Rampant Online Games

Chapter 3100 Changes in the list, the president's private task

Chapter 3100

Level leaderboard, Game Paradise, Mexico server, 93 second, King Henry, European server, 93 third, Shadow Walker, European server, 93 fourth, no surprises, Huaxia server, 93 first Fifth place, Johnny Silver Hand, Australian server, sixth place in level 92, Queen of Spades, US server, seventh place in level 92, Junjiro Watanabe, Japanese server, eighth place in level 92, big and bold, Chinese server, level 92 Ninth place, Vio vampire, South American server, level 92 Tenth place, My Love Forever, US server, level 92...


The first place in the combat power list, no surprises, China server, combat power 251791 second place, King Henry, US server, combat power 250710 third place, Queen of Spades, US server, combat power 249873 fourth place, Shadow Walker, European server, combat power 248781 fifth place, Jin Zhiyan, Hanbok, combat power 248999 sixth place, Bamen Shura, Thai server, combat power 247879 seventh place, Game Paradise, Mexico server, 247712 eighth place, Watanabe Junjiro, Japanese server, 246900 combat power ninth Name, Vio vampire, South American server, combat power 245982 Tenth place, Caesar's Sword, European server, combat power 245687...


Whether it's Chu Jing or the other players.

The first thing to upgrade is probably to open the double list and take a look at the situation above.

Maybe my own name can't be at the top of the list.

But I saw that my position on the list has changed.

This is the player in the kingdom of heaven, and he can experience the bitterness and bitterness of it.

Although Chu Jing is a high player, he is also a player.

He also has subconscious habits like players.

So the first time in the upgrade.

He opened the double list, and unexpectedly found that his ranking on the double list had changed again.

Great change!

The first is the rank list. In just a few days, Chu Jing took off from the exhaust of the first echelon and came to the fourth place!

Surpassing the players who crushed him at the previous level, a wave of counterattacks!

Considering that the three rankings above Chu Jing are all at the same level.

The gap between Chu Jing and them also lies in some experience points.

If Chu Jing's baptism goes well, hundreds of millions more experience points will come.

Chu Jing felt that his ranking could be improved by at least one or two. If he was lucky, he might even be number one!

After all, the top three in this leaderboard have only been promoted to level ninety-three not long ago.

On the ranking list, Chu Jing did not take the first place.

But on the combat power list...

He got his wish and successfully won the first place!

And successfully put King Henry under him!

"Haha! Comfortable!"

Although Chu Jing is not greedy for fame and fortune, he is a low-key person.

But no one wants to play the game and do not want to dominate and stir up the situation.


Chu Jing is now blatantly withdrawing from Jing Rong.

But the players all know that he is secretly related to Jingrong.

He also belongs to the amazing ranking.

That is.

The more famous Chu Jing became, the more resounding a signboard this would be for Jing Rong!

Now Chu Jing's increase in popularity is not only related to himself, but also related to Jing Rong!

It is for this reason that he can also get to the first place, and if he can't make it, he has to find a way to get to the front position!

"Haha, comfortable!"

After looking at the list, Chu Jing was in a happy mood and smiled.

The Bauhinia president at the side said with a smile: "Your Excellency, it seems that your harvest is very good."

"It's more than good."

Chu Jing was in a happy mood and smiled: "Thank you, President, for giving me the baptism of the God of Flowers."

"You have made great contributions to our work. You deserve it. It's just your Excellency, my private commission..."

President Bauhinia showed a bit of embarrassment.

It seems that it is against the rules to post a private task to Chu Jing, and he is a little ashamed.

"Please say."

Chu Jing said seriously.

What a joke.

This is the reward that President Bauhinia gave himself.

Be unique.

Also let yourself upgrade in place.

Attributes skyrocketed.

The combat power surged.

Under such good luck, Chu Jing also saw that the president is a kind and generous person!

If the task released by such a good person is completed, it will definitely not treat Chu Jing badly!

Therefore, we must do things well for the president!

"Is such that."

President Bauhinia rubbed her hands, looking a little unnatural, "I'm not actually from Wang Hai, but I was born on a primitive island in the chaotic sea of ​​stars..."

"That building has rich products and a primitive environment. It is a paradise for wild animals and plants..."

After a brief introduction, President Bauhinia said with a wry smile: "Although I have made some achievements in Wangdao, I still care about my hometown. In recent years, I will entrust some people to go to my hometown and check the place where I grew up. See if it is related to my heir..."

"In recent years, I have received information that there is another redbud flower growing in the place where I originally grew up. If there is no mistake, it should be my great-great-great-great-grandson..."

Speaking of which

, President Bauhinia showed an embarrassing expression: "I have never had a relative, but now I want to have a relative."

Hearing this, Chu Jing said directly: "Do you want me to bring that redbud back?"


President Bauhinia immediately nodded.

"My lord, according to what you said, you have sent people to that island one after another over the years. Why didn't you give them the matter of bringing back the children?"

Chu Jing was full of doubts.

President Bauhinia said embarrassingly: "The ones who work for me are either adventurers. They mainly focus on exploration. In fact, they are not very strong, because my original homeland is listed as a holy place by some animals and plants. , Things in the Holy Land are difficult for outsiders to take away, and it is not easy for those who find that redbud in the jungle...let alone take it away."

"There are some workers who claim to help me bring back the Bauhinia flowers, but after I paid the money, they didn't hear from them... Most of these people are local pirates, just to cheat me of money..."

Hearing this, Chu Jing probably understood.

Because of the ascension.

The place where the bauhinia flower originally grew.

It is hailed as a holy place by other animals and plants.

They are very coveted about the things in the Holy Land, so how can they be taken away by others?


The task of bringing back the Bauhinia flower seems simple, but it is actually very difficult.

"The location of that island, what is it called?"

Chu asked in surprise.

President Bauhinia reported a coordinate and said, "My hometown is called Wanwu Island."

"Island of all things?"

Chu Jing nodded, and directly logged on to the forum and search engine to investigate the information on the island of all things.

Got some advice soon.

The island of all things is an island with a hundred levels to walk everywhere.

There are many wild monsters here.

However, there are very few players who log in. The reason is that the mainstream level of the players has only surpassed level 90.

Even if they land in a team, this area full of level 100 wild monsters is enough to become their burial ground.


Not many people have set foot on this island.

There are very few players currently active on it.

"Warrior, will you accept this mission?"

President Bauhinia asked cautiously at this time.

"Master President, haven't I already taken advantage of you? How can I not accept this task?"

Chu Jing smiled, and the president of Bauhinia immediately smiled with relief: "Thank you."

"Haha! You're welcome."

Chu Jing laughed loudly, and could see that this president had a simplicity and kindness that most human beings did not have.

It's an easy character to get along with.

"Hey, President Bauhinia issued a mission to you to 'bring back the Bauhinia'!"

Bring back the redbud (task): In the area where the president of the redbud once grew in the island of all things in the sea of ​​stars, a new redbud was born. The president thinks it is his heir and hopes that you can bring it back.

Note: This task is difficult, please complete it with caution.


New missions arrive on the panel.

Chu Jing's mood also relaxed.

It stands to reason.

Such a difficult task.

It should be prepared, and the delay is in progress.

But the good-natured image of President Bauhinia has moved Chu Jing.

He didn't want to see this good man spend his days in anxiety and torment.

I plan to finish this task first.


Nothing stays.

After Chu Jing left the Bauhinia Bank, she went directly to the teleportation array and chose to teleport to the Sea of ​​Stars.

Because of the reason of coming here before.

The Star Sea Territory, also known as the notorious Pirate Sea Territory, has already made some steps, leaving shocking footprints.

He lit up the map of some islands, so he could teleport them directly.

With a flash of light, the dizziness appeared and disappeared within a second.

The light strikes again.

Chu Jing came to an island without a grand city, but with low buildings and tents.

Pirates are pirates after all.

They do not have a complete regime.

Without complete agriculture and industry, there is no other ability except plunder.

Therefore, the islands in the Sea of ​​Stars, even those prosperous places, do not have any magnificent cities.

The island where Chu Jing landed is relatively close to Wanwu Island.

That's why he landed here.

Chu Jing, who had a feud with the Pirate King, walking in this kind of place was undoubtedly stepping on a wire and playing lunges, which was full of danger.

Of course, Chu Jing turned on the camouflage mode as a matter of routine.

Therefore, after he teleported to the ground, he was not noticed by the surrounding island players.

Chu Jing walked out of the crowd smoothly, passed by the simple market where the island gathered, and went directly to the simple pier of the island.

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