Zhang Sining was a little nervous. The salary and benefits of this job are very good. If you can succeed, your family's financial situation will be improved.

Lu Jiaxin saw her nervousness: "I only value work ability here. As long as you are qualified for the job, it's OK."

The workplace is not friendly to mothers. From a female perspective, I think this is unfair, but as a boss, you must put interests first. Zhang Sining graduated from a prestigious university and had rich work experience, so Lu Jiaxin was still willing to give her a chance.

Zhang Sining said gratefully: "Miss Lu, thank you for giving me the opportunity."

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "You're welcome, just work hard. I just moved in and need a chef, two maids and a gardener. The gardener is not at home, so he can come and take care of it if needed."

Zhang Sining immediately took out a notebook from his backpack and wrote down everything she just said.

Seeing that she was fully prepared, Lu Jiaxin was very satisfied and said, "I have added a dressing cabinet to the bedroom and it will be delivered later. I will go to school tomorrow. You can see if there is anything that needs to be added or replaced and let me know then."

"Okay boss."

The character entered the role very quickly, and Lu Jiaxin felt pretty good about it.

In the evening, we invited a chef who is good at Huainan cuisine to come over and cooked a table full of dishes that were delicious, delicious and tasty.

When Su Heyuan came over, all the dishes were served. He smelled the aroma and said with a smile, "I'm hungry. I can have a full meal today."

Gu Wenfeng and Qian Xiaoxiao never served at the table outside, but at home Lu Jiaxin always let them eat with her. If a person eats without taste or taste, eating with many people can improve their appetite. Zong Jinghua was a little uncomfortable at first, but now he is used to it. But when guests came, they ate in the side hall.

After sitting down, Su Heyuan couldn't wait to ask her how she was enjoying her time in Europe.

Lu Jiaxin had some guesses, but still asked: "Why are you asking this? Are you going to travel abroad?"

"I'm going on vacation with Ye Xin next month. I haven't chosen a place yet. Can you recommend me?"

Lu Jiaxin didn't want to talk about this topic now, so she said with a smile: "Don't worry, let's go for a walk after dinner, and talk while walking."

Su Heyuan didn't think much and buried himself in his food.

After dinner, Lu Jiaxin and Su Heyuan went out for a walk, admiring the surrounding scenery while walking. I have to say that this place is really good, with a quiet environment and beautiful scenery.

When Su Heyuan heard the chirping of the birds, he couldn't help but said: "Although your house is a bit small, the environment is really nice. You live alone anyway, so you can consider buying one here."

Lu Jiaxin looked at him and said helplessly: "You are out socializing every day. Why don't you know if the villa here is only for rent or not for sale?"

This is not just one or two villas that are only for rent but not for sale, but hundreds of villas are like this. Firstly, people are not short of money; secondly, the environment here is good and there is no need to worry about renting out, and the owners also take a long-term view and know that the value of the house will increase. Of course, the first reason is the most important. If you are not short of money, there is no need to rush to withdraw funds. It is good to let the rent collection wait for appreciation.

In the past life, countless people wanted to become a tenant-in-law/tenant-wife, and she was included in this group of people. This was just a beautiful wish of hers in her previous life, but it can be realized in this life. When you make a lot of money, you can buy office buildings and shops. If you have the opportunity, you can also buy a building. Well, this depends on opportunity.

Su Heyuan thought for a moment and said: "I heard that there is a place where villas are only for rent but not for sale, but I didn't expect it to be here. How did you find this place?"

"Nie Zhan recommended it. He said this place is suitable for me."

After chatting about the house and the company's operating conditions, Su Heyuan finally returned to the topic of vacation: "You have been to so many places, which one do you think is the most fun?"

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "This time I went to Venice first, then to Milan, and finally to the Romantic Country. I think these places are all good. They are not only fun but also buy things you like. These places, I believe Miss Ye will like it."

Milan and Huadu are both shopping paradises, and most women will like them.

Su Heyuan decided to go to Romance Country as soon as he heard this.

Seeing how interested he was, Lu Jiaxin said in a joking tone: "Miss Ye is beautiful and capable. If you marry her, she will definitely add to your career."

Su Heyuan said with a smile on his face: "Xiao Xin and I met through friends. She is beautiful and capable, and has many suitors. I also had the mentality of giving it a try, but I didn't expect that she responded. "

"So, you are planning to marry her?"

"I think I'm just afraid that Xiaoxin won't agree!"

Seeing the expectant look on his face, Lu Jiaxin knew that he really liked Ye Xin, otherwise he wouldn't have said anything to pick her up. If Su Heyuan was just dating Ye Xin, she wouldn't say much, but he was rushing to get married, so she had to talk about it.

In fact, some people don't care. For example, there was a sexy female star who later got married and had children, and lived happily after her marriage. It's just that Su Heyuan grew up in the mainland and received a traditional education. He is not as open-minded and tolerant as the people in Hong Kong. Of course, if he didn't mind that it was the best, he wouldn't have to be a villain.

Lu Jiaxin asked tactfully: "Brother Su, what did the friend who introduced you think of Miss Ye?"

Su Heyuan said with a smile: "She is said to be beautiful, capable and has high standards. Many rich second-generation people who pursue her will look down on her. When he found out that Ye Xin became my girlfriend, he even praised me for my charm."

Lu Jiaxin thought for a moment and said: "Brother Su, some people who call you brothers on the surface are secretly jealous of you and want you to suffer misfortune, and even stab you in the back. So you have to keep your eyes open when making friends, otherwise it will be too late to be cheated with blood on your face. .”

She felt that the person who introduced Ye Xin to Su Heyuan had bad intentions. Nothing in this world was such a coincidence.

Su Heyuan looked at her and said, "Jiaxin, Heming and I have always treated you as family. Since we are a family, don't beat around the bush and say anything directly."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Su Heyuan's expression immediately turned cold and he said, "Is it my friend who has a problem, or is it Ye Xin who has a problem? You tell me, I can handle it."

Lu Jiaxin said euphemistically: "On the day we met at Fulinmen, Nie Zhan didn't shake hands with Miss Ye. Although he is arrogant, he pays great attention to etiquette. When I entered the box, I asked him why he didn't shake hands with Miss Ye. Guess he say what?"

Su Heyuan didn't speak, just looked at her. He was a little uncomfortable at the time, but soon he thought that Nie Zhan had a slight mysophobia, so he didn't worry about it.

"What did you say?"

"He said dirty."

Su Heyuan thought about it and realized that Ye Xin's hands were very clean and not dirty at that time!

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