Chapter 55


Sitting in Jiang Bo’s office, Li Anding was interviewing Jiang Bo.

But Jiang Bo is a bit cautious. He doesn’t like being interviewed, and he still needs to be interviewed at Jiang Cheng’s suggestion.

It is a pity to give up such a good advertising opportunity.

It is especially important.

This is the Xinhua News Agency, almost equivalent to the official.

In desperation, Jiang Bo still chose to be interviewed. However, Jiang Bo still refused to take photos and chose to take photos of all the workers collectively.

“Overrated, overrated!” Jiang Bo smiled.

Li Anding took a breath, and then slowly said; “In this month, Bocheng’s cars have sold 61,000. It can be said that this has broken the sales record of domestic cars. May I ask. , What do you want to say about this record?”

Jiang Bo shook his head and slowly said: “I think our consumer market is still very large. The only thing we need to do is to make cars better, so that we can be worthy of consumers. At present, , Our Bocheng car still has many problems. We have to solve these problems!”

Li Anding was taken aback for a moment. This was the first time he saw a company that revealed its shortcomings. At the moment, he slowly said: “So, in your opinion, at present, who is Bocheng’s biggest opponent?”

Jiang Bo thought for a while, and then slowly said: “I think the most important competitor is time. Now our cars in China are still protected by the state, and will not go head-to-head with European and American car companies, but In the future, the economy will always develop. At that time, our competitors will be European and American companies. Therefore, we must build a huge and sustainable competitive manufacturing and R&D before the Chinese family car consumption blows out and the price war starts. system!”

“I am more inclined to let Bocheng build a system, a set of management systems, from top to bottom, so that we can access first-hand news and information, where there are problems with auto parts, and where there are imperfections. Only by asking questions can problems be solved. The system I want to build is a system for discovering problems. I am not afraid of making mistakes, but I am afraid that I have no mistakes!”

Li Anding didn’t know what to say for a while.

I feel that this Bo City is really different.

If you change someone else, I’m afraid that you have already boasted about your achievements with excitement, and expressed what you want to achieve in the future.

However, Jiang Bo’s feeling for himself is one word, steady.

Perhaps it is precisely because Bo City is stable enough that this can be achieved at this step.

Li Anding asked a few more questions, and Jiang Bo answered it according to his own thinking.

Later, when he wanted to take pictures, Jiang Bo refused. Jiang Bo asked Li Anding to take pictures of the workers, but hid himself behind the scenes.

Jiang Bo’s personality is like this, he doesn’t like to show his face.

If possible, he prefers to let no one notice him.

When Li Anding returned to the capital, he was not idle, but immediately began to write articles based on what he saw and heard.

“Why hasn’t China built cars well all along?”

Soon, this article caused an uproar in the election.

…(Read more @

Jiang Cheng saw Li Anding’s article, and for a while, he didn’t know what to say.

This looks like a well-known article in later generations.

In the previous article, all kinds of quotations, leaky arguments and arguments, almost sprayed the four major car companies to the mother and exploded, and then blew Bo City to the sky.

In terms of hygiene, management, and all aspects, it is all about fighting the four major car companies.

Bo City, the light of China’s future.

This bragging blow at least made Jiang Bo frown.

To be honest, he doesn’t like to flatter like this.

In all fairness, Jiang Cheng actually understands state-owned enterprises very well.

There is no way, the technology is really unable to keep up, and the management concept and equipment are indeed backward. It is almost impossible to compete with Europe and the United States at once.

China’s accumulation over the years still cannot be compared with the accumulation of hundreds of years in Europe and America.

This is determined by innate conditions.


It is also hoped that China’s car companies can improve.

Jiang Cheng still hopes that China’s car companies can also develop and improve rapidly, not only competing in the country, but also going global to have their own influence in the world.

“In the future, I won’t find me for such interviews!” Jiang Bo put down the newspaper in his hand but was a little upset.

“It’s okay, I’ll come here in the future!” Jiang Cheng smiled, and then slowly said.

0 ·········Find flowers·············

“That’s right!” Jiang Cheng looked at his father and slowly said, “I’m going abroad during this time!”

“Going abroad?” Jiang Bo was stunned: “What are you going to do abroad?”

“Dad, don’t forget!”

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes, and then slowly said, “Before, we invested in the Liaodong Golden Lion Bus Factory, and later let Yang Rong become a Brilliance Automobile, ready to be listed in the U.S.!”

“Really made him succeed?” Jiang Bo’s face showed an extremely surprised expression.


Jiang Cheng smiled, and then slowly said: “Now that I have entered the ipo stage, I think it will be listed at the end of the month. This kid is quite capable, so he really asked him to fool the American guy. Living!”

….. …….. …

Speaking of this, Jiang Cheng paused slightly, and continued: “Our family still has 20% of the shares in Brilliance Auto. I estimated that if it goes public, our 20% of the shares, At least it is worth 100 million U.S. dollars. Once the listing is successful, I am ready to cash out!!”

“This money, the more the better!”

While talking, Jiang Cheng shrugged and said: “I am going to the island country to buy a batch of equipment. In addition, I still plan to get a batch of equipment back in the United States. The normal channels are not working, and I still have to smuggle it. In the name!”

Jiang Cheng found out that among the countries in the world, the people who have the least morals are actually the Eagles.

As long as the money is in place, they can do everything for you.

It is not difficult for them to buy a batch of equipment from Yingguo people, and then transport it to Xiangjiang and then to China. It is not difficult for them, and large companies can also do it.

The Yingguo people did just that when they purchased CNC machine tools last time.

As long as the money is in place.

This time!

They will definitely be able to do it, and, with the fall of Big Brother, the Batumi Church will naturally disband, taking advantage of the fact that the new agreement has not yet been worked out.

Can bring a batch of equipment to China.

As long as the dollar is in place.

Today, the United States is stubbornly dissatisfied with everything, which can be said to have expanded to the extreme.

and also……

Short the pound! Righteousness.

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