Dong Jiajia saw a car in the distance, waved in that direction, and then said, "My driver is here to pick me up. What about you? Is your driver here? If not, I will see you off."

"Thank you, but no need. I bought a house in Fu'an Community. You can just walk there."

Dong Jiajia was startled at first, then smiled and said: "That's good. You don't have to run back and forth. The time saved can be used to review."

She just asked the driver to pick her up, while Lu Jiaxin bought a house directly next to her. Lu Jiaxin was richer than she thought.

"I think so too."

"I have to leave, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Lu Jiaxin couldn't believe Dong Jiajia's words, so she called He Bin: "Mr. He, can you get the student information of Class 7 (9)? I can use it."

The reason why he was looking for him was that He Bin had a wide network of contacts and a social background, and at the same time, this man showed goodwill towards him. Of course, he wouldn't let his help go in vain.

He Bin said: "It's easy to do something simple, but it takes time to do something too detailed."

Lu Jiaxin said: "You don't need to be too detailed, you just need to know their family background. But I hope the information about Cui Zhihui and Dong Jiajia can be more detailed."

He Bin didn't ask the reason and said, "Okay, I will collect the information for you as soon as possible."

"sorry to bother you."

He Bin said that it was just a small matter and not a trouble: "Miss Biao, Master Hanxuan came to me yesterday and asked about you and Master Biao buying a house. They have found out, and I can't deny it."

Lu Jiaxin let out a breath. These people were really looking at my aunt's property: "The house has been transferred to my name. They have been sending people to monitor my aunt. It's normal for them to know."

These people don't want to work and make money, but always focus on an old lady's money. It's really disgusting and despicable.

"Does Auntie know about this?"

"I told the old lady and she said she would take care of it," He Bin said. I specifically mentioned this matter to Lu Jiaxin in the hope of attracting her attention.

Lu Jiaxin hummed and said, "Since my aunt doesn't want me to know, I'll just pretend I don't know."

The next day at school, Lu Jiaxin noticed that the classmates in the class looked at her strangely, and the classmates at the front and back desk ignored her. Lu Jiaxin didn't care. She was here to take the college entrance examination, not to make friends. As for isolation, she is an adult and not really sixteen, so this little trick can't hurt her.

Two days later, He Bin sent the found information to Lu Jiaxin.

After reading the information, Lu Jiaxin couldn't help but fell silent. Dong Jiajia said Cui Zhizhi’s father was a gambler, and then her mother divorced him and took away her youngest son. This is true, but the order is reversed. It was Cui Zhizhi's mother who first divorced Cui's father and took away her youngest son, and then remarried within a month.

The strange thing is that the younger son looks very similar to the man she remarried. After the divorce, Cui's father became addicted to gambling. He had no money to pay off his gambling debts and embezzled public funds and was arrested and imprisoned. At that time, her eldest sister was in the sixth form and was forced to drop out of school and work to support her younger siblings in their studies. She was just a sixteen-year-old girl with no social experience. How could she afford to support her three younger brothers and sisters in their studies? She was tricked into going astray.

He Bin said: "Have you become enemies with this Cui Zhizhi?"

Lu Jiaxin said: "There is no enmity. It was Dong Jiajia who said she was terrible. A classmate offended her before and was forced to drop out of school. Her attitude has not changed in the past two days. On the contrary, the class and the people at the front and back desk are not friendly to me. .”

Although they didn't communicate much, Lu Jiaxin felt that Cui Zhizhi didn't seem like that kind of domineering person. On the contrary, Dong Jiajia is not as kind as she appears. To be honest, she is very scheming.

He Bin said: "You are a girl from mainland China who wears a famous watch and lives in a good house, but she is from a Hong Kong city but lives in public housing and has a hard life. She must have a lot of dissatisfaction in her heart. But Cui Zhizhi shows her thoughts on her face I’m not afraid, I’m most afraid of people who appear friendly but actually hide evil intentions.”

This is really to the point.

After seeing He Bin off, she called Su Heyuan and told him about Dong Jiajia and Cui Zhizhi: "One of these two people is always bad. I have to find a bodyguard."

Su Heyuan agreed with her decision: "Then hire two bodyguards. They won't kidnap you."

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "Two are too many, just one is enough. There are often police patrols outside the school, and there is a bodyguard who delays the patrol for a while."

"Then after school tomorrow, I will take you to the security company." Su Heyuan said. I happened to come to her to discuss opening a company, because she only has time on weekends for school now.

Lu Jiaxin hummed and then said: "After our company is established, we will hire Xiaoxiao to work in the name of the company, so that she can come across Hong Kong to protect me."

Su Heyuan said that the company has been registered, and Qian Xiaoxiao can come over after other procedures are completed: "What about Xue Mao? Do you want Xue Mao to come here too?"

Lu Jiaxin waved her hands and said, "No, let him learn cooking from the master! He likes cooking, and it would be great to become a chef in the future."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Jiaxin felt that Su Heyuan was too slow and had to remind him to speed up when they met. It would be too slow to wait for the company to directly acquire the garment factory instead of setting up the factory ourselves.

During recess the next day, Dong Jiajia pulled Lu Jiaxin outside and said that she could go with her to find the teacher to adjust her position: "Cui Zhizhi will work with the people at the front and back desks to exclude you. We will go to the class teacher. You sit with me so that she can sit with you." I can’t bully you anymore.”

Lu Jiaxin smiled and thanked her: "They didn't exclude me, so there's no need to change positions."

Through He Bin's information, she knew that Dong Jiajia's father was a judge and her mother was a primary school teacher. The same thing between her and Cui Zhizhi is that they both excelled in studies, and their parents also divorced. The difference is that her father remarried and gave birth to two younger brothers, while her mother did not find another way to live with her two daughters.

Dong Jiajia looked at her in surprise: "They are ostracizing you now. If you don't take action, they will bully you next."

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "If they dare to bully me, I will tell the teacher. If the teacher doesn't care, I will call a lawyer. I believe that when the lawyer comes, the teacher will take care of it."

Dong Jiajia felt that she was acting out of common sense: "If you change your mind, just tell me and I will go to the class teacher with you."

"Thank you, but I don't think I need it." Lu Jiaxin said. Those who are bullied are basically those who lack self-confidence, are mentally fragile, and have no one to care about them. In Hong Kong City, money comes first. Generally speaking, bullies don't dare to provoke children from wealthy families, otherwise lawyers will make them pay to death.

Lu Jiaxin was not afraid, but she was worried that Gu Haifan would also be excluded. That child was not like her who had gone through so many things. She had to remind her aunt and Aunt Mei to pay more attention to him and learn more about his affairs at school, so that even if someone bullied him, they would know in time.

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