Rampant Online Games

Chapter 800: Departure to Kill the Witch

Chapter 800

As a game expert, Chu Jing naturally knows the game background of Heavenly Kingdom like the back of his hand.

As mentioned earlier, the Church of Darkness is definitely the biggest villain in the Kingdom of Heaven game.

This church fills every corner of the continent.

It looks like a rat in the sewer, dirty, desolate, and spurned by others.

But in fact, the energy of this church behind the scenes is enormous.

In the later stage of the game, the main task of the players of the light department is to fight against the church.

In some subsequent major deeds, the dark church also played the role of the biggest villain.

In short, it is just one sentence.

The Dark Church is one of the biggest villains!

And this is also the villain force, who can be a saint must be very powerful.

The evolution of this church to the present is actually only a few hundred years old.

How about the first saintess...

Basically a character from hundreds of years ago.

This Rowling is the first saint of the Dark Church.

If not wrong.

She is at least a few hundred years old by now.

"Mr. Engels, are you really not joking? Is Rowling really still alive? She is already three hundred years old. As a human being, it is almost impossible to live to this point, right?"

At this time, the elf king complained with horror.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for human beings to live longer than three hundred years.

How did Rowling do this?

Engels showed a hint of hatred: "Because this Rowling is an alchemist. In order to preserve her life, she has used a series of cruel and appalling alchemy experiments to maintain her life over the years."

"My lord, you are not an alchemist, so naturally you don't know about Rowling's deeds. The incident of the orc tribe massacre and the incident of human stumps can basically be determined by Rowling. And she committed these crimes only for the so-called " The experiments of "soul grafting" and "blood essence and life extension" are just looking for experimental specimens..."

Hearing this, the image of a very evil old witch has formed in the minds of Chu Jing and the king.

Engels even said in a bitter tone: "Your Majesty, do you still remember the disappearance of Wangcheng sixty years ago?"

The elf king nodded and said: "At that time, my father was still alive, and I was only over a hundred years old, very young. I still remember this incident."

Unlike humans, elves have an average lifespan of around 300 years.

Before the age of one hundred, elves belong to the youth stage, and from one hundred to two hundred years old belong to the middle age.

After all, the elf king who was about a hundred years old was indeed a "young man" at that time.

Engels nodded and said: "At that time, your father sent me to investigate this case. Although I didn't investigate the specific culprit, I found clues about Rowling, the dark church, at some incidents of the case... In short, I think that Rowling was also responsible for the incident."

"She wanted to find out why our elves lived so long, so she quietly captured forty-two innocent elves in the royal city..."

It was the first time Chu Jing had heard of this appalling incident.

After listening to it, he felt very shocked.

It seems that this Rowling is really a cruel devil!

No wonder she was paranoid about destroying the ancient royal tree.

Chu Jing still remembered.

No wonder there was a note saying "Darkness" near the body of the second investigator.

Isn't this the investigator secretly telling the visitors that the poisoner in the depths of the mine is a member of the "Dark Church"?

When the truth came out, Chu Jing was secretly startled, digesting the result.

The elf king said with an ugly face: "It seems that this Rowling is really a generation of witches! But why did she destroy the ancient royal tree! We elves seem to have nothing to do with her, right?"

Engels said: "The truth is hard to guess, but Rowling still belongs to the high-level power of the dark church. The dark church is all composed of a group of lunatics. They are determined to destroy all bright things on the mainland. They will do this kind of thing, and Not surprising."

The Elven King had nothing to say, and fell into a state of boredom.

At this time, Engels brought another bad news: "According to what the little brother said just now, Rowling is still not satisfied with the toxicity of the poison at this time, and is still in the persistent research. If it is not long in the future, she may really be able to use the five levels of poison. The poison has been upgraded to level six, and by then, it will be a disaster for our entire elf forest!"

The elf king's mood was even more fucked up.

Tier 6 poisons have not been heard of yet.

According to Engels' definition, the poison is so toxic that if it is put into a country's water source, it can basically destroy the existence of a country.

If Rowling can really develop this powerful medicine, and then find a chance to invest in the ancient royal tree...

So the whole forest is not finished?

A sense of crisis welled up in his heart, and the Elf King stood up and said, "We must catch Rowling and kill her!"

Engels nodded in agreement: "We must capture her before she finds out. But the Dark Witch is very powerful, so we must bring enough people."

But the Elf King shook his head and said, "There is no need for enough manpower. Mr. Engels, you come up with me, and call Mr. Jess along the way. The three of us can definitely take Rowling down easily."


Engels was surprised: "Your Majesty, you want to do it yourself?"

"This matter concerns my family

I have to do it myself! Moreover, it is too time-consuming to gather troops, and the scale is large, so it is easy to be discovered by that witch, and it is not easy to catch her! "

The elf king took down a large black bow hanging on the wall behind the throne, and held it in his hand: "Now, let's go!"

Engels nodded: "That's it!"

The elf king looked at Chu Jing again and said, "Don't be surprised by favor or humiliation, I will trouble you!"

Since reporting this incident, the elf king's attitude towards Chu Jing has changed a lot.

Before, he looked like an old father-in-law who was pregnant with his son-in-law. No matter how he looked at it, he was not pleasing to the eye, and he only wanted to make things difficult for him.

But now, his eyes have changed.

He thought Chu Jing was very pleasing to the eye.

After all, they prevented a huge crisis for the entire elf forest!

"I am very honored to be able to serve Your Majesty."

At this time, Chu Jing showed his true qualities as an actor, very natural and warm.

The elf king nodded this time and waved: "Let's go!"


The three of them entered the elevator and soon reached the periphery of the ancient royal tree.

The soldiers were terrified to find that the king had come out in person.

"My lord, why did you come out?"

The elf king's face was calm: "Come out for a walk, you continue to guard your posts."


The soldiers are all excited, after all, there are not many opportunities to see the king.

Besides the ancient royal tree, there is also a heroic male elf waiting with a wooden sword on his back.

He is like a handsome man walking out of a painting, very detached and free and easy.

This person is the elven sword god Jess, a big man who lives in the expansion pack.

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