earl Withered Vine's lackey all along. He infiltrated into our side and called us brothers and sisters. He was our leader, but he planned dirty ideas. , report our consultation and whereabouts to Earl Dryvine. Let us become dangerous, let our relatives, friends and family members be in danger..."

"Even, in the coming war, he will stab us in the back, so that we can't go to hell with peace..."

At this time, Chu Jing glanced at the school grounds, and immediately spoke generously.

His voice was very loud, as if he had his own trumpet, which could reach the ears of every soldier.

Affected by this explanation, the soldiers were inexplicably angry, their faces became even more ferocious, and their emotions towards Haksan also turned into hatred in their hearts.

"What a pathetic fellow! How I used to respect him so much!"

"In that case, he is really worth dying for!"

"It's a waste to let him die like this!"

All the soldiers were very violent in their hearts at the moment.

Seeing this, Chu Jing continued to roar: "Haksan died so easily, it is also a shame for us, after all, he is the enemy of all of us, and an existence like him should not even leave the whole body ..."

"And now, when I bring his body back here, I don't want him to be buried safely..."

Having said that, Chu Jing gave Wenkes a look.

The latter understood, and after poking the spear, the rope hanging on Haksan broke.

As soon as his body fell from the sky, it was pierced by a spear again, like a piece of meat on a stick.

The other end of the spear.

Winks grabbed it with one arm.

His physique was obviously not as good as Haksan's, but his strength was surprisingly great. He easily lifted Haksan's body without much effort.

"General Wenkes, next, please take Haksan's body and go to Green Algae City."

Chu Jing said directly.


Wenkes nodded, without changing his face, and rode out of the base.

"All cavalry follow."

Chu Jing gave orders to the rest of the cavalry.

so far.

The cavalry moved one after another, and followed Wenkes to Green Algae City.

Seeing this scene, Zorlick's eyelids jumped wildly, realizing that Chu Jing was not only trying to flog the corpse, but also using Haksan's corpse to frighten Xiaoxiao. His ultimate goal was to provoke or humiliate Earl Kuteng. .

"It's crazy..."

Seeing Chu Jing standing there with a smile on his face, Zorlick was shocked, and then said silently in his heart: "But if it is not such an arrogant character, I am afraid it will be difficult to defeat Earl Withered Vine!"



at the same time.

Withered Vine City.

Wensmoke led the team back to the castle and quickly went to Lord Witheredvine's study.


He entered the study and found that Earl Withered Vine was sitting by the window, tapping on the armrest with one hand and holding a glass full of red wine with the other.

He swung the glass slowly, tapped one finger lightly, looking very relaxed.

But looking at his profile, Vinsmoke felt inexplicably nervous.

"How about it?"

At this time, Earl Withered Vine seemed to hear the voice, and turned around with a half-smile on his face.

"My lord Earl, when I arrived, Haksan was already dead...His body was dragged away by that flattery..."

Vinsmoke said tremblingly, Earl Withered Vine suddenly laughed: "Hahaha!"

His inexplicable smile terrified Vinsmoke.

He knew that Earl Withered Vine was the kind of person who was very good at hiding his emotions.

And he's not one to laugh.

Such a person, at this very moment, laughed abnormally!

What does this mean?

It means that Earl Withered Vine is furious!

Only when he is furious can he laugh like this!

Laugh out of anger!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, the red-faced Earl Withered Vine suppressed his smile, looked at Vinsmoke with a smile and said, "I told you to save people half an hour ago, but you gave me this answer?"

Vinsmoke more

Out of fear, in the sound of "plop", his knees even knelt on the ground: "My lord... I have tried my best... At that time, it took time for me to mobilize my troops. After I arrived, there were still adventurers in the way. I killed them all... This subordinate really did his best!"

"Haha! I know, of course I know you tried your best! It's just that I'm still very angry, what should I do?"

Earl Withered Vine's grinning words made Vinsmoke's heart burst.

Even so, he still held back his fear, shook his head slightly tremblingly and said: "Subordinate... I don't know..."

When the words fell.

Earl Withered Vine slammed the wine glass on the ground.

With the sound of "Kang Dang", the red wine splashed all over the floor, and even splashed on the skirt of a maid who was carrying a tray.

The maid's face turned pale, but she didn't dare to say anything, she just lowered her head, for fear of offending Earl Withered Vine.

Earl Withered Vine, with a ferocious smile, suddenly put his hand into his pocket, and when he pulled it out, he already had a knife in his hand.

A knife that was not too long, but the blade shone coldly under the light.

The moment Vinsmoke saw the knife, his pupils shrank, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

It's not that he didn't think about running away on the spot.

But if you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple.

He might be able to get away.

But his hundreds of family members may have been buried as a result.

Vinsmoke is the type of person who values ​​family deeply.

So he couldn't bear it and couldn't do it.

Just when Vinsmoke was desperate.

The knife in Earl Withered Vine's hand did not stab at him, but pierced into the chest of the female slave next to him with a "chi" sound.

Blood splattered, the slave girl lost her figure with her eyes wide open, and slowly fell to the ground, the wine bottles on the tray shattered, and the expensive wine spilled all over the floor, mixing with the blood flowing from her chest, it was very coquettish.

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