Chapter 32

Time passed, and 1991 had come to the end of the year in the blink of an eye.


In the past four months, Jiang Bo also produced 2,400 cars quickly, and they were transported to Moskow via Vladivostok, and Alexei was also very fast, increasing the transportation capacity of the Siberian Railway and the Be-A Railway.

The first batch of cars has already been delivered to Big Brother’s house.

No matter it was Jiang Bo or Jiang Cheng, there was no error in the judgment.

Sales are still fast.

Very hot!

After all, for Big Brother, on the one hand, the cars they produce cannot keep up with the needs of consumers themselves. On the other hand, the cars they produce on the other hand, with the exception of a very small number, are mostly passive and sabotaged. The problem that caused one’s own car was also very serious.

The batch produced by Jiang Bo, on the one hand, is based on the latest machine tool technology, on the other hand, it is also a reverse study of Jiang Cheng with the welfare of the rebirth, although it is not the most advanced level in the world. .

However, at least compared to the car produced by the big brother himself, it has to come up with a lot of it.

Thousands of cars, you still have to think about it if you change the average person.

However, for Alexei and a group of vested interests, it doesn’t matter. The resources are not his own, so why don’t I exchange them?

Faced with this situation, the Petroleum Corporation almost went crazy on the spot.

Too much crude oil has been exchanged.

It’s totally incompatible with international prices.

That’s it, it’s cheap.

The big brother extracted the crude oil, transported it directly to Vladivostok by rail, and then pulled it back through the oil tanker in China, and happily put the soft sister currency into the account of Bo City.

For thousands of cars, the average cost of a car is about 30,000 yuan.

But in fact, when sold to Big Brother by barter, in fact, the average value of a car sold can reach 300,000.

Ten times the price.

A car is at least 270,000 yuan in profit.

The profit reached RMB 100 million before tax.(Read more @

Moreover, this import tax is also very small. Strictly speaking, this is the trade between Jiang Bo and the Petroleum Corporation, but the transaction location is abroad.

The import value-added tax and import tariff are not very high.

Two thousand four hundred cars.

The net profit is 100 million.

And this, only four months.

One thousand percent profit.


Of course, this is also the time of the past ten years. When the emperor takes the throne in the future, the market with Lao Maozi begins to gradually stabilize. If you want to continue to maintain such a high profit, it is not so easy. It can be maintained at a percent. A profit of ten is considered a high incense.

Such things as windfall profits often only last for a period of time.

It is basically impossible to maintain it for a long time.

Under the sun, there is no such good thing.

However, no matter what, now, the most important thing is to make money first.

“Dad, this is the information I have compiled during this period. I think the best selling brand is under Likhachev. Now Big Brother, many people have bought it directly. This belongs to A car that can only be driven by the rich!”

Jiang Cheng took the form he had compiled and placed it in front of Jiang Bo. He smiled and said, “Right now, many people are buying. Our technology is pretty good. It seems to be very popular!”

“The two thousand and four hundred cars are basically sold out now. I think we are going to set up a repair shop there. The after-sales service should be done well!”

Having said that, Jiang Cheng paused slightly, and then continued: “By the way, Dad, I still have an idea!”

Jiang Bo was stunned for a moment, and then he said: “You say it!”

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, “Can we recruit some workers from Big Brother? I think this situation will not last long. Their labor costs must be very cheap. We can recruit some old skilled workers. Come here, mainly responsible for maintenance, or continue to assemble, as for what they want to give them, we can use our food and clothes, it is not possible to use soft sister coins, our currency is still stable enough!”

Jiang Bo nodded: “I have thought about this. I plan to arrange for Du Tao to go there. This kid is quite familiar with Big Brother!”

“To prevent him from monopolizing power, finances must be firmly in his own hands, especially to prevent internal corruption!”

Jiang Cheng reminded: “Moreover, we should also prevent the situation of Big Brother now. First, we have to be calm, and all senior management, all management, and all employees must be educated. Second, our internal To be a risk supervision department, there is also a high-level audit department. The supervision department system is to help business executives manage their business well, find problems, promote problem improvement, and effectively close loop problems. The audit department is our internal judicial force. Establish a cold deterrent through independent assessment and post-event investigation. Once the audit department discovers a problem, it must conduct a thorough investigation to the end without reluctance!”

“The third is the internal amnesty. I guess there will always be some people with dirty hands and feet. These people still have to give them a immunity. They will not blame the past and will never show mercy if they commit another crime. The fourth is the partners and managers. If we can proactively report to us in full and actively cooperate with relevant investigations, we will not pursue civil liability for the partner or the handler according to the specific circumstances, and will not initiate civil prosecutions within the scope permitted by law, and we will no longer commit to the promise in the future. Partners that have similar problems will not affect their continued cooperation with us. Fifth, expose, expose employees’ violations of the rules here to the whole society. The last one, bonuses, and the recovered money for corruption, will all be bonuses. The situation is sent to all employees who abide by laws and regulations!”

Jiang Bo was silent for a while, then nodded: “Then I will go back and get a charter, you are right, we must not have corruption issues inside!”

Jiang Cheng smiled and continued: “By the way, it’s Big Brother here. We can transport some engines and some parts to them. Mainly put the assembly in Big Brother here. In this case, we also save a lot of effort. , Transporting the materials separately to Big Brother is always more convenient than the whole truck transportation. We can try to come first, one part is our own workers, and the other part is Big Brother’s workers!”

“There is one last question!” Jiang Cheng smiled: “Big brother, here are some cars that have already been produced. I think, don’t waste it. We can get it at the price of scrap iron, and then change the engine. The interior of the car is modified and sold again. The price can be cheaper, but I think it will definitely make a profit!”

Jiang Bo’s eyes lit up, but he couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Good idea!”

The father and son had a very happy conversation, but the younger uncle Su Zixin rushed in quickly: “Brother-in-law, eldest nephew, watch TV, big news!”

The two of them were taken aback and turned on the TV.

A red flag slowly fell.

Jiang Cheng was dazed for a while, and then sighed softly: “Big brother, go all the way!~”

[I’m going out today, there is no update during the day, and it will continue to be updated at night, please support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation].

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